TRANSP REFERENCES -- last updated Apr May 1998 TRANSP is a large comprehensive time-dependent tokamak transport data analysis code developed at PPPL. At this time, there is no comprehensive single description of the models in TRANSP, however references for most of the basic models are listed below. PPPL VMS users: Documentation of how to control these models, their interactions, and a variety of diagnostic simulations is available online through VMS Help by typing $ TRANSPHELP Instructions on how to become a PPPL TRANSP user, with access to PPPL TRANSP output data, is available on the VAXcluster by way of the command $ HELP TRANSP Non-PPPL users: A recent HTML-ized version of the TRANSP HELP file is available on the web at: [Note, the TRANSP HELP file was originally developed for PPPL users. However, items under the NAMELIST subtree are of interest to all TRANSP users at any site]. Basic Plasma Transport Equations (and overall approach)... ========================================================== R.J. Hawryluk, "An Empirical Approach to Tokamak Transport", in Physics of Plasmas Close to Thermonuclear Conditions, ed. by B. Coppi, et al., (CEC, Brussels, 1980), Vol. 1, p. 19. J. Ongena, M. Evrard, D. McCune, "Numerical Transport Codes", in the Proceedings of the Third Carolus Magnus Summer School on Plasma Physics, (Spa, Belgium, Sept 1997), as published in Transactions of Fusion Technology, March, 1998, Vol. 33, No. 2T, pp. 181-191. PPPL papers describing use of the TRANSP code... ================================================ R. V. Budny, M. G. Bell, H. Biglari, et al., "Simulations of deuterium- tritium experiments in TFTR", Nucl Fusion 32 (1992) 429. R. V. Budny, D. Coster, D. Stotler, et. al., "Particle balance in a TFTR supershot", J. Nuclear Mater. 196-198 (1992) 462. R. V. Budny, "A standard DT supershot simulation", Nucl Fusion 34 (1994) 1247 P. C. Efthimion, et al., "Tritium Transport and Influx, and Helium Ash Measurements on TFTR During DT Operations", in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1994, (Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Seville, 1994, Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 289. R. V. Budny, M. G. Bell, A. C. Janos, et al., "Simulations of alpha parameters in a TFTR DT supershot with high fusion power", Nucl Fusion 35 (1995) 1497. R. V. Budny, D. R. Ernst, T. S. Hahm, et al., "Local transport in Joint European Tokmak edge-localized, high confinement mode plasmas with H, D, DT, and T isotopes", Physics of Plas 7 (2000) 5038 Neutral Transport... ==================== S. Tamor, J. Comput. Phys. 40 (1981) 104. This model (ANTIC) has been extended to include multiple ion and neutral species (including Helium), interaction with fast ions, recombination, volume neutral sources from beam deposition, and to use updated cross- sections. MHD Equilibrium (several alternative models available): ======================================================= Shifted-Circles Shafranov... V.D. Shafranov, "Plasma Equilibrium in a Magnetic Field", in Reviews of Plasma Physics (Consultants Bureau, New York, 1966) Vol. 2, p. 103 VMEC (>2 moments updown symmetric, VMEC6 for updown asymmetry) S.P. Hirshman, U. Schwena, J. Nuhrenberg, J. Comp. Phys. 87 (1990) 396. JSOLVER (general geometry) DeLucia, J., Jardin, S. C., Todd, A. M. M., J. Comput. Phys. 37 183 (1980) ESC (general geometry) Zakharov, LE, Pletzer, A, 'Theory of Perturbed Equilibria for Solving the Grad-Shafranov Equation', Phys Plasmas 6 (1999) 4693 Neoclassical Model: =================== NCLASS W.A. Houlberg et al., "Bootstrap Current and