Workshop on Long Time Simulations of Kinetic Plasmas

April 21, 2006

Pryor AB (Atrium Level)

Hyatt Regency, Dallas, TX


Session 1: Diamond

08:30 Lee: Issues to be addressed in this workshop

08:40 Krommes: Physics in Steady State Turbulence

09:00 Lin: Global TEM and ETG Simulations using GTC

09:20 Parker: ITG and ETG Simulations using GEM

09:40 Ethier: Convergence Studies of ITG and ETG using GTC

10:00 Nevins: Discrete Particle Noise in ITG Turbulence


10:20 Coffee Break


Session 2: Parker

10:35 Park: Latest Fluctuation Measurements on NSTX

10:55 Ghizzo: Study of Nonlinear kinetic effects in stimulated Raman Back-scattering scenario using semi-Lagrangian Vlasov code

11:15 Qin: Delta-f particle simulations of long time behavior of collective effects in high intensity charged particle beams

11:35 Holod: Transport driven by random fluctuations: theory and simulation

11:45 Jenkins: Fluctuations in nonlinearly saturated drift wave simulations

11:55 Diamond: Fluctuations in Turbulent Plasmas


12:15 Lunch


Session 3: Lin

01:30 Chen: EM simulations using GEM

01:50 Wang: Turbulence and Neoclassical Simulations in General Geometry

02:10 Nishimura: Global electromagnetic simulation using GTC

02:30 Xu: Formulation of 5D Edge Gyrokinetic Simulations

02:50 Chang/Ku: Formulation of Edge PIC Gyrokinetic Simulation


03:10 Coffee Break


Session 4: Lee

03:25 Noguchi: Implicit Schemes for Particle Codes

03:45 Dewar: Simulation of Hasegawa-Wakatani Equation

04:05 Klasky: Data Management and Visualization

04:25 Discussions


06:30 Adjourn