# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. See Legal.htm for full text and disclaimer. helpdict = { "movie" : """ movie (draw_frame, time_limit = 120., min_interframe = 0.0, bracket_time = array ([2., 2.], Float ), lims = None, timing = 0) runs a movie based on the given DRAW_FRAME function. The movie stops after a total elapsed time of TIME_LIMIT seconds, which defaults to 60 (one minute), or when the DRAW_FRAME function returns zero. note: All but the first argument are keyword arguments, with defaults as shown. def draw_frame(1) : # Input argument i is the frame number. # draw_frame should return non-zero if there are more # frames in this movie. A zero return will stop the # movie. # draw_frame must NOT include any fma command if the # making_movie variable is set (movie sets this variable # before calling draw_frame) If MIN_INTERFRAME is specified, a pause will be added as necessary to slow down the movie. MIN_INTERFRAME is a time necessary to slow down the movie. MIN_INTERFRAME is a time in seconds (default 0). The keyword bracket_time= (again a time in seconds) can be used to adjust the duration of the pauses after the first and last frames. It may also be a two element array [beg, end]. If the pause at the end is greater than five seconds, you will be prompted to explain that hitting will abort the final pause. Well, the Python version does not have this capability. timing = 1 enables a timing printout for your movie. If every frame of your movie has the same limits, use the limits command to fix the limits before you call movie. BUG: If you hit to start a movie early, it will not pause at the end of the movie at all. You probably should not use long initial pauses. """, "movie_stats" : """ movie_stats ( ) or movie_stats ( timing ) prints statistics from the last movie command, or from the command which produced TIMING. TIMING is the contents of the movie_timing external variable after the movie command completes. """, "'pl3d'" : """ General overview of module pl3d: (1) Viewing transform machinery. Arguably the simplest model is the CAD/CAM notion that the object you see is oriented as you see it in the current picture. You can then move it left, right, up, down, or toward or away from you, or you can rotate it about any of the three axes (horizontal, vertical, or out of the screen). The xyz coordinates of the object remains unchanged throughout all of this, but this object coordinate system changes relative to the fixed xyz of the viewer, in which x is always to the right, y is up, and z is directed out of the screen. Initially, the two coordinate systems coincide. rot3 (xangle,yangle,zangle) Rotate the object about viewer's x-axis by xangle, then about viewer's y-axis by yangle, then about viewer's z-axis by zangle mov3 (xchange,ychange,zchange) Move the object by the specified amounts. setz3 (zcamera) The "camera" is located at (0,0,zcamera) in the viewer's coordinate system, looking in the minus-z direction. Initially, zcamera is very large, and the magnification factor is correspondingly large, giving an isometric view. Decreasing zcamera makes the perspective more extreme. If parts of the object are behind the camera, strange things may happen. undo3 () undo3 (n) Undo the last N (default 1) viewpoint commands (rot3, mov3, or setz3). Up to 100 viewpoint changes are remembered. viewpoint= save3() ... restore3 (viewpoint) The current viewpoint transformation can be saved and later restored. gnomon (on_off) Toggle the gnomon (a simple display showing the orientation of the xyz axes of the object). """, "set_draw3_" : """ set_draw3_ ( 0 | 1 ) is used to set the global draw3_, which controls whether the function draw3 actually shows a drawing. """, "rot3" : """ rot3 (xa, ya, za) rotate the current 3D plot by XA about viewer's x-axis, YA about viewer's y-axis, and ZA about viewer's z-axis. SEE ALSO: orient3, mov3, aim3, setz3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3 """, "mov3" : """ mov3 ( [xa [, ya [, za]]]) move the current 3D plot by XA along the viewer's x axis, YA along the viewer's y axis, and ZA along the viewer's z axis. SEE ALSO: rot3, orient3, setz3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3 """, "aim3" : """ aim3 ( [xa [, ya [, za]]]) move the current 3D plot to put the point (XA, YA, ZA) in object coordinates at the point (0, 0, 0) -- the aim point -- in the viewer's coordinates. If any of the XA, YA, or ZA is nil, it defaults SEE ALSO: mov3, rot3, orient3, setz3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3 to zero. """, "setz3" : """ setz3 ( [zc] ) Set the camera position to z = ZC (x = y = 0) in the viewer's coordinate system. If zc is None, set the camera to infinity (default). SEE ALSO: rot3, orient3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3 """, "orient3" : """ orient3 ( [phi = val1, theta = val2] ) Set the orientation of the object to (PHI, THETA). Orientations are a subset of the possible rotation matrices in which the z axis of the object appears vertical on the screen (that is, the object z axis projects onto the viewer y axis). The THETA angle is the angle from the viewer y axis to the object z axis, positive if the object z axis is tilted towards you (toward viewer +z). PHI is zero when the object x axis coincides with the viewer x axis. If neither PHI nor THETA is specified, PHI defaults to - pi / 4 and THETA defaults to pi / 6. If only PHI is specified, THETA remains unchanged, unless the current THETA is near pi / 2, in which case THETA returns to pi / 6, or unless the current orientation does not have a vertical z axis, in which case THETA returns to its default. Unlike rot3, orient3 is not a cumulative operation. SEE ALSO: rot3, mov3, aim3, save3, restore3, light3 """, "save3" : """ view = save3 ( ) Save the current 3D viewing transformation and lighting. Actually, this doesn't save anything; it returns a copy of the current 3D viewing transformation and lighting, so that the user can put it aside somewhere. SEE ALSO: restore3, rot3, mov3, aim3, light3 """, "restore3" : """ restore3 ( view ) Restore a previously saved 3D viewing transformation and lighting. If view is missing, rotate object to viewer's coordinate system. SEE ALSO: restore3, rot3, mov3, aim3, light3 """, "light3" : """ light3 (ambient=a_level, diffuse=d_level, specular=s_level, spower=n, sdir=xyz) Sets lighting properties for 3D shading effects. A surface will be shaded according to its to its orientation relative to the viewing direction. The ambient level A_LEVEL is a light level (arbitrary units) that is added to every surface independent of its orientation. The diffuse level D_LEVEL is a light level which is proportional to cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the surface normal and the viewing direction, so that surfaces directly facing the viewer are bright, while surfaces viewed edge on are unlit (and surfaces facing away, if drawn, are shaded as if they faced the viewer). The specular level S_LEVEL is a light level proportional to a high power spower=N of 1+cos(alpha), where alpha is the angle between the specular reflection angle and the viewing direction. The light source for the calculation of alpha lies in the direction XYZ (a 3 element vector) in the viewer's coordinate system at infinite distance. You can have ns light sources by making S_LEVEL, N, and XYZ (or any combination) be vectors of length ns (3-by-ns in the case of XYZ). (See source code for specular_hook function definition if powers of 1+cos(alpha) aren't good enough for you.) With no arguments, return to the default lighting. EXAMPLES: light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=[0,0,-1]) (dramatic "tail lighting" effect) light3 ( diffuse=.5, specular=1., sdir=[1,.5,1]) (classic "over your right shoulder" lighting) light3 ( ambient=.1,diffuse=.1,specular=1., sdir=[[0,0,-1],[1,.5,1]],spower=[4,2]) (two light sources combining previous effects) SEE ALSO: rot3, save3, restore3 """, "get3_light" : """ get3_light(xyz, nxyz) or get3_light(xyz) return 3D lighting for polygons with vertices XYZ. If NXYZ is specified, XYZ should be sum(nxyz)-by-3, with NXYZ being the list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp function). If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral mesh, ni-by-nj-by-3 (as for the plf function). In the first case, the return value is len (NXYZ) long; in the second case, the return value is (ni-1)-by-(nj-1). The parameters of the lighting calculation are set by the light3 function. SEE ALSO: light3, set3_object, get3_normal, get3_centroid """, "get3_normal" : """ get3_normal(xyz, nxyz) or get3_normal(xyz) return 3D normals for polygons with vertices XYZ. If NXYZ is specified, XYZ should be sum(nxyz)-by-3, with NXYZ being the list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp function). If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral mesh, ni-by-nj-by-3 (as for the plf function). In the first case, the return value is len(NXYZ)-by-3; in the second case, the return value is (ni-1)-by-(nj-1)-by-3. The normals are constructed from the cross product of the lines joining the midpoints of two edges which as nearly quarter the polygon as possible (the medians for a quadrilateral). No check