Note that if slice & stack or partial slice & stack mapping is being used for the ECE data, then these data points should be deleted even if the upturn in Te occurs outside the plasma.
In SNAP version (6.0), CUPLOT uses this corrected major radius array as the DEFAULT grid for all plots of ECE Te profiles, both for plots of the raw and processed Te data. If you wish to plot the data against a major radius grid for which 58#58 was assumed-for example, if you want to compare it to ECE waveforms, which make this assumption-you must override CUPLOTś default x-axis by manually specifying an x-axis name. For example, asking for a device YS_TE_RAW:YS_TEUR_RAW would plot the raw YS Te(R) profile on a major radius grid uncorrected for the paramagnetic and diamagnetic effects. If you simply asked to plot YS_TE_RAW (or YS_TE), the x-axis would represent the correct major radius mapping.
It might seem more logical to precede the QUANTITY with an ``R'' to identify it as a radius grid, e.g., RTI for a major radius grid for a Ti(R) profile. We elected to do the reverse so that all TI profiles will be printed together in an alphabetical listing.

Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 15:18:44 EDT 1997