Introducing the navigation tools

The NG4.1 navigation tools appear at the beginning and end of every information module.

Control panels

In the graphical control panel at the beginning of each module, and in the roadmaps that you can access from anywhere in the NG4.1 documentation, the background color serves as an orientation tool: it indicates your general location in the documentation:

NG4.1 home Click on this button to return to the NG4.1 home page.

Index Click on this button to open a new window that shows an index similar to the index you would expect at the end of a technical manual. Rather than listing page numbers, however, each entry in the index is a link to one location in the information system. Unlike the roadmap and contents tools, the index covers all three documents (User Guide, Quick Start Guide, and Reference Manual), not just the current document.

Examples Click on this button to open a new window that shows the utilities that have HLU, NCL, and/or GUI examples available. Click on one of these utilities to see images of all examples available for that utility. Click on one of the examples to see an explanation of how the code produces that example.

Glossary Click on this button to view the glossary of terms and acronyms used in NG4. Use your browser's "back" button to return to your previous location.

Table of Contents Click on this button to open a new window that shows the table of contents for the current document (either the User Guide, the Quick Start Guide, or the Reference Manual). Each table of contents shows all headings in the document, organized as they would be if this were a conventional printed book. Click on any heading in the contents to move to that module.

Feedback Click on this button to open a form that allows you to submit comments, questions, and requests about the documentation and the NG4.1 software.

Roadmap Click on this button to see a graphical representation of how the information modules in the current document are organized (either the User Guide, the Quick Start Guide, or the Reference Manual).

You can click on any module shown on the roadmap graphic to move to that module. The roadmaps have been subdivided to make them small enough for use on normal-sized workstation screens.

The highlighted box on the roadmap graphic indicates which module you were just viewing. The background color indicates your general location in the interactive documentation:

Hypertext links

Throughout the text and graphics that make up the NG4.1 documentation modules, hypertext links are provided to lead you to additional useful information. These links are highlighted in a way that is determined by your browser (Netscape, Mosaic, Lynx, etc.) and the computer system on which it is running.

To avoid providing too many links (which quickly becomes distracting), we have made every effort to place links only where they will be relevant to what we believe you might need as you use the documentation.

NCAR Graphics 4.1 Control Panel

NG 4.1 Home, Index, Examples, Glossary, Feedback, NG4.1 Contents, NG4.1 WhereAmI?

$Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 1998/06/15 20:41:23 $