is made that these not be parallel; the returned "normal" is [0,0,0] in that case. Also, if the polygon vertices are not coplanar, the "normal" has no precisely definable meaning. SEE ALSO: get3_centroid, get3_light """, "get3_centroid" : """ get3_centroid(xyz, *nxyz) or get3_centroid(xyz) return 3D centroids for polygons with vertices XYZ. If NXYZ is specified, XYZ should be sum(nxyz)-by-3, with NXYZ being the list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp function). If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral mesh, ni-by-nj-by-3 (as for the plf function). In the first case, the return value is len(NXYZ) in length; in the second case, the return value is (ni-1)-by-(nj-1)-by-3. The centroids are constructed as the mean value of all vertices of each polygon. SEE ALSO: get3_normal, get3_light """, "get3_xy" : """ get3_xy (xyz) or get3_xy(xyz, 1) Given anything-by-3 coordinates XYZ, return X and Y in viewer's coordinate system (set by rot3, mov3, orient3, etc.). If the second argument is present and non-zero, also return Z (for use in sort3d or get3_light, for example). If the camera position has been set to a finite distance with setz3, the returned coordinates will be tangents of angles for a perspective drawing (and Z will be scaled by 1/zc). Unlike the Yorick version, this function returns a 3-by-anything array of coordinates. Actually, what it returns is a 3-by-anything python array, whose 0th element is the x array, whose 1th element is the y array, and whose 2th element is the z array if asked for. I believe that x, y, and z can be either 1d or 2d, so this routine is written in two cases. """, "undo3" : """ undo3 () or undo3 (n) Undo the effects of the last N (default 1) rot3, orient3, mov3, aim3, setz3, or light3 commands. """, "set3_object" : """ set3_object (drawing_function, [arg1,arg2,...]) set up to trigger a call to draw3, adding a call to the 3D display list of the form: DRAWING_FUNCTION ( [ARG1, ARG2, ...])) When draw3 calls DRAWING_FUNCTION, the external variable draw3_ will be non-zero, so DRAWING_FUNCTION can be written like this: def drawing_function(arg) : if (draw3_) : arg1= arg [0] arg1= arg [1] ... ...... ...... return ...... ...... set3_object (drawing_function, [arg1,arg2,...]) SEE ALSO: get3_xy, get3_light, sort3d """, "window3" : """ window3 ( ) or window3 (n) initialize style="nobox.gs" window for 3D graphics """, "sort3d" : """ sort3d(z, npolys) given Z and NPOLYS, with len(Z)==sum(npolys), return a 2-element list [LIST, VLIST] such that Z[VLIST] and NPOLYS[LIST] are sorted from smallest average Z to largest average Z, where the averages are taken over the clusters of length NPOLYS. Within each cluster (polygon), the cyclic order of Z[VLIST] remains unchanged, but the absolute order may change. This sorting order produces correct or nearly correct order for a plfp command to make a plot involving hidden or partially hidden surfaces in three dimensions. It works best when the polys form a set of disjoint closed, convex surfaces, and when the surface normal changes only very little between neighboring polys. (If the latter condition holds, then even if sort3d mis-orders two neighboring polys, their colors will be very nearly the same, and the mistake won't be noticeable.) A truly correct 3D sorting routine is impossible, since there may be no rendering order which produces correct surface hiding (some polys may need to be split into pieces in order to do that). There are more nearly correct algorithms than this, but they are much slower. SEE ALSO: get3_xy """, "draw3" : """ draw3 (called_as_idler = 0, lims = None): Draw the current 3d display list. Ordinarily triggered automatically when the drawing changes. """, "gnomon" : """ gnomon () or gnomon (onoff) Toggle the gnomon display. If on is present and non-zero, turn on the gnomon. If zero, turn it off. The gnomon shows the X, Y, and Z axis directions in the object coordinate system. The directions are labeled. The gnomon is always infinitely far behind the object (away from the camera). There is a mirror-through-the-screen-plane ambiguity in the display which is resolved in two ways: (1) the (X, Y, Z) coordinate system is right-handed, and (2) If the tip of an axis projects into the screen, its label is drawn in opposite polarity to the other text in the screen. """, "spin3" : """ spin3 ( ) or spin3 (nframes) os spin3 (nframes, axis) Spin the current 3D display list about AXIS over NFRAMES. Keywords tlimit= the total time allowed for the movie in seconds (default 60), dtmin= the minimum allowed interframe time in seconds (default 0.0), bracket_time= (as