PCS_PSRTC_TESTING.MEM --------------------- After software change to RTC and/or PCS, perform the following tests. In general, d_000001.o should be identical to old version. If differences are correct, a new "reference" file should be created and added to cvs: filename $RTC_INPUT/d_[host]_[yymmdd].o New and "reference" d.o files can be compared with idl "readrtc.pro". ======================================================================= Testing psrtc only: ------------------ (in psc/rtc directory) > setenv RTC_INPUT $PWD/test2 > rtc860 > cmp d_000001.o $RTC_INPUT/d_[host]_[yymmdd] --> yymmdd is for latest ref file --> should be identical ======================================================================= Testing pcs + psrtc: (using "testPcs" files) ------------------- (in pcs directory) > cp ~gibney/psc/testPcs/NextShot.wa10 . > starpcs ...wait for startup > send_message_int $HOST 1235 4 > send_message_int $HOST 1235 5 (in psc/rtc directory) > setenv RTC_INPUT $PWD/testPcs > rtc860 -pcs > cmp d_000001.o $RTC_INPUT/d_[host]_[yymmdd] --> yymmdd is for latest ref file --> should be identical ======================================================================= Testing pcs + psrtc: (general case) ------------------- (in pcs directory) > starpcs ...wait for startup Note: pcs "Data Acqisition: operating setup data" should show "Normal" mode. "Time to stop" should match psrtc's "tmax" as shown at psrtc startup. > declare_evt ENGINEERING_TESTSHOT 900000 ...this creates/clears MDSplus files > send_message_int $HOST 1235 4 > send_message_int $HOST 1235 5 (in psc/rtc directory) Edit $RTC_INPUT/c.d : make nsubmode=1 (line 3) > rtc860 -pcs ...creates file d_000001.o > idl IDL> readrtc,file='d_000001.o'