; ; $Id: xy03n.ncl,v 1.15 1998/04/15 22:43:58 haley Exp $ ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; Copyright (C) 1995 ; ; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ; ; All Rights Reserved ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; File: xy03n.ncl ;; ;; Author: Mary Haley ;; National Center for Atmospheric Research ;; PO 3000, Boulder, Colorado ;; ;; Date: Thu Feb 9 07:47:16 MST 1995 ;; ;; Description: This program shows how to create an XyPlot object ;; with some of the XyPlot line resources tweaked. A ;; resource file is used to changed the resources ;; except in those cases where a resource is an array ;; and can only be changed programmatically. ;; This program uses the same Y-axis dataset as the ;; example "xy02", but this time values for the X ;; axis are specified, changing the look of the plot. ;; ;; The "CoordArrays" object is used to set up the data. ;; ; ; Begin NCL script. ; begin ; ; Create variables to contain data. ; npts = 500 ; ; Modify the color map. Color indices '0' and '1' are the background ; and foreground colors respectively. ; cmap = (/ (/0.0,0.0,0.0/), \ (/1.0,1.0,1.0/), \ (/0.0,0.5,1.0/), \ (/0.0,1.0,0.0/) /) ; ; Initialize some data for the XyPlot object. ; xdra = 500.+.9*ispan(0,npts-1,1)*cos(0.031415926535898*ispan(0,npts-1,1)) ydra = 500.+.9*ispan(0,npts-1,1)*sin(0.031415926535898*ispan(0,npts-1,1)) ; ; Create Application object. The Application object name is used to ; determine the name of the resource file, which is "xy03.res" in this ; case. ; appid = create "xy03" appClass defaultapp "appDefaultParent" : True "appUsrDir" : "./" end create ; ; Default is to display output to an X workstation ; NCGM=0 X11=1 PS=0 if (NCGM .eq. 1) then ; ; Create an ncgmWorkstation object. ; xworkid = create "xy03Work" ncgmWorkstationClass defaultapp "wkMetaName" : "xy03n.ncgm" "wkColorMap" : cmap end create else if (X11 .eq. 1) then ; ; Create an XWorkstation object. ; xworkid = create "xy03Work" xWorkstationClass defaultapp "wkPause" : True "wkColorMap": cmap end create else if (PS .eq. 1) then ; ; Create a PSWorkstation object. ; xworkid = create "xy03Work" psWorkstationClass defaultapp "wkPSFileName" : "xy03n.ps" "wkColorMap" : cmap end create end if end if end if ; ; Define the data object. The id for this object will later be used ; as the value for the XyPlot data resource, "xyCoordData". ; dataid = create "xyData" coordArraysClass defaultapp "caXArray": xdra "caYArray": ydra end create ; ; Create the XyPlot object which is created as a child of the ; Xworkstation object. The resources that are being changed are done ; in the "xy03.res" file, and they will affect this XyPlot object. ; plotid = create "xyPlot" xyPlotClass xworkid "xyCoordData": dataid end create ; ; Draw the plot. ; draw(plotid) frame(xworkid) ; ; End NCL script. ; end