for movie function in movie.i), timing = 1 if you want timing measured and printed out, 0 if not. The default AXIS is [-1,1,0] and the default NFRAMES is 30. SEE ALSO: rot3 """, "plwf" : """ plwf (z) or plwf (z, y, x) plots a 3-D wire frame of the given Z array, which must have the same dimensions as the mesh (X, Y). If X and Y are not given, they default to the first and second indices of Z, respectively. The drawing order of the zones is determined by a simple "painter's algorithm", which works fairly well if the mesh is reasonably near rectilinear, but can fail even then if the viewpoint is chosen to produce extreme fisheye perspective effects. Look at the resulting plot carefully to be sure the algorithm has correctly rendered the model in each case. KEYWORDS: fill -- optional colors to use (default is to make zones have background color), same dimension options as for z argument to plf function shade -- set non-zero to compute shading from current 3D lighting sources edges -- default is 1 (draw edges), but if you provide fill colors, you may set to 0 to supress the edges ecolor, ewidth -- color and width of edges cull -- default is 1 (cull back surfaces), but if you want to see the "underside" of the model, set to 0 scale -- by default, Z is scaled to "reasonable" maximum and minimum values related to the scale of (X,Y). This keyword alters the default scaling factor, in the sense that scale=2.0 will produce twice the Z-relief of the default scale=1.0. cmax -- the ambient= keyword in light3 can be used to control how dark the darkest surface is; use this to control how light the lightest surface is the lightwf routine can change this parameter interactively SEE ALSO: lightwf, plm, plf, orient3, light3, fma3, window3 """, "lightwf" : """ lightwf (cmax) Sets the cmax= parameter interactively, assuming the current 3D display list contains the result of a previous plwf call. This changes the color of the brightest surface in the picture. The darkest surface color can be controlled using the ambient= keyword to light3. SEE ALSO: plwf, light3 """, "xyz_wf" : """ xyz_wf (z, [y, x] [,scale = 1.0]) returns a 3-by-ni-by-nj array whose 0th entry is x, 1th entry is y, and 2th entry is z. z is ni-by-nj. x and y, if present, must be the same shape. If not present, integer ranges will be used to create an equally spaced coordinate grid in x and y. The function which scales the "topography" of z(x,y) is potentially useful apart from plwf. For example, the xyz array used by plwf can be converted from a quadrilateral mesh plotted using plf to a polygon list plotted using plfp like this: xyz= xyz_wf(z,y,x,scale=scale); ni= shape(z)[1]; nj= shape(z)[2]; list = ravel (add.outer ( ravel(add.outer (adders,zeros(nj-1, Int))) + arange((ni-1)*(nj-1), typecode = Int), array ( [[0, 1], [nj + 1, nj]]))) xyz=array([take(ravel(xyz[0]),list), take(ravel(xyz[1]),list), take(ravel(xyz[2]),list)]) nxyz= ones((ni-1)*(nj-1)) * 4; The resulting array xyz is 3-by-(4*(nj-1)*(ni-1)). xyz[0:3,4*i:4*(i+1)] are the clockwise coordinates of the vertices of cell number i. """, "plane3" : """ plane3(normal, point) or plane3([nx,ny,nz], [px,py,pz]) returns [nx,ny,nz,pp] for the specified plane. """, "mesh3" : """ mesh3(x,y,z) or mesh3(x,y,z, funcs = [f1,f2,...]) or mesh3(xyz, funcs = [f1,f2,...]) or mesh3(nxnynz, dxdydz, x0y0z0, funcs = [f1,f2,...]) make mesh3 argument for slice3, xyz3, getv3, etc., functions. X, Y, and Z are each 3D coordinate arrays. The optional F1, F2, etc. are 3D arrays of function values (e.g. density, temperature) which have one less value along each dimension than the coordinate arrays. The "index" of each zone in the returned mesh3 is the index in these cell-centered Fi arrays, so every index from one through the total number of cells indicates one real cell. The Fi arrays can also have the same dimensions as X, Y, or Z in order to represent point-centered quantities. If X has four dimensions and the length of the first is 3, then it is interpreted as XYZ (which is the quantity actually stored in the returned cell list). If X is a vector of 3 integers, it is interpreted as [nx,ny,nz] of a uniform 3D mesh, and the second and third arguments are [dx,dy,dz] and [x0,y0,z0] respectively. (DXDYDZ represent the size of the entire mesh, not the size of one cell, and NXNYNZ are the number of cells, not the number of points.) Added by ZCM 1/13/97: if x, y, and z are one-dimensional of the same length and if the keyword verts exists and yields an NCELLS by 8 integer array, then we have an unstructured rectangular mesh, and the subscripts of cell i's vertices are verts[i, 