subroutine refall(nx, nelx,ijk,node,ndeg,x,y, * ichild,iparnts,nodcode,nxmax,nelmax,ierr) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer nx, nelx, node, ndeg, nxmax, nelmax integer ichild(ndeg,1),iparnts(2,nx),ijk(node,*), nodcode(nx) integer midnode(20),inod(20) real*8 x(*),y(*) c------------------------------------------------------------- c refines a finite element grid using triangular elements. c uses mid points to refine all the elements of the grid. c c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c node = first dimension of array ijk [should be >=3] c ndeg = first dimension of array ichild which is at least as large c as the max degree of each node c x,y = real*8 arrays containing the x(*) and y(*) coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c ichild= list of the children of a node: ichild(1,k) stores c the position in ichild(*,k) of the last child so far. c (local use) c iparnts= list of the 2 parents of each node. c (local use) c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point. c corner elements are used only to generate the grid by refinement c since they do not correspond to real elements. c nxmax = maximum number of nodes allowed. If during the algorithm c the number of nodes being created exceeds nxmax then c refall quits without modifying the (x,y) xoordinates c and nx, nelx. ijk is modified. Also ierr is set to 1. c nelmax = same as above for number of elements allowed. See ierr.. c ierr = error message: c 0 --> normal return c 1 --> refall quit because nxmax was exceeded. c 2 --> refall quit because nelmax was exceeded. c-------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------- c inilitialize lists of children and parents -- c data structure is as follows c ichild(1,k) stores the position of last child of node k so far in list c ichild(j,k) , j .ge. 2 = list of children of node k. c iparnts(1,k) and iparnts(2,k) are the two parents of node k. c--------------------------------------------------------------- c------ do a first check : if (nx .ge. nxmax) goto 800 if (nelx .ge. nelmax) goto 900 c------ initialize do 1 k=1,nx do 2 j=2,ndeg ichild(j,k) = 0 2 continue ichild(1,k) = 1 iparnts(1,k)= 0 iparnts(2,k)= 0 1 continue c------- initialize nelxnew and nxnew nelxnew = nelx nxnew = nx ierr = 0 c-------------------------------------------------------------- c main loop: scan all elements c-------------------------------------------------------------- c do 100 nel = nelx,1,-1 do 100 nel = 1, nelx c note : interesting question which order is best for parallelism? c alternative order: do 100 nel = nelx, 1, -1 c c------ unpack nodes of element do 101 i=1,node inod(i) = ijk(i,nel) c convention: node after last node = first node. inod(node+i) = inod(i) midnode(i) = 0 101 continue c-------------------------------------------------------------- c for each new potential node determine if it has already been c numbered. a potential node is the middle of any two nodes .. c-------------------------------------------------------------- do 80 ii=1,node k1 = inod(ii) k2 = inod(ii+1) c------- test for current pair : last = ichild(1,k1) do 21 k=2,last jchild = ichild(k,k1) ipar1 = iparnts(1,jchild) ipar2 = iparnts(2,jchild) if( (ipar1 .eq. k1 .and. ipar2 .eq. k2) .or. * (ipar2 .eq. k1 .and. ipar1 .eq. k2)) then c node has already been created and numbered .... midnode(ii) = jchild c... therefore it must be an internal node nodcode(jchild) = 0 c... and no new node to create. goto 80 endif c----------------------------------------------------- 21 continue c c else create a new node c nxnew = nxnew + 1 if (nxnew .gt. nxmax) goto 800 c------- x(nxnew) = (x(k1) + x(k2))*0.5 y(nxnew) = (y(k1) + y(k2))*0.5 midnode(ii) = nxnew c c update nodcode information -- normally min0(nodcode(k1),nodcode(k2)) c nodcode(nxnew) = min0(1,nodcode(k1),nodcode(k2)) c c update parents and children's lists c iparnts(1,nxnew) = k1 iparnts(2,nxnew) = k2 c last = last+1 ichild(last,k1) = nxnew ichild(1,k1) = last c last = ichild(1,k2)+1 ichild(last,k2) = nxnew ichild(1,k2) = last c 80 continue c c------- replace current element by new one c do 81 i=1,node jnod = midnode(i) ijk(i,nel) = jnod 81 continue c-------create new elements do 82 ii=1, node nelxnew = nelxnew+1 if (nelxnew .gt. nelmax) goto 900 ijk(1,nelxnew) = inod(ii) k = ii do jj=2,node ijk(jj,nelxnew) = midnode(k) k = k+2 if (k .gt. node) k = k-node enddo 82 continue c------ done ! 