Neoclassical Transport in Tokamaks of Arbitrary Collisionality and Aspect Ratio", Phys. Plasmas 4 (9), Sept. 1997, pp 3230-3242. Poloidal Field Evolution... =========================== M.C. Zarnstorff, et al., "Parallel Electrical Resistivity in the TFTR Tokamak", Phys. Fluids B 2 (1990) 1857. M.C. Zarnstorff, et al., "Bootstrap Current in TFTR", PRL Vol. 60 No. 13 (1988) 1306. F.L. Hinton and R.D. Hazeltine, Rev. Mod. Phys. 42 (1976) 239. Monte Carlo Beam Deposition and Slowing-Down Model... ===================================================== R.J. Goldston et al., "New Techniques for Calculating Heat and Particle Source Rates due to Neutral Beam Injection in Axisymmetric Tokamaks", J. Comp. Phys. 43 (1981) 61. A. Pankin, D. McCune, R. Andre et al., "The Tokamak Monte Carlo Fast Ion Module NUBEAM in the National Transport Code Collaboration Library", Computer Physics Communications Vol. 159, No. 3 (2004) 157-184. Bounce-Averaged Fokker-Planck Beam/ICRF Model... ================================================ G.W. Hammett, "Fast Ion Studies of Ion Cyclotron Heating in the PLT Tokamak", Ph.D. Thesis (Princeton, 1986). ICRF Full Wave Solvers... ========================= TORIC: M. Brambilla, Plasma Phys. Cont. Fusion 41, 1 (1999). SPRUCE: Michel Evrard, Jef Ongena, and D. Van Eester "Improved dielectric tensor in the ICRF module of TRANSP", in AIP Conference Proceedings 355, Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas, 11th topical conference, Palm Springs (1995) p.235 D.N. Smithe, et al., "An Algorithm for the Calculation of Three- dimensional ICRF Fields in Tokamak Geometry", Nucl. Fusion 27 (1987) 1319. FPPMOD (Fokker-Planck solver coupled to full wave solvers): Hammett, G.W., "Fast Ion Studies of Ion Cyclotron Heating in the PLT Tokamak", PhD thesis, Princeton University 1986. Angular Momentum Balance... =========================== R.J. Goldston, in Basic Physical Processes of Toroidal Fusion Plasmas (Proc. Course and Workshop Varenna, 1985) EUR-10418-EN, (CEC, Brussels, 1986) Vol. 1, p. 165. Optional Sawtooth Reconnection... ================================= B.B. Kadomtsev, Sov. J. Plasma Phys. 1 (1975) 389. Pellet Deposition (for comparison)... ===================================== S.L. Milora, ORNL/TM-8616 (1983). W.A. Houlberg, M.A. Iskra, H.C. Howe, S.E. Attenberger, ORNL/TM-6549 (1979). .............................. Cross-sections (atomic physics) =============================== C.F. Barnett, H.T. Hunter, M.I. Kirkpatrick, I. Alvarez, C. Cisneros, R.A. Phaneuf, Atomic Data for Fusion, Vol. 1, Collisions of H, He, and Li Atoms and Ions with Atoms and Molecules, ORNL-6086/V1 (July 1990). R.A. Phaneuf, R.K. Janev, M.S. Pindzola, Atomic Data for Fusion, Vol. 5, Collisions of Carbon and Oxygen Ions with Electrons, H, H2, and He, ORNL-6090/V5 (5th volume of ORNL-6086) (Feb. 1987). R.K. Janev, W.D. Langer, K. Evans Jr., D.E. Post, Jr., Elementary Processes in Hydrogen-Helium Plasmas, Springer-Verlag, 1987 excited states correction for energetic beam neutral deposition: R.K. Janev, C.D. Boley, D.E. Post, Nucl. Fusion Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 2125-2140 (1989) Cross-sections (nuclear fusion) =============================== H-S. Bosch, Review of Data and Formulas for Fusion Cross-sections, IPP I/252 (Sept 1990). .............................. Various other portions of TRANSP have been discussed in posters at the APS-DPP meeting (e.g. the handling of the compression terms due to variation of the magnetic geometry in time). Copies of these posters are available from Douglas McCune at PPPL (phone 609-243-2731).