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Shot Triggered CUPLOT Display

The CUPLOT utility can be set to execute a specified command every time data is ready for the next shot. For example to plot the beam power, neutron count, and total power for each shot do:

    $ CUPLOT
    Command[ ]? OP PA N            !turn off the pause after each plot
    Command[ ]? DE NB-BP-SL NE-SP-SL D-PTOT ;
    Command[ ]? XT 2 6             !set time window
    Command[ ]? SH NEXT

To do something more complicated than just read the data and plot, put your commands in a file, such as ``MY_COMMAND.COM'' and use:

    $ CUPLOT
    Command[ ]? OP PA N           !turn off the pause after each plot
    Command[ ]? DE NB-BP-SL NE-SP-SL D-PTOT ;
    Command[ ]? WD
    Name of event to wait for[ANT_ALL]? ,
    Command string[ ]? @MY_COMMAND
where MY_COMMAND.COM could contain:
        R                 !read the data
        SM F* ,,          !smooth it
        P                 !plot it
Note that the file does not set the shot number; this is set for you to the most recent shot by the WD command.

Marilee Thompson
Thu Jul 10 14:31:47 EDT 1997