#This file is designed for building a dynamic extension. #See README for detailed build instructions. *shared* # The array and ufunc object implementation #[VC50]cpp_options = cpp_options + ' /Tp ' #[VC50]cfiles.append('Src/numpy.def') _numpy -I./Include Src/_numpymodule.c Src/arrayobject.c Src/ufuncobject.c # The core functionality of multidimensional arrays #[VC50]cfiles.append('Src/multiarray.def') multiarray -I./Include Src/multiarraymodule.c # The basic math functions (+,-,...,log,...,greater_equal) #[VC50]cfiles.append('Src/umath.def') umath -I./Include Src/umathmodule.c # If you have a real fftpack library, Include it here. #[VC50]cfiles.append('Src/fftpack.def') fftpack -I./Include Src/fftpackmodule.c Src/fftpack.c #[VC50]cfiles.append('Src/lapack_lite.def') # Link with the real lapack library (and F77/I77/BLAS) if you have it # lapack_lite -I./Include Src/lapack_litemodule.c -lputthelibshere lapack_lite -I./Include Src/lapack_litemodule.c Src/dlapack_lite.c Src/zlapack_lite.c Src/blas_lite.c Src/f2c_lite.c # Link with the real ranlib if you have it #[VC50]cfiles.append('Src/ranlib.def') ranlib -I./Include Src/ranlibmodule.c Src/ranlib.c Src/com.c Src/linpack.c