# Plots all columns of eik5.out (and eik5.out_ref) # output is put into eiktest.plt set data style line set terminal postscript color set output 'eiktest.plt' p=2 plot 'eik5.out' u 1:p , 'eik5.out_ref' u 1:p p=3 ; replot p=4 ; replot p=5 ; replot p=6 ; replot p=7 ; replot p=8 ; replot p=9 ; replot p=10 ; replot p=11 ; replot set output # No filename closes output file exit # Notes # For "set terminal postscript" the options can be in any order: #set terminal postcript landscape enhanced color dashed simplex #X11 terminal ignores set output; so reset the terminal first ! #set output 'filename' # No filename closes output file; then -> std output