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Type Summary Information About the Data


The ``Type'' commands list what data elements are in a file, and give a summary of the data values.

lists all the waveform names for a shot, or the raw data devices if the digraph is non-blank:   

		SH 55806

TD !list waveforms

DI BR TD !raw data for digraph BR

DI ' ' TD !back to waveforms

lists the titles (descriptions) for waveforms, Snap or Globe channels, or Transp vectors and profiles. The waveform list can be restricted to a single digraph. Snap, Globe, and Transp lists can be restricted to titles that begin with a given string:   

	SH 55806

TT MB !Waveforms for digraph MB

TT G !Globe channels

Match string (* for all)? *

TT S !Snap channels

Match string (* for all)? TE !that begin with TE

TT SR !Snap major radius channels

Match string (* for all)? Q !that begin with Q

TT SA !Snap minor radius channels

Match string (* for all)? Q !that begin with Q

SH 55806A08

TT T90 !Transp profiles for 1990

Match string (* for all)? TE !that begin with TE

lists the derived waveform names; it does not check that any are available.

lists the history comment for all waveforms or waveforms for a single digraph.  

types the minimum, maximum, and average value for each element you have read, within the x axis window.   

	SH 55806


R TA !read and type averages

The output from the above commands is:
NB-BP-SL        55806   2000   6.985     -8.055E-04   33.2       0.000   0.000
NE-SP-SL        55806    781  2.9718E+15  0.000E+00  5.029E+16   0.000   0.000

types the average, range, and standard deviation for each element you have read, within the x axis window.
NB-BP-SL        55806   2000   6.985       33.2       13.3       0.000   0.000
NE-SP-SL        55806    781  2.9718E+15  5.029E+16  9.725E+15   0.000   0.000

lists the times of interest for the shot.   
	Command[ ]? SH 55806 TOI

TOI1 2.00

TOI2 2.50

TOI3 3.95

TOI4 3.45

TOI5 4.80

. . .

TBON 3.01

TBOF 4.40

DTS1 not available

DTS2 not available

types the values of Snap scalers. The output shows the channel number, the channel name, and the value.  
	Command[ ]? SH 55806 TS

S for snap reals, SI for snap integers[S]? S

Match initial string (* all)[*]? TE

4159 TE_EDGE 3.000E-02

4160 TE_KA 7.339

4161 TE_PHA 8.061

. . .

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 12:49:48 EDT 1997