100 continue nx = nxnew nelx = nelxnew return 800 ierr = 1 return 900 ierr = 2 return end c subroutine checkref(nx,nelx,ijk,node,nodcode, * nbound, nxnew,nelxnew) c------------------------------------------------------------- c returns the expected the new number of nodes and c elemnts of refall is applied to current grid once. c c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c nbound = number of boundary points on entry - enter zero if c unknown c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point. c c nxnew = new number of nodes if refall were to be applied c nelxnew = same for nelx. c-------------------------------------------------------------- integer ijk(node,1),nodcode(nx) c nelxnew = nelx*4 c c count the number of boundary nodes c if (nbound .ne. 0) goto 2 do 1 j=1, nx if (nodcode(j) .ge. 1) nbound = nbound+1 1 continue c number of edges=[3*(number of elmts) + number of bound nodes ]/ 2 2 continue nxnew = nx + (3*nelx+nbound)/2 nbound = 2*nbound return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine unassbl (a,na,f,nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode, * node,x,y,ierr,xyk) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c a = un-assembled matrix on output c na = 1-st dimension of a. a(na,node,node) c c f = right hand side (global load vector) in un-assembled form c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c node = total number of nodal points in each element c also second dimension of a. c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c x,y = real*8 arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element) c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) c-------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(na,node,node),ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),f(node,1), * ske(3,3),fe(3),xe(3),ye(3),xyke(2,2) integer nodcode(1) external xyk c-------------------------------------------------------------- c initialize c-------------------------------------------------------------- do 100 i=1, node do 100 j=1, nx f(i,j) = 0.0d0 100 continue c--------------------------------------------------- c main loop c--------------------------------------------------- do 102 nel=1, nelx c c get coordinetes of nodal points c do 104 i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) 104 continue c c compute determinant c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) if ( det .le. 0.) then print *, 'nel', nel, ' det = ' , det print *, xe(1), xe(2), xe(3) print *, ye(1), ye(2), ye(3) end if c c set material properties c call xyk(xyke,x,y) c c construct element stiffness matrix c ierr = 0 call estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write (*,*) 'ERROR: estif3 gave an error',ierr return endif c write (8,'(9f8.4)') ((ske(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) c assemble: add element stiffness matrix to global matrix c do 120 ka=1, node f(ka,nel) = fe(ka) do 108 kb = 1,node a(nel,ka,kb) = ske(ka,kb) 108 continue 120 continue 102 continue return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine unassbl_lstif(a, na, f, nx, nelx, ijk, nodcode, * node, x, y, ierr, xyk, funb, func, fung) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c a = un-assembled matrix on output c c na = 1-st dimension of a. a(na,node,node) c c f = right hand side (global load vector) in un-assembled form c c nx = number of nodes at input c c nelx = number of elements at input c c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c node = total number of nodal points in each element c also second dimension of a. c c x,y = real*8 arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element) c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: call xyk(xyke,x,y) c