MMM95 Transport Model Prepared by Glenn Bateman -- Arnold Kritz -- Note this transport model has been tested and used only with double precision. REVISION HISTORY ---------------- date Description 18-Dec-2001 Resistive ballooning diffusivity = abs ( ... ) in order to avoid negative diffusivities when the pressure profile gradient reverses 13-Aug-2001 Fixed normalization of gamma and omega 09-Mar-1999 Revamped comments and included changes as suggested by D. McCune, module reviewer for NTCC. UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS > gunzip mmm95.tar.gz > tar xvf mmm95.tar INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRINTING DOCUMENTATION: LaTeX files can be produced from three of the source files by typing: > mmm95.f > weiland14.f > test_mmm95.f The resulting LaTeX files can be turned into PostScript files by typing: (Note: apply latex to these files twice to obtain correct cross-references.) > latex mmm95.tex > latex mmm95.tex > dvips -f mmm95.dvi > with the same procedure applied to weiland14.tex and test_mmm95.tex. CONTENTS: This directory should contain the following files: README test_mmm95.f mmm95.f weiland14.f tomsqz.f stripx.f sample_input_1 sample_input_2 sample_input_3 sample_output_1_ibm sample_output_1_hp sample_output_1_sgi sample_output_2_ibm sample_output_2_hp sample_output_2_sgi sample_output_3_ibm sample_output_3_hp sample_output_3_sgi makefile (uses gmake) These files are as follows: README: This file. Brief descriptions of the other files, and instructions for compiling the module containing the MMM95 transport model and its driver. Note, the MMM95 routine has been only tested using double precision with the precision set by compiler flags. test_mmm95.f: File containing fortran code and documentation. The fortran routine in file test_mmm95.f reads the input file "input" and writes the output file, "output". Parabolic density and temperature profiles, and the associated normalized gradients are prepared for the call to the mmm95 subroutine. Contributions of each of the modes to the thermal and particle diffusitivities, along with their contributions to the convective velocities are written to the file "output". mmm95.f: File containing fortran code and documentation. Plasma transport coefficients obtained using the Multi-Mode transport model, are computed. Contributions to transport from the kinetic ballooning and resistive ballooning modes are computed in this routine. The contributions form drift wave modes as described by Weiland are in the weiland14.tex described below. Note, if the Multi-Mode module is used in another code, attention must be given to the dimension requirements for cswitch, lswitch, fig, fkb, and frb as indicated in the mmm95 routine. weiland14.tex: LaTeX file, with fortran code embedded inside, that describes the Weiland computation of the itg and tem contributions to transport. The embedded fortran calls weiland14flux where the transport fluxes and diffusivities are computed. This computation is carried out using the routines in tomsqz.f. weiland14.f: File containing fortran code and documentation. This routine computes transport from the Weiland model for drift modes [Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) and Trapped Eelectron Modes (TEM)]. This routine calls weiland14flux where the transport fluxes and diffusivities are computed. This computation is carried out using the routines in tomsqz.f. tomsqz.f: Wrapper for the ACM/TOMS routine 535 implementing the QZ algorithm solving Ax = lambda Bx where A and B are complex matrices. Three subroutines are called in the tomsqz.f file. These are cqzhes, which contains the first step in the QZ algorithm, cqzval, the second and third steps in QZ algorithm and cqzvec which contains the fourth step in QZ algorithm. stripx.f: Utility routine, used by the driver program, which strips all annotation and comments out of the input namelist before it is read. Python utility script that converts specially labeled comments (comment lines that begin with !| in Fortran code) into imbedded LaTeX documentation (which is placed between \end{verbatim} and \begin{verbatim} to separate the LaTeX documentation from the surrounding Fortran code). sample_input_1: Sample input namelist for running this module that contains mutlti-mode MMM95 transport model. Flow Shear is set equal to 0. Copy this file to a file called "input" before running this module. sample_input_2: Sample input namelist for running this module that contains mutlti-mode MMM95 transport model. Flow Shear is turned on in this case. Copy this file to a file called "input" before running this module. sample_input_3: Sample input namelist for running this module that contains mutlti-mode MMM95 transport model. Supershot test case with more peaked profiles. Copy this file to a file called "input" before running this module. sample_output_1_ibm: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_1" file is copied to "input" and used on the RS6000 computer. sample_output_1_hp: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_1" file is copied to "input" and used on the HP computer. sample_output_1_sgi: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_1" file is copied to "input" and used on the Silicon Graphics computer. sample_output_2_ibm: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_2" file is copied to "input" and used on the RS6000 computer. sample_output_2_hp: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_2" file is copied to "input" and used on the HP