Archiving Notes

Restarting Aborted runs with Your Private TRANSP

If you are restarting aborted runs of other users, with your private TRANSP code, as "yourself", and want to archive them, you must follow the procedure for:"Recovering from other problems" in SupportPersonnel

But because you are not really recovering, you have to do extra steps.

For local (non Collaboratory) runs:
- you must become pshare
- define $RESULTDIR as the directory where the Output files are
  (which should be <your> RESULTDIR NOT pshare's )
- if you still have the origional <runid> script from the origional
  "abort directory"  <runid> <tok> <year> all
- if you lost the script, you must do Step 3. (run mdsplot manually)
  and then do <runid> <tok> <year>
Alternatively, if you have access to the input files as specified in the Namelist, you can use tr_save after you deleted the users origional fragment:
as pshare:
   1. tr_cleanup  <runid> <tok> <year> 
   2. tr_save
For globus runs you can just follow the procedure (I think). But don't run mdsplot, if the user did not ask for it.

DO NOT copy TRANSP runs into
this is obsolete!

Last modified: Mon Apr 12 15:21:54 EDT 2004