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Specify Data by Frame/Curve Slot


You can also specify the data for multiple frames and overlaid curves using the DP, DC, and DF commands. These commands allow you to set individual frames to log scale, to set different legend options for each frame, and to select any curves as error bars (not just the second curve in the frame). You can intermix setting parameters such as the view window via the DF command with the XT/XM/YT/YM commands; whichever command is entered last takes effect.  

	Command[ ]? DP ;			!clear page

Command[ ]? DC F1C1 !define curve F1C1

DataElement,...[ ]? DE MB-IP-SL ;

Command[ ]? DC F1C2

DataElement,...[ ]? DE MD-ET-SL ;

Command[ ]? DF 1 YM 0 3.E6 ; !Y window for frame 1

Command[ ]? DC F2C1

DataElement,...[ ]? DE TS-TE-PR:TS-RA-PS ;

Command[ ]? DC F2C2

DataElement,...[ ]? DE TS-TE-ER:TS-RA-PS

DataElement,...[ ]? EB Y

DataElement,...[ ]? ; !end of DC command

Command[ ]? DF 2 YM 0 12 ;

Command[ ]? SH 55806

Command[ ]? XT 2 6 !X window for all frames

Command[ ]? G

If you enter the shot number inside the DC command, it applies to that curve only; if it is outside (as in the example above), it applies to all curves. These commands allow you to plot curves from one shot in frame 1 and curves from a different shot in frame 2; however in this case it is recommended that you manually enter frame titles (YD command) as the plot header and frame title information will be misleading. You can enter a different shot for each frame/curve slot.

Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 12:49:48 EDT 1997