NSTX_MOVE_MDSPLUS_FILES.MEM 03-Feb-2003 New NSTX data files are moved from NSTX$NEW$ to one of NSTX$ARC$ disks after one week. In general, we try to move the new data to one of the faster "archive" disks. As these faster disks fill up, move older data to older, slower disks: o Move to NSTX$:[DATA_MANAGEMENT] o Edit SUBMIT_MOVE_MDSPLUS.COM (first 2 lines) to specify $ SRC_DISK = "NSTX1" $ DEST_DISK = "NSTX4_DATA" or whatever is appropriate. o Execute "submit" procedure, providing shot number "template". Files are moved shot-by-shot, with all files for a given shot being moved together. $ @submit_move_mdsplus 1083* Template is NSTX1:[nstx_arc.*.10.83]*_1083* Submit? y SPE data files are also moved by the "move_mdsplus.com" procedure.