0:8]. Other sorts of meshes are possible -- a mesh which lives in a binary file is an obvious example -- which would need different workers for xyz3, getv3, getc3, and iterator3 iterator3_rect may be more general than the other three; as long as the cell dimensions are the car of the list which is the 2nd car of m3, it will work. """, "slice3" : """ slice3 (m3, fslice, nverts, xyzverts) or color_values= slice3(m3, fslice, nverts, xyzverts, fcolor) or color_values= slice3(m3, fslice, nverts, xyzverts, fcolor, 1) slice the 3D mesh M3 using the slicing function FSLICE, returning the list [NVERTS, XYZVERTS, color]. Note that it is impossible to pass arguments as addresses, as yorick does in this routine. NVERTS is the number of vertices in each polygon of the slice, and XYZVERTS is the 3-by-sum(NVERTS) list of polygon vertices. If the FCOLOR argument is present, the values of that coloring function on the polygons are returned as the value of the slice3 function (numberof(color_values) == numberof(NVERTS) == number of polygons). If the slice function FSLICE is a function, it should be of the form: func fslice(m3, chunk) returning a list of function values on the specified chunk of the mesh m3. The format of chunk depends on the type of m3 mesh, so you should use only the other mesh functions xyz3 and getv3 which take m3 and chunk as arguments. The return value of fslice should have the same dimensions as the return value of getv3; the return value of xyz3 has an additional first dimension of length 3. If FSLICE is a list of 4 numbers, it is taken as a slicing plane with the equation FSLICE(+:1:3)*xyz(+)-FSLICE(4), as returned by plane3. If FSLICE is a single integer, the slice will be an isosurface for the FSLICEth variable associated with the mesh M3. In this case, the keyword value= must also be present, representing the value of that variable on the isosurface. If FCOLOR is nil, slice3 returns nil. If you want to color the polygons in a manner that depends only on their vertex coordinates (e.g.- by a 3D shading calculation), use this mode. If FCOLOR is a function, it should be of the form: func fcolor(m3, cells, l, u, fsl, fsu, ihist) returning a list of function values on the specified cells of the mesh m3. The cells argument will be the list of cell indices in m3 at which values are to be returned. l, u, fsl, fsu, and ihist are interpolation coefficients which can be used to interpolate from vertex centered values to the required cell centered values, ignoring the cells argument. See getc3 source code. The return values should always have dimsof(cells). If FCOLOR is a single integer, the slice will be an isosurface for the FCOLORth variable associated with the mesh M3. If the optional argument after FCOLOR is non-nil and non-zero, then the FCOLOR function is called with only two arguments: func fcolor(m3, cells) """, "slice3mesh" : """ slice3mesh returns a triple [nverts, xyzverts, color] nverts is no_cells long and the ith entry tells how many vertices the ith cell has. xyzverts is sum (nverts) by 3 and gives the vertex coordinates of the cells in order. color, if present, is len (nverts) long and contains a color value for each cell in the mesh. There are a number of ways to call slice3mesh: slice3mesh (z, color = None) z is a two dimensional array of cell function values, assumed to be on a uniform mesh nx by ny cells (assuming z is nx by ny) nx being the number of cells in the x direction, ny the number in the y direction. color, if specified, is either an nx by ny array of cell-centered values by which the surface is to be colored, or an nx +1 by ny + 1 array of vertex- centered values, which will be averaged over each cell to give cell-centered values. slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, z, color = None) In this case, slice3mesh accepts the specification for a regular 2d mesh: nxny is the number of cells in the x direction and the y direction; x0y0 are the initial values of x and y; and dxdy are the increments in the two directions. z is the height of a surface above the xy plane and must be dimensioned nx + 1 by ny + 1. color, if specified, is as above. slice3mesh (x, y, z, color = None) z is as above, an nx by ny array of function values on a mesh of the same dimensions. There are two choices for x and y: they can both be one-dimensional, dimensioned nx and ny respectively, in which case they represent a mesh whose edges are parallel to the axes; or else they can both be nx by ny, in which case they represent a general quadrilateral mesh. color, if specified, is as above. """, "iterator3" : """ iterator3 (m3) iterator3 (m3, chunk, clist) iterator3_rect (m3) iterator3_rect (m3, chunk, clist) iterator3_irreg (m3) iterator3_irreg (m3, chunk, clist) The iterator3 functions combine three distinct operations: (1) If only the M3 argument is given, return the initial chunk of the mesh. The chunk will be no more than chunk3_limit cells of the mesh. (2) If only M3 and CHUNK are given, return the next CHUNK, or None if there are no more chunks. (3) If M3, CHUNK, and CLIST are all specified, return the absolute cell index list corresponding to the index list CLIST of the cells in the CHUNK. Do not increment the chunk in this case. The form of the CHUNK argument and return value for cases (1) and (2) is not specified, but it must be recognized by the xyz3 and getv3 functions which go along with this iterator3. (For case (3), CLIST and the return value are both ordinary index lists.) In the irregular case, it is guaranteed that the returned chunk consists of only one type of cell (tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids, or prisms). """, "getv3" : """ getv3(i, m3, chunk) return vertex values of the Ith function attached to 3D mesh M3 for cells in the specified CHUNK. The CHUNK may be a list of cell indices, in which case getv3 returns a 2x2x2x(dimsof(CHUNK)) list of vertex coordinates. CHUNK may also be a mesh-specific data structure used in the slice3 routine, in which case getv3 may return a (ni)x(nj)x(nk) array of vertex values. For meshes which are logically rectangular or consist of several rectangular patches, this is up to 8 times less data, with a concomitant performance advantage. Use getv3 when writing slicing functions for slice3. getv3_rect(i, m3, chunk) does the job for a regular rectangular mesh. getv3_irreg (i, m3, chunk) : for an irregular mesh, returns a 3-list whose elements are: (1) the function values for the ith function on the vertices of the given chunk. (The function values must have the same dimension as the coordinates; there is no attempt to convert zone-centered values to vertex-centered values.) (2) an array of relative cell numbers within the list of cells of this type. (3) a number that can be added to these relative numbers to gives the absolute cell numbers for correct access to their coordinates and function values. """, "getc3" : """ getc3(i, m3, chunk) or getc3(i, m3, clist, l, u, fsl, fsu, cells) return cell values of the Ith function attached to 3D mesh M3 for cells in the specified CHUNK. The CHUNK may be a list of cell indices, in which case getc3 returns a (dimsof(CHUNK)) list of vertex coordinates. CHUNK may also be a mesh-specific data structure used in the slice3 routine, in which case getc3 may return a (ni)x(nj)x(nk) array of vertex values. There is no savings in the amount of data for such a CHUNK, but the gather operation is cheaper than a general list of cell indices. Use getc3 when writing colorng functions for slice3. If CHUNK is a CLIST, the additional arguments L, U, FSL, and FSU are vertex index lists which override the CLIST if the Ith attached function is defined on mesh vertices. L and U are index lists into the (dimsof(CLIST))x2x2x2 vertex value array, say vva, and FSL and FSU are corresponding interpolation coefficients; the zone centered value is computed as a weighted average of involving these coefficients. The CELLS argument is required by histogram to do the averaging. See the source code for details. By default, this conversion (if necessary) is done by averaging the eight vertex-centered values. getc3_rect (i, m3, chunk, l, u, fsl, fsu, cells) does the job for a regular rectangular mesh. getc3_irreg (i, m3, chunk, l, u, fsl, fsu, cells) : Same thing as getc3_rect, i. e., returns the same type of data structure, but from an irregular mesh. m3 [1] is a 2-list; m3[1] [0] is an array whose ith element is an array of coordinate indices for the ith cell, or a list of up to four such arrays. m3 [1] [1] is the 3 by nverts array of coordinates. m3 [2] is a list of arrays of vertex-centered or cell-centered data. chunk may be a list, in which case chunk [0] is a 2-sequence representing a range of cell indices; or it may be a one-dimensional array, in which case it is a nonconsecutive set of cell indices. It is guaranteed that all cells indexed by the chunk are the same type. """, "slice2x" : """ slice2x (plane, nverts, xyzverts, values) Slice a polygon list, retaining only those polygons or parts of polygons on the positive side of PLANE, that is, the side where xyz(+)*PLANE(+:1:3)-PLANE(4) > 0.0. The NVERTS, VALUES, and XYZVERTS arrays have the meanings of the return values from the slice3 function. Python returns