C -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Ravi Samtaney c Copyright 2001 c Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory c All Rights Reserved c----------------------------------------------------------------- c $Log: main.F,v $ c Revision 1.3 2005/10/02 19:09:32 samtaney c Put in several options. c c Revision 1.2 2005/09/23 19:06:43 samtaney c Added lines for easier port to parallel machines. c c Revision 2005/09/12 17:28:10 samtaney c Original source. c c Revision 1.2 2004/12/09 14:37:33 samtaney c Changed PERIODIC to ETAPERIODIC; periods(3) changed to .true. c c Revision 2004/05/28 19:33:27 samtaney c Original source - copied from 3D Unsplit code. c c Revision 2004/04/09 14:58:44 samtaney c Original unimesh Unsplit MHD solver. c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Code to solve 3D ideal MHD equations c----------------------------------------------------------------- c program MHD use mesh_parms use mesh_common use iounits #ifdef PARALLEL use mpistuff #endif logical:: error integer:: num_nodes integer:: ipxnum integer:: ipynum integer:: ipznum integer:: ipx, ipy, ipz integer:: lpio C =======safety checks integer:: ndims logical:: periods(3), reorder integer:: NProcAxis(3) c #ifdef DYNAMIC namelist/meshsize/nx,ny,nz namelist/meshprocs/xprocs,yprocs,zprocs c c open(imesh,file='mesh.inp',form='formatted') c read(imesh,meshsize) c read(imesh,meshprocs) c close(imesh) nx=16 ny=16 nz=16 xprocs=1 yprocs=1 zprocs=1 #endif C ---- Initialize the communicator, call it Comm3D ndims = 3 #ifdef DYNAMIC NPROCS=XPROCS*YPROCS*ZPROCS nxlocal=nx/xprocs nylocal=ny/yprocs nzlocal=nz/zprocs nxlsize=nxlocal nylsize=nylocal nzlsize=nzlocal #else nxlocal=nxlsize nylocal=nylsize nzlocal=nzlsize #endif #ifdef PARALLEL NProcAxis(1) = XPROCS NProcAxis(2) = YPROCS NProcAxis(3) = ZPROCS periods(1) = .false. #ifdef ETAPERIODIC periods(2) = .true. #else periods(2) = .false. #endif periods(3) = .true. reorder = .false. master = 0 call MPI_init(ierr) call MPI_cart_create( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ndims, NProcAxis, periods, 1 reorder, comm3D, ierr) call MPI_comm_rank( comm3D, my_id, ierr) call MPI_comm_size( comm3D, num_nodes, ierr) write(6,*) 'Started proc #', my_id, num_nodes if (num_nodes .lt. NPROCS) then write(istderr,*) 'SORRY: PROGRAM ONLY WORKS FOR ', NPROCS, - ' PROCESSES.' call MPI_Finalize(ierr) stop endif C check for invalid combinations of dimensions and C process-grid dimensions error = .FALSE. if (NX - (XPROCS-1)*NXlsize .le. 0) then print*, 'invalid combination of NX, XPROCS' error = .TRUE. endif if (NY - (YPROCS-1)*NYlsize .le. 0) then print*, 'invalid combination of NY, YPROCS' error = .TRUE. endif if (error) STOP if (my_id .lt. NPROCS) then call pxpypz (my_id+1, ipx, ipy, ipz) call mesh_grid_proc(ipx,ipy,ipz) endif call MPI_Finalize(ierr) #else ipx=1 ipy=1 ipz=1 call mesh_grid_proc(ipx,ipy,ipz) #endif end C ================================================================ C C main program for grid process C subroutine mesh_grid_proc(a_iprocx, a_iprocy, a_iprocz) use mesh_parms use mesh_common integer:: a_iprocx, a_iprocy, a_iprocz integer, external:: iprocnum iprocx = a_iprocx iprocy = a_iprocy iprocz = a_iprocz iproc_idx = iprocnum(iprocx, iprocy, iprocz) NXlocal = NXlsize IF (iprocx .EQ. XPROCS) NXlocal = NX-(XPROCS-1)*NXlsize NYlocal = NYlsize IF (iprocy .EQ. YPROCS) NYlocal = NY-(YPROCS-1)*NYlsize c call MHDMain c return end