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Set Log Mode and Grid Appearance


You can control the plot appearance via the Options command. This command lets you select from a submenu list of items that affect various aspects of the plot appearance. Here we discuss two of the submenu items; the remainder are described in section 4.4.

controls whether the y axis is displayed using log scale.   

	Command[ ]? O LOG

Set log scale for frame[F*]? ,

Use log scale for Y axis[N]? Y

  sets parameters that control the appearance of the grid (the axes and ticks). The item you are most likely to want to change is the form of the axis tick marks. When these are long they form grid lines; when short, there are no grid lines. If you type a return after the ``O G'' command, a reminder of the tick choices are output: ``none'' means no tick marks; ``short outside'' is a stub that is completely outside the axis lines; ``short inside'' is a stub that is inside the axis lines; ``short thru'' is a stub that is half inside and half outside the axis lines; ``grid thru'' is a grid line that extends through the axis to a stub outside; ``grid inside'' is a grid line that extends only to axis lines. For more information about axes and grids, type HELP SG to access the SG graphics library documentation.

	Command[ ]? O G

Ticks: 1=none, 2=short outside, 3=short inside,

4=short thru, 5=grid thru, 6=grid inside

1=Y Linear, 2=Y Log[1]? ,

Neat X axis[1]? , !expand axis to next minor tick

Neat Y axis[1]? ,

X tick form[6]? 3 !no internal grid lines Y tick form[6]? 3

Tick size[16]? , !length of ticks in pixels

1=Single Grid, 2=Double Grid[2]? ,

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 12:49:48 EDT 1997