Page and swap files can be added to a running system. An pagefile or swapfile which has been "extended" will only take effect after a system reboot. Notes: o On "satellite" systems (e.g. Kees): SYS$STARTUP:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM --> creates temporary page/swap files SYS$SYSTEM:SATELLITE_PAGE.COM --> deletes temporary page/swap files, creates "real" ones. o SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM --> SYS$MANAGER:nodenameSYSSEC.COM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To create (or extend) page/swap files: $ mcr sysgen SYSGEN> CREATE filename /SIZE=nblocks /NOCONTIG \ \ "extend" if version default num is specified To add to system: SYS$MANAGER:nodenameSYSSEC.COM o Include the following SYSGEN command: INSTALL filename /PAGEFILE (or /SWAPFILE)