16-Mar-2007 PR Making new linux (lark) test tree dtacqtest 1-2) Make a test directory and tell MDSplus about it Edit /etc/mdsplus.conf to define new path: dtacqtest_path /u/roney/dtacqtest (normal procedure is to make dated backup first; I also make mdsplus.conftemp, edit mdsplus.conftemp, do a differences between mdsplus.conf and mdsplus.conftemp, then copy mdsplus.conftemp on top of mdsplus.conf; this is intended to have mdsplus.conf be in a valid state at all times, since it is executed by every login, including remote mdsip logins) 3) Create shell for new model tree: mdstcl edit/new dtacqtest write exit 4) Use Traverser or MDStcl script to populate tree as desired 5) If tree is to be visible from portal/nstxpool, edit /p/nstxusr1/util/modulefiles/nstxtreedefs, first putting backup copy in modulesbk setenv mse_path "lark.pppl.gov:8501::" when finished, copy nstxtreedefs to /usr/pppl/Modules/modulefiles/nstx/treedefs (note difference in name) then module unload nstx/treedefs and module load nstx/treedefs to make definition take effect 6) If tree is to be visible from VMS, edit COM$MGR:COMSYSLNM.COM $ define/system/$ ! 21-Nov-2003 PR Added defn of mse tree (on lark) for MDSplus $ DEFINE/NOLOG/SYSTEM MSE$DATA lark.pppl.gov:8501:: VMS logical is $DATA where linux environment variable is _path 7) If/when tree becomes a production tree, add a structure node to tree larknstx with the tree's name, and then "set node/subtree "