; IDL procedure to make plots of Cyclone heat flux vs. R/LT ; pro cyc_fig7 ; !p.multi=[0,1,2] ; 1*2 plots on each page RLT_gk = [5.3, 6, 6.9, 8.97, 12, 14, 16, 18] chi_gk = [0.0, 1.32, 2.4, 5, 8, 9, 9.5, 10] RLT_gkfull = [5.3, 6.9, 8.97] chi_gkfull = [0.4, 1.0, 2.2] RLT_gf = [4.83, 6.9, 8.97] chi_gf = [5.0, 8.0, 11.0] ; select the first line for postscript, next line for X-windows: plot_setup_ps, 'cyclone3c.ps' ;plot_setup_x8 @color_names.h ; Break up calls to avoid a space after the \nabla: !y.title=TextoIDL("(IFS-PPPL \nabla")+TextoIDL("T) / (GK \nabla")+TextoIDL("T)") !x.title=TextoIDL("Normalized heating power (P/P_0)") ;!x.range=[0,12*20] ;!y.range=[0,2] !p.charsize=2.0 !p.thick=4.0 !x.thick=4.0 !y.thick=4.0 symsize=2.0 RLT_ifs96 = 4.0 + findgen(100)/5.0 chi_ifs96 = 3.735*( (rlt_ifs96-4.0) < (rlt_ifs96-4.0)^0.5) ; Modify to fit Dimits 98 results: ;chi_ifsgk98 = 1.2*( (rlt_ifs96-5.0) < 2.3*( (rlt_ifs96-5.0 > 0) )^0.5) chi_ifsgk98b = 15*(rlt_ifs96-6.0 >0)/rlt_ifs96 ;plot, RLT_ifs96, chi_ifs96*RLT_ifs96, /nodata ;oplot, RLT_ifs96, chi_ifs96*RLT_ifs96 ;oplot, RLT_ifs96, chi_ifsgk98*RLT_ifs96, color=green ;plot, RLT_gk, chi_gk, /nodata ;oplot, RLT_gk, chi_gk, psym=2, color=green ;oplot, RLT_gf, chi_gf, psym=1 ;oplot, RLT_gkfull, chi_gkfull, psym=4 qfluxgk = chi_ifsgk98b*RLT_ifs96 qfluxgf = chi_ifs96 *RLT_ifs96 qflux=findgen(500)/2 gradTgk=interpol(RLT_ifs96,qfluxgk,qflux) gradTgf=interpol(RLT_ifs96,qfluxgf,qflux) relerr=gradTgf/gradTgk plot, qflux,relerr ;plot, qflux, gradTgk ; tmp1='' ; read,tmp1,Prompt='Return when ready for next plot' ; if tmp1 eq 'q' then return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IF !D.name EQ 'PS' THEN BEGIN device,/close_file ; close postscript graphics file ENDIF ; set_plot, 'X' ; return to X-windows graphics end