subroutine psgrid (npts,ja,ia,xx,yy,title,ptitle,size,munt,iunt) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c plots a symmetric graph defined by ja,ia and the coordinates c xx(*),yy(*) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c npts = number of points in mesh c ja, ia = connectivity of mesh -- as given by pattern of sparse c matrix. c xx, yy = cordinates of the points. c c title = character*(*). a title of arbitrary length to be printed c as a caption to the figure. Can be a blank character if no c caption is desired. c c ptitle = position of title; 0 under the drawing, else above c c size = size of the drawing c c munt = units used for size : 'cm' or 'in' c c iunt = logical unit number where to write the matrix into. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer npts,ptitle,iunt, ja(*), ia(*) character title*(*), munt*2 real*8 xx(npts),yy(npts) real size c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c local variables -------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nr,ii,k,ltit real xi,yi,xj,yj,lrmrgn,botmrgn,xtit,ytit,ytitof,fnstit,siz, * xl,xr, yb,yt, scfct,u2dot,frlw,delt,paperx,conv,dimen, * haf,zero, xdim, ydim real*8 xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,max,min integer j c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer LENSTR external LENSTR c----------------------------------------------------------------------- data haf /0.5/, zero/0.0/, conv/2.54/ siz = size c c get max and min dimensions c xmin = xx(1) xmax = xmin ymin = yy(1) ymax = ymin do j=2, npts xmax = max(xmax,xx(j)) xmin = min(xmin,xx(j)) ymax = max(ymax,yy(j)) ymin = min(ymin,yy(j)) enddo c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c n = npts nr = npts xdim = xmax -xmin ydim = ymax -ymin dimen = max(xdim,ydim) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- print *, ' xmin', xmin, ' xmax', xmax print *, ' ymin', ymin, ' ymax', ymax, ' dimen ', dimen c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c units (cm or in) to dot conversion factor and paper size c if (munt.eq.'cm' .or. munt.eq.'CM') then u2dot = 72.0/conv paperx = 21.0 else u2dot = 72.0 paperx = 8.5*conv siz = siz*conv end if c c left and right margins (drawing is centered) c lrmrgn = (paperx-siz)/2.0 c c bottom margin : 2 cm c botmrgn = 2.0/dimen c scaling factor scfct = siz*u2dot/dimen c frame line witdh frlw = 0.25/dimen c font siz for title (cm) fnstit = 0.5/dimen ltit = LENSTR(title) c c position of title : centered horizontally c at 1.0 cm vertically over the drawing ytitof = 1.0/dimen xtit = paperx/2.0 ytit = botmrgn+siz*nr/dimen + ytitof c almost exact bounding box xl = lrmrgn*u2dot - scfct*frlw/2 xr = (lrmrgn+siz)*u2dot + scfct*frlw/2 yb = botmrgn*u2dot - scfct*frlw/2 yt = (botmrgn+siz*ydim/dimen)*u2dot + scfct*frlw/2 if ( then yt = yt + (ytitof+fnstit*0.70)*u2dot end if c add some room to bounding box delt = 10.0 xl = xl-delt xr = xr+delt yb = yb-delt yt = yt+delt c c correction for title under the drawing c if (ptitle.eq.0 .and. then ytit = botmrgn + fnstit*0.3 botmrgn = botmrgn + ytitof + fnstit*0.7 end if c c begin output c write(iunt,10) '%!' write(iunt,10) '%%Creator: PSPLTM routine' write(iunt,12) '%%BoundingBox:',xl,yb,xr,yt write(iunt,10) '%%EndComments' write(iunt,10) '/cm {72 mul 2.54 div} def' write(iunt,10) '/mc {72 div 2.54 mul} def' write(iunt,10) '/pnum { 72 div 2.54 mul 20 string' write(iunt,10) 'cvs print ( ) print} def' write(iunt,10) 1 '/Cshow {dup stringwidth pop -2 div 0 rmoveto show} def' c c we leave margins etc. in cm so it is easy to modify them if c needed by editing the output file c write(iunt,10) 'gsave' if ( then write(iunt,*) '/Helvetica findfont',fnstit,' cm scalefont setfont' write(iunt,*) xtit,' cm',ytit,' cm moveto' write(iunt,'(3A)') '(',title(1:ltit),') Cshow' end if c write(iunt,*) lrmrgn,' cm ',botmrgn,' cm translate' write(iunt,*) siz,' cm ',dimen,' div dup scale ' c c draw a frame around the matrix // REMOVED c c del = 0.005 c del2 = del*2.0 c write(iunt,*) del, ' setlinewidth' c write(iunt,10) 'newpath' c write(iunt,11) -del2, -del2, ' moveto' c write(iunt,11) dimen+del2,-del2,' lineto' c write(iunt,11) dimen+del2, dimen+del2, ' lineto' c write(iunt,11) -del2,dimen+del2,' lineto' c write(iunt,10) 'closepath stroke' c c----------- plotting loop --------------------------------------------- write(iunt,*) ' 0.01 setlinewidth' c do 1 ii=1, npts c if (mask(ii) .eq. 0) goto 1 xi = xx(ii) - xmin yi = yy(ii) - ymin c write (iout+1,*) ' ******** ii pt', xi, yi, xmin, ymin do 2 k=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 j = ja(k) if (j .le. ii) goto 2 xj = xx(j) - xmin yj = yy(j) - ymin c write (iout+1,*) ' j pt -- j= ',j, 'pt=', xj, yj c c draw a line from ii to j c write(iunt,11) xi, yi, ' moveto ' write(iunt,11) xj, yj, ' lineto' write(iunt,10) 'closepath stroke' 2 continue 1 continue c----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(iunt,10) 'showpage' return c 10 format (A) 11 format (2F9.2,A) 12 format (A,4F9.2) 13 format (2F9.2,A) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- end