c some graphics routines c SUBROUTINE finish(ipage) C C Routine to draw the plotter-frame edge, add time and date, c and call frame. C character*28 date character*39 str integer ipage call setzer CALL PLOTIT ( 0, 0,0) CALL PLOTIT (32767, 0,1) CALL PLOTIT (32767,32767,1) CALL PLOTIT ( 0,32767,1) CALL PLOTIT ( 0, 0,1) c get date the hard way c i=system('date>dum') c open(unit=1,file='dum',status='old') c read(1,101) date c 101 format(a28) c close(unit=1) c i=system('rm dum') date='date' c write(str,102) date,ipage c 102 format(a28,' ',i2) call plchlq(.99,.02,str,10.,0.,1.) call frame ipage=ipage+1 RETURN end