begin ; ; Create an X workstation to draw on. ; wid = create "wks" xWorkstationClass defaultapp end create ; ; Create the default map plot. ; mapid = create "map" mapPlotClass wid end create ; ; Draw the map. ; draw(mapid) ; ; Retrieve the view port coordinates of the map so you can draw the tick ; marks in the exact same location. ; getvalues mapid "vpXF" : vpx "vpYF" : vpy "vpWidthF" : vpwidth "vpHeightF" : vpheight end getvalues ; ; Create a TickMark object. ; tmid = create "tickmarks" tickMarkClass wid "vpXF" : vpx ; Set the viewport location of the "vpYF" : vpy ; tick marks to be the same as "vpWidthF" : vpwidth ; the map. "vpHeightF" : vpheight "tmYLDataBottomF" : -90.0 ; The default map projection goes "tmYLDataTopF" : 90.0 ; from -90,90 latitude and -180,180 "tmXBDataLeftF" : -180.0 ; longitude, so use these same "tmXBDataRightF" : 180.0 ; values for the tick marks. "tmXBLabelFont" : 22 ; Change the font and size of the "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : 0.015 ; bottom tick mark labels. "tmXBMode" : "Explicit" ; Set the tick mark labeling mode ; to "explicit" so that you can ; explicitly define where you want ; tickmarks and their labels with ; the resources "tmXBValues" and ; "tmXBLabels." "tmXBValues" : (/-180., -120., -60., 0., 60., 120., 180./) "tmXBLabels" : (/"180W","120W","60W","0","60E","120E","180E"/) "tmYLLabelFont" : 22 ; Change the font and size of the "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : 0.015 ; left tick mark labels. "tmYLMode" : "Explicit" "tmYLValues" : (/-90., -60., -30., 0., 30., 60., 90./) "tmYLLabels" : (/"90S","60S","30S","0","30N","60N","90N"/) end create ; ; Draw the TickMark object. ; draw(tmid) ; ; Advance the frame. ; frame(wid) end