
This fortran library gives access to TRANSP output data. The TRANSP output data can be stored in TRANSP legacy formats, in NetCDF format, or in MDS+.

The routines in this library give access to the core functionality of the legacy TRANSP `rplot' output data browser, that is, access to:

 -- establishment of connection to a TRANSP run.

 -- table of contents
    -- lists of scalar functions f(t), with labels & physical units.
    -- lists of profile functions f(x[j],t), with labels & units,
       and associated x axis data which can also vary with time t.
    -- lists of "scalar multigraphs" -- groupings of related scalar
       functions all with the same physical units and each with 
       associated sign factor +/-1
    -- lists of "profile multigraphs" -- groupings of related profile
       functions all with the same phsical units, x axis, and each
       with associated sign factor +/-1.
    -- (multigraphs are typically used to construct particle-, 
       momentum-, or power-balance plots).

 -- the data itself
    -- timebase for scalar functions f(t).
    -- timebase for profile functions f(x,t).
    -- the scalar functions {f(t)}.
    -- the profile functions {f(x,t)} (the time evolving x axes are
       also considered profile functions).

 -- the calculator
    -- string based, algebraic syntax.
    -- standard arithmetic operators and mathematical functions.
    -- numerical integration and differentiation.
    -- geometry-dependent operators such as volume integrators and
       flux-surface-averaged gradient operators.
    -- constants, scalar functions, and categories of profile functions 
       as supported data types.
    -- ability to create user defined scalar and profile functions.
    -- ability to create and modify multigraph definitions.
    -- ability to access data from multiple runs for comparison.

 -- extraction of MHD equilibrium data at specified time or averaged 
    over a time range.

 -- extraction of scalar or profile information at a specified time or
    averaged over a time range.

 -- extraction of TRANSP namelist data
    -- Z's and A's of plasma species
    -- limiter locations
    -- TRANSP run control options
    -- etc., etc.
The library routines can be used to drive time-dependent or time-slice based post-processors, acquire data for loading of relational databases, or to build a modern (e.g. IDL or AVS/express based) GUI-oriented data browser tool to replace the ancient command line `rplot' data browser.