Adding TF category to CPUA 1) cpus.h o Define TF_CPUA. 2) cpu1_master.h o Need to estimate number of targets (continuous, fp step, int step, etc) for TF. o Create macros for CTA_TF(), FSTA_TF(), ISTA_TF(), etc (like GIS). o Add other TF-related items (compare to GIS-related items) : 3) Create tfcategory_master.h o based on giscategory_master.h, because it's short-ish. o include pcs_common.h to get IDX_TF def from rtcconfig.h. o modify ... o Remember: tf_ct_map_cpua[] must be initialized with CTA_TF() ids all entries. Likewise tf_fcn_map_cpua[] with FCNA_TF() ids. 4) Create tfalgorithms.h o Simply a list of algorithm "include"s 5) Create tf0_master.h o Basic algorithm for tf 6) categories.h o Add tfcategory_master.h o Add tfalgorithms.h 7) makeinstall o Add new files (tfcategory_master.h, tflagorithms.h, tf0_master.h) to INSTALL_INCLUDES list. MDSplus considerations: ppcc (i.e., o Create tcl file with tcl commands for current set of waveforms; copy it to VMS: > tcl_waveforms #creates new tcl_waveforms.tcl > ftp birch FTP> put tcl_waveforms.tcl VMS: o Edit "add_ppcc_pcs.tcl" if necessary, adding directories for new algorithms. o Redefine \pcs definitions in MDSplus: $ tcl TCL> edit engineering TCL> @add_ppcc_pcs !Note: this executes the tcl_waveforms.tcl file ! mentioned above ...