a sextuple [nverts, xyzverts, values, nvertb, xyzvertb, valueb] with None in the place of missing or None input arguments. slice2_precision= precision Controls how slice2 (or slice2x) handles points very close to the slicing plane. PRECISION should be a positive number or zero. Zero PRECISION means to clip exactly to the plane, with points exactly on the plane acting as if they were slightly on the side the normal points toward. Positive PRECISION means that edges are clipped to parallel planes a distance PRECISION on either side of the given plane. (Polygons lying entirely between these planes are completely discarded.) Default value is 0.0. """, "slice2" : """ slice2 (plane, nverts, xyzverts, values) Slice a polygon list, retaining only those polygons or parts of polygons on the positive side of PLANE, that is, the side where xyz(+)*PLANE(+:1:3)-PLANE(4) > 0.0. The NVERTS, VALUES, and XYZVERTS arrays have the meanings of the return values from the slice3 function. Python returns a sextuple [nverts, xyzverts, values, nvertb, xyzvertb, valueb] with None in the place of missing or None input arguments. It is legal for the VALUES argument to be None (e.g.- if there is no fcolor function). In order to plot two intersecting slices, one could slice (for example) the horizontal plane twice (slice2x) - first with the plane of the vertical slice, then with minus that same plane. Then, plot first the back part of the slice, then the vertical slice, then the front part of the horizontal slice. Of course, the vertical plane could be the one to be sliced, and "back" and "front" vary depending on the view point, but the general idea always works. slice2_precision= precision Controls how slice2 (or slice2x) handles points very close to the slicing plane. PRECISION should be a positive number or zero. Zero PRECISION means to clip exactly to the plane, with points exactly on the plane acting as if they were slightly on the side the normal points toward. Positive PRECISION means that edges are clipped to parallel planes a distance PRECISION on either side of the given plane. (Polygons lying entirely between these planes are completely discarded.) Default value is 0.0. """, "pl3surf" : """ pl3surf (nverts, xyzverts) or pl3surf (nverts, xyzverts, values) Perform simple 3D rendering of an object created by slice3 (possibly followed by slice2). NVERTS and XYZVERTS are polygon lists as returned by slice3, so XYZVERTS is sum(NVERTS)-by-3, where NVERTS is a list of the number of vertices in each polygon. If present, the VALUES should have the same length as NVERTS; they are used to color the polygon. If VALUES is not specified, the 3D lighting calculation set up using the light3 function will be carried out. Keywords cmin= and cmax= as for plf, pli, or plfp are also accepted. (If you do not supply VALUES, you probably want to use the ambient= keyword to light3 instead of cmin= here, but cmax= may still be useful.) """, "pl3tree" : """ pl3tree (nverts, xyzverts = None, values = None, plane = None, cmin = None, cmax = None) Add the polygon list specified by NVERTS (number of vertices in each polygon) and XYZVERTS (3-by-sum(NVERTS) vertex coordinates) to the currently displayed b-tree. If VALUES is specified, it must have the same dimension as NVERTS, and represents the color of each polygon. If VALUES is not specified, the polygons are assumed to form an isosurface which will be shaded by the current 3D lighting model; the isosurfaces are at the leaves of the b-tree, sliced by all of the planes. If PLANE is specified, the XYZVERTS must all lie in that plane, and that plane becomes a new slicing plane in the b-tree. Each leaf of the b-tree consists of a set of sliced isosurfaces. A node of the b-tree consists of some polygons in one of the planes, a b-tree or leaf entirely on one side of that plane, and a b-tree or leaf on the other side. The first plane you add becomes the root node, slicing any existing leaf in half. When you add an isosurface, it propagates down the tree, getting sliced at each node, until its pieces reach the existing leaves, to which they are added. When you add a plane, it also propagates down the tree, getting sliced at each node, until its pieces reach the leaves, which it slices, becoming the nodes closest to the leaves. tree is a 4-element list like this: [plane, back_tree, inplane_leaf, front_tree] plane= tree [0] is None if this is just a leaf in which case, only inplane_leaf is not None back_tree= tree [1] is the part behind plane inplane_leaf= tree [2] is the part in the plane itself front_tree= tree [3] is the part in front of plane This structure