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Plot as Contours


CUPLOT can display 2D data as a set of contour levels. In 4105 mode each level can be a different color and there is a separate option to color fill between the contour lines. If you have 2D data from two shots all contours for the first are one color and the contours for the second are a different color; in this case color fill between the levels is not allowed. The XT window affects the vertical axis. The YT window affects the number and value of the levels. The z axis is the horizontal axis.

plots the data as contours. If you specify two shot numbers the contours for the second shot overlay those for the first, as seen in Figure 4.   

	SH 46562 S2 46563

DE [FM]A.FMA ; !2D ufile


XT 3 5


The contour lines, and associated fill areas, use the color sequence set by the ``O K'' (Option Kolor) command. The first area (space outside the first contour level) is not filled; thus it appears white.

Figure 4: Contour plot of MIRI density for two shots

sets options related to contour plots.  

	O C

Number of contours[8]? ,

Number of colors[0]? ,

Shade between lines[N]? ,

Label contour levels[Y]? ,

IR buffer size (0=default=1000)[0]? ,

PL buffer size (0=default=2000)[0]? ,

AREA buffer size (0=default=80000)[0]? ,

The contour fill routine needs three temporary buffers. The size of the IR buffer is proportional to the length of the longest single contour line; the size of the PL buffer to the length of the longest line enclosing an area to be filled; the size of the AREA buffer, to the total number of enclosed areas. The defaults for these buffers, indicated by the ``default=nnn'' in the prompt, are adequate for most reasonable data. If any buffer is not big enough, the plot will abort with a message such as ``PL buffer overflow'' at the bottom of the plot page. In this case increase the size of that buffer and try again.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 12:49:48 EDT 1997