computer. sample_output_2_sgi: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_2" file is copied to "input" and used on the Silicon Graphics computer. sample_output_3_ibm: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_3" file is copied to "input" and used on the RS6000 computer. sample_output_3_hp: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_3" file is copied to "input" and used on the HP computer. sample_output_3_sgi: Sample output. This file contains the output that should be produced in file "output" when the the "sample_input_3" file is copied to "input" and used on the Silicon Graphics computer. makefile: File used by the gmake utility. NOTE, "gmake" not "make" must be used. This makefile has been written to work on the IBM/AIX, SUN/Solaris, SGI/IRIX, HP/UX, and DEC platforms and can be modified to work on other systems. This makefile contains the instructions for compiling and building the "xmmm95" program. The executable file, "xmmm95" is constructed using the files described above. COMPILATION INSTRUCTIONS: * First, set the environmental variable "CPU" to one of the following: FUJITSU for the Lahey/Fujitsu F90/95 compiler on LINUX systems IBM for the standard compiler on IBM/AIX workstations SOL for the standard compiler on Sun Solaris workstations SGI for the standard compiler on SGI Origin 200 workstations DEC for the standard compiler on DEC alpha workstations HP for the standard compiler on Hewlett Packard workstations For example, in the Bourne shell on an SGI workstation, type: export CPU=SGI If you are using the C-shell on an SGI workstation, type setenv CPU SGI * To compile the stand-alone test code "xmmm95" simply type: gmake at the unix prompt. The makefile contains all the instructions needed by the "gmake" utility to create the test executable, which is called "xmmm95". NOTE: The makefile uses make-variable CPU to control platform- dependent settings. CPU can be set either by defining an environment variable CPU, or by editting the makefile to include a line CPU=... , or by typing CPU=... on the gmake execute line. If CPU is not set, it is defaulted to IBM. This version of the makefile is prepared for CPU=IBM (for an IBM/AIX system), for CPU=SOL (for Solaris), for CPU=SGI (for the SGI Origin 200), for CPU=DEC (for the DEC), and for CPU=HP (for the Hewlett Packard), and for the Lahey/Fujitsu F90/95 compiler set CPU=FUJITSU. If you add another CPU branch to the makefile, please let us know what works. * If the make utility does not work, or if the module is being compiled on a non-IBM, non-SUN platform, non-SGI, non-DEC, or non-HP platform then the compilations will need to be done by hand. What follows are step-by-step instructions for creating the test executable xmmm95. 1) Compile and produce object codes for "test_mmm95.f", "mmm95.f", "weiland14.f", "tomsqz.f" and "stripx.f". Suppose the Fortran 90 compiler on your system is called "f90". Suppose "-r8" is the option needed to promote all single precision variables to double precision. An object code is produced when the compiler is invoked with a "-c" option: f90 -c -r8 -o test_mmm95.o test_mmm95.f f90 -c -r8 -o mmm95.o mmm95.f f90 -c -r8 -o weiland14.o weiland14.f f90 -c -r8 -o tomsqz.o tomsqz.f f90 -c -r8 -o stripx.o stripx.f 4) Link these object codes together, producing the executable "xip". For example: f90 -r8 -o xmmm95 \ test_mmm95.o mmm95.o weiland14.o tomzqz.o stripx.o There are, of course, several compiling options that one could use when carrying out steps (1)-(4). The makefile contains the recommended compiling options for the IBM and SUN systems, along with a brief description of each. These comments should make the task of finding analogous compiling options on another system easier. RUNNING INTRUCTIONS: "xmmm95" requires only one input file, the namelist "input". To produce each of the test cases, copy the sample input file, "sample_input", to the file "input" and run "xmmm95". As it runs, "xmmm95" will generate two files: "temp" and "output". "temp" is a temporary file, containing the input namelist without annotation and notes. "temp" is actually the file read during the namelist read in the xmmm95 program. "output" is the output file. At the beginning of this file, the input namelist (with annotation) is reproduced. Then, the program produces a substantial amount of diagnostic output, which fills out the rest of this file. When this package is ported to a new platform, it is suggested that the test cases be run first. Each time, compare the output file "output" to the appropriate sample output file, in order to verify that all is working as expected. For machines other than HP and IBM, use the SGI version sample output files for comparison. When sbrtn mmm95 is used in the BALDUR transport code to compute particle and thermal fluxes, smoothing of the gradients is normally needed for numerical stability. Note that the lower bounds of the gradient scale lengths are limited by the poloidal ion Larmor radius (zlarpo) in sbrtn mmm95. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS, PLEASE CONTACT EITHER: GLENN BATEMAN, Lehigh University or ARNOLD KRITZ, Lehigh University This implementation of the MMM95 transport model is based on work carried out by: Glenn Bateman, Lehigh University Jon Kinsey, Lehigh University and currently at General Atomics Jan Weiland, Chalmers University Par Strand, Chamlers University Hans Nordman, Chalmers University Clifford Singer, University of Illinois James Drake, University of Maryland Parvez Guzdar, University of Maryland