c funb, = functions needed for the definition of lstif3 problem c func, c fung c-------------------------------------------------------------- c : It uses lstif3 problem c-------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(na,node,node), ijk(node,1), x(1), y(1), f(node,1), & ske(3,3), fe(3), xe(3), ye(3) integer nodcode(1) external xyk, funb, func, fung c-------------------------------------------------------------- c initialize c-------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1, node do j=1, nx f(i,j) = 0.0d0 end do end do c--------------------------------------------------- c main loop c--------------------------------------------------- do nel=1, nelx c c get coordinetes of nodal points c do i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) end do c c compute determinant c c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c if ( det .le. 0.) then c print *, 'nel', nel, ' det = ' , det c print *, xe(1), xe(2), xe(3) c print *, ye(1), ye(2), ye(3) c end if c c construct element stiffness matrix c ierr = 0 call lstif3(ske, fe, xe, ye, xyk, funb, func, fung) c write (8,'(9f8.4)') ((ske(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) c c assemble: add element stiffness matrix to global matrix c do ka=1, node f(ka,nel) = fe(ka) do kb = 1,node a(nel,ka,kb) = ske(ka,kb) end do end do end do return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assmbo (nx, nelx, node, ijk, nodcode, x, y, a, ja, * ia, f, iwk, jwk, ierr, xyk, funb, func, fung) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c nx = number of nodes at input c c nelx = number of elements at input c c node = total number of nodal points in each element c c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c x,y = real arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c c a,ja,ia= assembled matrix on output c c f = right hand side (global load vector) c c iwk,jwk = two integer work arrays. c c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element) c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) with on return c xyke = material constant matrices. c for each element nel, xyke(1,nel),xyke(2,nel) c and xyke(3,nel) represent the constants c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c-------------------------------------------------------------- c : It has been modified so as to handle c more types of domains/meshes i.e. |\ /| c | X | c |/ \| c-------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),f(1),ske(3,3),fe(3), * xe(3),ye(3),iwk(1),jwk(1) integer ia(1), ja(*), nodcode(1) external xyk, funb, func, fung c-------------------------------------------------------------- c initialize c-------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,nx f(i) = 0.0 end do c initialize pointer arrays. do k=1,nx+1 ia(k) = 1 jwk(k) = 0 end do do k=1,nelx do j=1,node knod = ijk(j,k) ia(knod) = ia(knod) + 2 end do end do c--------------------------------------------------- do k=1, nx if (nodcode(k) .ge.1 ) ia(k)=ia(k)+1 end do c ksav = ia(1) ia(1) = 1 do j=2, nx+1 ksavn = ia(j) ia(j) = ia(j-1) + ksav iwk(j-1) = ia(j-1)-1 ksav = ksavn end do c----------------- c main loop c----------------- do nel=1, nelx c c get coordinates of nodal points c do i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) end do c c compute determinant c c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c c set material properties c c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) c c construct element stiffness matrix c ierr = 0 c c call evalg(nel, fe, xe, ye, fung, ierr) c call estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) call lstif3(ske, fe, xe, ye, xyk, funb, func, fung) if (ierr .ne. 0) return c c assemble: add element stiffness matrix to global matrix c do ka=1, node ii = ijk(ka,nel) f(ii) = f(ii) + fe(ka) c c unpack row into jwk1 c irowst = ia(ii) ilast = iwk(ii) do k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = k end do c do kb = 1,node c c column number = jj c jj = ijk(kb,nel) k = jwk(jj) if (k .eq. 0) then ilast = ilast+1 jwk(jj) = ilast ja(ilast) = jj a(ilast) = ske(ka,kb) else