is relatively easy to plot, since from any viewpoint, a node can always be plotted in the order from one side, then the plane, then the other side. This routine assumes a "split palette"; the colors for the VALUES will be scaled to fit from color 0 to color 99, while the colors from the shading calculation will be scaled to fit from color 100 to color 199. (If VALUES is specified as a char array, however, it will be used without scaling.) You may specifiy a cmin= or cmax= keyword to affect the scaling; cmin is ignored if VALUES is not specified (use the ambient= keyword from light3 for that case). """, "split_palette" : """ split_palette or split_palette ("palette_name.gp") split the current palette or the specified palette into two parts; colors 0 to 99 will be a compressed version of the original, while colors 100 to 199 will be a gray scale. """, "split_bytscl" : """ split_bytscl (x, upper, cmin = None, cmax = None) as bytscl function, but scale to the lower half of a split palette (0-99, normally the color scale) if the second parameter is zero or nil, or the upper half (100-199, normally the gray scale) if the second parameter is non-zero. """, "xyz3" : """ xyz3 (m3, chunk) return vertex coordinates for CHUNK of 3D mesh M3. The CHUNK may be a list of cell indices, in which case xyz3 returns a (dimsof(CHUNK))x3x2x2x2 list of vertex coordinates. CHUNK may also be a mesh-specific data structure used in the slice3 routine, in which case xyz3 may return a 3x(ni)x(nj)x(nk) array of vertex coordinates. For meshes which are logically rectangular or consist of several rectangular patches, this is up to 8 times less data, with a concomitant performance advantage. Use xyz3 when writing slicing functions or coloring functions for slice3. """, "to_corners3" : """ to_corners3(list, nj, nk) convert an array of cell indices in an (ni-1)-by-(NJ-1)-by-(NK-1) logically rectangular grid of cells into the list of len(LIST)-by-2-by-2-by-2 cell corner indices in the corresponding ni-by-NJ-by-NK array of vertices. Note that this computation in Yorick gives an absolute offset for each cell quantity in the grid. In Yorick it is legal to index a multidimensional array with an absolute offset. In Python it is not. However, an array can be flattened if necessary. Other changes from Yorick were necessitated by row-major order and 0-origin indices, and of course the lack of Yorick array facilities. """, "'yorick'" : """ The yorick module supplies Python versions of some common yorick functions: zcen_, dif_, maxelt_, minelt_, rem_0_, avg_, timer_, timer_print. """, "zcen_" : """ zcen_(x, i) does the same thing as in Yorick: x(...,zcen,...) where zcen is the ith subscript. (works for up to 5 dimensions). Namely, the elements along the ith dimension of x are replaced by the averages of adjacent pairs, and the dimension decreases by one. Remember that Python sunscripts are counted from 0. """, "dif_" : """ dif_(x, i) does the same thing as in Yorick: x(...,dif_,...) where dif_ is the ith subscript. (works for up to 5 dimensions). Namely, the elements along the ith dimension of x are replaced by the differences of adjacent pairs, and the dimension decreases by one. Remember that Python sunscripts are counted from 0. """, "maxelt_" : """ maxelt_ accepts a sequence of one or more possible multi-dimensional objects and computes their maximum. In principle these can be of arbitrary complexity, since the routine recurses. """, "minelt_" : """ minelt_ accepts a sequence of one or more possible multi-dimensional objects and computes their minimum. In principle these can be of arbitrary complexity, since the routine recurses. """, "rem_0_" : """ rem_0_ (z) goes through array z and replaces any zero elements with 1.e-35. Assumes z has one or two dimensions. """, "avg_" : """ avg_ (z) returns the average of all elements of its array argument. """, "timer_" : """ timer (elapsed) returns a triple consisting of the times [cpu, system, wall]. timer (elapsed, split) returns a sequence whose first element is [cpu, system, wall] and whose second element is the sum of split and the difference between ththe new and old values of 'elapsed.' """, "timer_print" : """ timer_print (label1, split1 [,label2, split2, ...]) prints out a timing summary for splits accumulated by timer_. """ } from string import * def gist3dhelp ( routine ) : routine = `routine` [0:min (len (`routine`), 58)] key = None lenkey = 0 for k in helpdict.keys () : if find (routine, k) >= 0 : if len (k) > lenkey : key = k lenkey = len (k) if key != None : print helpdict [key] else : print "No help available for " + routine + "." return