a(k) = a(k) + ske(ka,kb) endif end do c refresh jwk do k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = 0 end do iwk(ii) = ilast end do c end do c squeeze away the zero entries c added so as to handle more type of domains/meshes do i=1, nx ista=ia(i) isto=ia(i+1)-1 do j=ista, isto if (ja(j) .EQ. 0) then iwk(i)=j-ista go to 200 end if end do 200 continue end do do i=2, nx ksav=ia(i) ia(i)=ia(i-1)+iwk(i-1) ksavn=ia(i) do j=0, iwk(i)-1 ja(ksavn+j)=ja(ksav+j) a(ksavn+j) = a(ksav+j) end do end do ia(nx+1)=ia(nx)+iwk(nx) return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assmbo2 (nx, nelx, node, ijk, nodcode, x, y, a, ja, * ia, f, iwk, jwk, ierr, xyk, funb, func, fung) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c nx = number of nodes at input c c nelx = number of elements at input c c node = total number of nodal points in each element c c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c x,y = real arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c c a,ja,ia= assembled matrix on output c c f = right hand side (global load vector) c c iwk,jwk = two integer work arrays. c c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element) c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) with on return c xyke = material constant matrices. c for each element nel, xyke(1,nel),xyke(2,nel) c and xyke(3,nel) represent the constants c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c-------------------------------------------------------------- c c : This routine yields the same results c as assmbo. It differs in that it constructs the ia array c by creating a list with the adjacent nodes for each node c c-------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),f(1),ske(3,3),fe(3), * xe(3),ye(3),iwk(1),jwk(1), kwk(500) integer ia(1), ja(*), nodcode(1) external xyk, funb, func, fung c-------------------------------------------------------------- c initialize c-------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,nx f(i) = 0.0 iwk(i) = 0 kwk(i) = 0 end do c iwk : how many elements a node belongs to do k=1,nelx do j=1,node knod = ijk(j,k) iwk(knod) = iwk(knod) + 1 end do end do c c iwk : prepare for csr like format ksav=iwk(1) iwk(1)=1 do j=2, nx+1 ksavn = iwk(j) iwk(j) = iwk(j-1) + ksav ksav = ksavn end do c c jwk : list of elements a node belongs to k=1 do i=1,nelx do j=1,node knod = ijk(j,i) k=iwk(knod) jwk(k)=i iwk(knod)=iwk(knod)+1 end do end do c iwk : transform iwk back to what it was do i=nx+1,2,-1 iwk(i)=iwk(i-1) end do iwk(1)=1 c kwk : mark edges that a node is associated with nedges=1 ia(1)=1 do i=1,nx kwk(i)=i do j=iwk(i), iwk(i+1)-1 do k=1, node knod = ijk(k,jwk(j)) if ( kwk(knod) .NE. i) then kwk(knod) = i nedges=nedges+1 end if end do end do ia(i+1)=nedges end do do i=2,nx+1 ia(i)=ia(i)+i-1 iwk(i-1)=ia(i-1)-1 jwk(i)=0 end do jwk(1)=0 c----------------- c main loop c----------------- do nel=1, nelx c c get coordinates of nodal points c do i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) end do c c compute determinant c c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c c set material properties c c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) c c construct element stiffness matrix c ierr = 0 c c call evalg(nel, fe, xe, ye, fung, ierr) c call estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) call lstif3(ske, fe, xe, ye, xyk, funb, func, fung) if (ierr .ne. 0) return c c assemble: add element stiffness matrix to global matrix c do ka=1, node ii = ijk(ka,nel) f(ii) = f(ii) + fe(ka) c c unpack row into jwk1 c irowst = ia(ii) ilast = iwk(ii) do k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = k end do c do kb = 1,node c c column number = jj c jj = ijk(kb,nel) k = jwk(jj) if (k .eq. 0) then ilast = ilast+1 jwk(jj) = ilast ja(ilast) = jj a(ilast) = ske(ka,kb) else a(k) = a(k) + ske(ka,kb) endif end do c refresh jwk do k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = 0 end do iwk(ii) = ilast end do c end do return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine chkelmt (nx, x, y, nelx, ijk, node) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this subsourine checks the labeling within each elment and reorders c the nodes in they ar not correctly ordered. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 1 nel =1, nelx det = x(ijk(2,nel))*(y(ijk(3,nel))-y(ijk(1,nel)))+ * x(ijk(3,nel))*(y(ijk(1,nel))-y(ijk(2,nel)))+ * x(ijk(1,nel))*(y(ijk(2,nel))-y(ijk(3,nel))) c c if determinant negative exchange last two nodes of elements. c if (det .lt. 0.0d0) then j = ijk(2,nel) ijk(2,nel) = ijk(3,nel) ijk(3,nel) = j endif 1 continue c return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE DLAUNY(X,Y,NODES,ELMNTS,NEMAX,NELMNT) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) c C code written by P.K. Sweby c simple delauney triangulation routine (non optimal) c C ****************************************************************** C * * C * Performs a Delaunay triangularisation of a region given a set * C * of mesh points. * C * X,Y :- 1D arrays holding coordinates of mesh points. * C * dimensioned AT LEAST NODES+3. * C * NODES :- number of mesh points. * C * ELMNTS :- INTEGER array, dimensioned NEMAX x 3, which on exit* C * contains the index of global nodes associated with * C * each element. * C * NELMNT :- on exit contains the number of elements in the * C * triangularisation. * C * * C * P.K.Sweby * C * * C ****************************************************************** C INTEGER ELMNTS DIMENSION X(NODES),Y(NODES),ELMNTS(NEMAX,3) C PI=4.0*ATAN(1.0) C C Calculate artificial nodes NODES+i i=1,2,3,4 and construct first C two (artificial) elements. C XMIN=X(1) XMAX=X(1) YMIN=Y(1) YMAX=Y(1) DO 10 I=2,NODES XMIN=MIN(XMIN,X(I)) XMAX=MAX(XMAX,X(I)) YMIN=MIN(YMIN,Y(I)) YMAX=MAX(YMAX,Y(I)) 10 CONTINUE DX=XMAX-XMIN DY=YMAX-YMIN XL=XMIN-4.0*DX XR=XMAX+4.0*DX YL=YMIN-4.0*DY YR=YMAX+4.0*DY X(NODES+1)=XL Y(NODES+1)=YL X(NODES+2)=XL Y(NODES+2)=YR X(NODES+3)=XR Y(NODES+3)=YR X(NODES+4)=XR Y(NODES+4)=YL ELMNTS(1,1)=NODES+1 ELMNTS(1,2)=NODES+2 ELMNTS(1,3)=NODES+3 ELMNTS(2,1)=NODES+3 ELMNTS(2,2)=NODES+4 ELMNTS(2,3)=NODES+1 NELMNT=2 DO 90 IN=1,NODES C C Add one mesh point at a time and remesh locally if necessary C NDEL=0 NEWEL=0 DO 40 IE=1,NELMNT C C Is point IN insided circumcircle of element IE ? C I1=ELMNTS(IE,1) I2=ELMNTS(IE,2) I3=ELMNTS(IE,3) X2=X(I2)-X(I1) X3=X(I3)-X(I1) Y2=Y(I2)-Y(I1) Y3=Y(I3)-Y(I1) Z=(X2*(X2-X3)+Y2*(Y2-Y3))/(Y2*X3-Y3*X2) CX=0.5*(X3-Z*Y3) CY=0.5*(Y3+Z*X3) R2=CX**2+CY**2 RN2=((X(IN)-X(I1)-CX)**2+(Y(IN)-Y(I1)-CY)**2) IF(RN2.GT.R2)GOTO 40 C C Yes it is inside,create new elements and mark old for deletion. C DO 30 J=1,3 DO 20 K=1,3 ELMNTS(NELMNT+NEWEL+J,K)=ELMNTS(IE,K) 20 CONTINUE ELMNTS(NELMNT+NEWEL+J,J)=IN 30 CONTINUE NEWEL=NEWEL+3 ELMNTS(IE,1)=0 NDEL=NDEL+1 C 40 CONTINUE C C If IN was inside circumcircle of more than 1 element then will C have created 2 identical new elements: delete them both. C IF(NDEL.GT.1)THEN DO 60 IE=NELMNT+1,NELMNT+NEWEL-1 DO 60 JE=IE+1,NELMNT+NEWEL MATCH=0 DO 50 K=1,3 DO 50 L=1,3 IF(ELMNTS(IE,K).EQ.ELMNTS(JE,L))MATCH=MATCH+1 50 CONTINUE IF(MATCH.EQ.3)THEN ELMNTS(IE,1)=0 ELMNTS(JE,1)=0 NDEL=NDEL+2 ENDIF 60 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Delete any elements C NN=NELMNT+NEWEL IE=1 70 CONTINUE IF(ELMNTS(IE,1).EQ.0)THEN DO 80 J=IE,NN-1 DO 80 K=1,3 ELMNTS(J,K)=ELMNTS(J+1,K) 80 CONTINUE NN=NN-1 IE=IE-1 ENDIF IE=IE+1 IF(IE.LE.NN)GOTO 70 NELMNT=NN 90 CONTINUE C C Finally remove elements containing artificial nodes C IE=1 100 CONTINUE NART=0 DO 110 L=1,3 IF(ELMNTS(IE,L).GT.NODES)NART=NART+1 110 CONTINUE IF(NART.GT.0)THEN DO 120 J=IE,NN-1 DO 120 K=1,3 ELMNTS(J,K)=ELMNTS(J+1,K) 120 CONTINUE NELMNT=NELMNT-1 IE=IE-1 ENDIF IE=IE+1 IF(IE.LE.NELMNT)GOTO 100 RETURN END c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this subroutine constructs the element stiffness matrix for heat c condution problem c c - Div ( K(x,y) Grad u ) = f c u = 0 on boundary c c using 3-node triangular elements arguments: c nel = element number c ske = element stiffness matrix c fe = element load vector c det = 2*area of the triangle c xy, ye= coordinates of the three nodal points in an element. c xyke = material constants (kxx, kxy, kyx, kyy) c c------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ske(3,3), fe(3), xe(3), ye(3), dn(3,2),xyke(2,2) c c initialize c area = 0.5*det c do 200 i=1,3 do 200 j=1,3 ske(i,j) = 0.0d0 200 continue c c get first gradient of shape function c call gradi3(nel,xe,ye,dn,det,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) return c do 100 i=1,3 do 100 j=1,3 t = 0.0d0 do 102 k=1,2 do 102 l=1,2 102 t = t+xyke(k,l)*dn(i,k)*dn(j,l) 100 ske(i,j) = t*area c return end c------------------------------------------------------- subroutine gradi3(nel, xe, ye, dn, det,ierr) c------------------------------------------------------- c constructs the first derivative of the shape functions. c arguments: c nel = element nuumber c xy, ye= coordinates of the three nodal points in an element. c dn = gradients (1-st derivatives) of the shape functions. c area = area of the triangle c c------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xe(3), ye(3), dn(3,2) data eps/1.d-17/ c compute area ierr = 0 if (det .le. eps) goto 100 c dn(1,1) = (ye(2)-ye(3))/det dn(2,1) = (ye(3)-ye(1))/det dn(3,1) = (ye(1)-ye(2))/det dn(1,2) = (xe(3)-xe(2))/det dn(2,2) = (xe(1)-xe(3))/det dn(3,2) = (xe(2)-xe(1))/det c return c 100 continue ierr = 3 write(iout,*) 'ERROR:negative area encountered at elmt: ',nel c write(iout,*) det,(xe(i),ye(i),i=1,3) return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine hsourc (indic,nx,nelx,node,x,y,ijk,fs,f) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*8 x(*),y(*),fs(*),f(*),xe(3),ye(3),det,areao3 integer ijk(node,*) c c generates the load vector f in assembled/unassembled form from the c the element contributions fs. c indic = indicates if f is to be assembled (1) or not (zero) c note: f(*) not initilazed. because might use values from boundary c conditions. c jnod = 0 do 130 nel = 1,nelx c c get coordinates of nodal points c do 104 i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) 104 continue c c compute determinant c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c area3 = area/3 areao3 = det/6.0 c c contributions to nodes in the element c if (indic .eq. 0) then do 115 ka=1,node jnod = jnod+1 f(jnod) = fs(nel)*areao3 115 continue else do 120 ka=1, node ii = ijk(ka,nel) f(ii) = f(ii) + fs(nel)*areao3 120 continue endif c 130 continue return end c----- end of hsourc --------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bound (nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode,node,nint,iperm, * x,y,wk,iwk) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine counts the number of boundary points and c reorders the points in such a way that the boundary nodes c are last. c c nx, nelx, ijk, nodcode, node: see other subroutines c iperm = permutation array from old orderin to new ordering, c iwk = reverse permutation array or return. c wk = real work array c On return c x, y, nodecode, are permuted c ijk is updated according to new oerdering. c nint = number of interior points. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),wk(1),iwk(1),iperm(1), * nodcode(1) c put all boundary points at the end, backwards nint = 1 nbound = nx do 1 j=1, nx if (nodcode(j) .eq. 0) then iperm(nint) = j nint = nint+1 else iperm(nbound) = j nbound = nbound-1 endif 1 continue c------------------------------------------------------------------- nint = nint-1 c c permute x's c do 2 k=1, nx wk(k) = x(k) 2 continue do 3 k=1,nx x(k) = wk(iperm(k)) 3 continue c c permute the y's c do 4 k=1, nx wk(k) = y(k) 4 continue do 5 k=1, nx y(k) = wk(iperm(k)) 5 continue c c permute the boundary information c do 6 k=1, nx iwk(k) = nodcode(k) 6 continue do 7 k=1,nx nodcode(k) = iwk(iperm(k)) 7 continue c c get reverse permutation c do 8 k=1, nx iwk(iperm(k)) = k 8 continue c c update the elements connectivity matrix c do 10 nel = 1, nelx do 9 j=1, node knod = ijk(j,nel) ijk(j,nel) = iwk(knod) 9 continue 10 continue return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine symbound (nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode,node,nint, * iperm,wk,iwk) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine is a symbolic version of routine bound. c c nx, nelx, ijk, nodcode, node: see other subroutines c iperm = permutation array from old orderin to new ordering, c iwk = reverse permutation array or return. c wk = real work array c On return c ijk = is updated according to new oerdering. c nint = number of interior points. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ijk(node,1),wk(1),iwk(1),iperm(1), * nodcode(1) c put all boundary points at the end, backwards nint = 1 nbound = nx do 1 j=1, nx if (nodcode(j) .eq. 0) then iperm(nint) = j nint = nint+1 else iperm(nbound) = j nbound = nbound-1 endif 1 continue c------------------------------------------------------------------- nint = nint-1 c c permute the boundary information c do 6 k=1, nx iwk(k) = nodcode(k) 6 continue do 7 k=1,nx nodcode(k) = iwk(iperm(k)) 7 continue c c get reverse permutation c do 8 k=1, nx iwk(iperm(k)) = k 8 continue c c update the elements connectivity matrix c do 10 nel = 1, nelx do 9 j=1, node knod = ijk(j,nel) ijk(j,nel) = iwk(knod) 9 continue 10 continue return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine diric (nx,nint,a,ja,ia, f) c-------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine takes into account the boundary conditions c and removes the unnecessary boundary points. c-------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),ia(*),ja(*),f(*) c call extract from UNARY call submat (nx,1,1,nint,1,nint,a,ja,ia,nr,nc,a,ja,ia) write (*,*) 'nr=',nr,'nc=',nc return c----------- end of diric ------------------------------------- end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine symdiric (nx,nint,a,ja,ia, f) c-------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine takes into account the boundary conditions c and removes the unnecessary boundary points. c-------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),ia(*),ja(*),f(*) c call submat from UNARY, with job = 0, c meaning no movement of real values. call submat (nx,0,1,nint,1,nint,a,ja,ia,nr,nc,a,ja,ia) return c----------- end of symdiric ------------------------------------- end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cleannods (nx,x,y,nelx,ijk,node,nodcode,iperm) c implicit none integer nx,nelx,node,ijk(node,nelx),nodcode(*),iperm(nx) real*8 x(nx),y(nx) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine removes the nodes that do not belong to any element c (spurious points) and relabels the ijk array accordingly. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nel,i,k,j,indx c do j=1, nx iperm(j) = 0 enddo c do nel = 1, nelx do i=1,node k = ijk(i,nel) iperm(k) = nel enddo enddo c indx = 0 do j =1, nx if (iperm(j) .ne. 0) then indx = indx+1 iperm(indx) = j x(indx) = x(j) y(indx) = y(j) nodcode(indx) = nodcode(j) endif enddo c c update nx c nx = indx c c old number to new numbers c do j =1, nx iperm(nx+iperm(j)) = j enddo c c c change all node numbers in ijk c do nel = 1, nelx do i=1,node k = ijk(i,nel) k = iperm(nx+k) ijk(i,nel) = k enddo enddo return c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----end-of-cleannod--------------------------------------------------- end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cleanel (nelx,ijk,node,nodcode,nodexc) c implicit none integer nelx,node,nodexc,ijk(node,nelx),nodcode(*) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine remove certain types of elements from the mesh c An element whose nodes are all labelled by the same label c nodexc are removed. nelx is changed accordingly on return. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical exclude integer nel, i,k nel = 1 1 continue exclude = .true. do i=1,node k = ijk(i,nel) exclude = (exclude .and. nodcode(k).eq. nodexc) enddo c if (exclude) then do i=1,node ijk(i,nel) = ijk(i,nelx) enddo nelx = nelx - 1 else nel = nel+1 endif if (nel .le. nelx) goto 1 return c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----end-of-cleanel---------------------------------------------------- end subroutine lstif3(ske, fe, xe, ye, 1 xyk, funb, func, fung) c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c This subroutine computes the local stiffness matrix for the c Diffusion-Convection Equation with the c variable cofficients, 'K(x,y), B(x,y), C(x,y) ' c c -Div( K(x,y) T(x,y)) + B(x,y) Tx + C(x,y) Ty = G c c Here K(x,y) is a 2x2 Matrix, where each entry is a function of x and y. c c K, B, C and G need to be supplied by user. c They need to be defined as externals in the calling routines. c c PSI(i,x,y) : i-th shape fucntions on the standard triangle N, i=1, 2, 3 c where N is the following. c c (-1,1) c . c . . c . . c . . c . . . . . . (1,-1) c (-1,-1) c c Local stiffness matrix is obtained by integral on the current c element. To do so, change the current coordinates to N c by Affine mapping, sending c c (xe(1),ye(1)) ---> (-1,-1) c (xe(2),ye(2)) ---> (1,-1) c (xe(3),ye(3)) ---> (-1,1) . c c Then we perform the integration on N c by Gaussian Quadrature with 9 points. c c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c on entry c --------- c c xe = x coordinates of the nodes in the current element. c ye = y coordinates of the nodes in the current element. c xyk = subroutine defining the function K(x,y). c funb = function defining the function b(x,y). c func = function defining the function c(x,y). c fung = function defining the function g(x,y). c c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c on return c --------- c c ske : Local Stiffness Matrix.( 3x3 in this subroutine.) c fe : Local Load Vector. c c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension ske(3,3), fe(3), xe(3), ye(3), dn(3,2), 1 xyke(2,2), wei(9), gau1(9), gau2(9) external xyk, funb, func, fung c Gau1 and Gau2 are the Gaussian Quadrature Points for the Traingle N, c and Wei, are the corresponding weights. c c They are derived from the 1-D case by Reiterated integrals. c data gau1/-0.8, -0.1127016654, 0.5745966692, -0.8872983346, -0.5, 1 -0.1127016654, -0.9745966692, -0.8872983346, -0.8 / data gau2/3*-0.7745966692, 3*0., 3*0.7745966692 / data wei/0.2738575107, 0.4381720172, 0.2738551072, 0.2469135803, 1 0.3950617284, 0.2469135803, 0.03478446464, 2 0.05565514341, 0.03478446464 / npt = 9 c c Compute the Affine mappings from the current triangle to the c standard triangle N. Integration will be performed on that c triangle by Gaussian quadrature. c c T = A X + B c c A11, A12, A21, A22, B1, B2 will denote the entries of c A & B. c x1 = xe(1) x2 = xe(2) x3 = xe(3) y1 = ye(1) y2 = ye(2) y3 = ye(3) rj1 = (x3-x1)*(y2-y3) - (x2-x3)*(y3-y1) rj2 = (x3-x1)*(y1-y2) - (x1-x2)*(y3-y1) a11 = 2*(y1-y3)/rj1 a12 = 2*(x3-x1)/rj1 a21 = 2*(y1-y2)/rj2 a22 = 2*(x2-x1)/rj2 b1 = 1. - a11*x2 - a12*y2 b2 = -1. - a21*x2 - a22*y2 c c Compute the first order partial derivatives of the shape functions. c dn(i,1) and dn(i,2) are the first order partial derivativ of i-th shape function c with respect to x and y, respectively. c dn(1,1) = -0.5*(a11+a21) dn(1,2) = -0.5*(a12+a22) dn(2,1) = 0.5*a11 dn(2,2) = 0.5*a12 dn(3,1) = 0.5*a21 dn(3,2) = 0.5*a22 c Compute the Jacobian associated with T. Rja = a11*a22 - a12*a21 c c Find the inverse mapping of T c u11 = a22/rja u12 = -a12/Rja u21 = -a21/rja u22 = a11/rja v1 = -u11*b1 - u12*b2 v2 = -u21*b1 - u22*b2 do 200 i = 1 , 3 T4 = 0. do 220 j = 1 , 3 T1 = 0. T2 = 0. T3 = 0. do 250 k = 1, npt r = gau1(k) s = gau2(k) w = wei(k) x = u11*r + u12*s + v1 y = u21*r + u22*s + v2 call xyk(xyke, x, y) derv2 = dn(i,1)*dn(j,1)*xyke(1,1) 1 + dn(i,2)*dn(j,2)*xyke(2,2) 2 + dn(i,1)*dn(j,2)*xyke(1,2) 3 + dn(i,2)*dn(j,1)*xyke(2,1) if(j .eq. 1) then T4 = T4 + w*fung(x,y)*psi(i,r,s) endif T1 = T1 + w*derv2 T2 = T2 + w*funb(x,y)*psi(i,r,s) T3 = T3 + w*func(x,y)*psi(i,r,s) 250 continue ske(i,j) = (T1 + T2*dn(j,1) + T3*dn(j,2))/Rja 220 continue fe(i) = T4/Rja 200 continue return end c--- end of lstif3 --------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Piecewise linear fucntions on triangle. function psi(i,r,s) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) goto (100,200,300) ,i 100 psi = -(r+s)/2. return 200 psi = (r+1.)/2. return 300 psi = (s+1.)/2. return end