program fields c c Test particle fields from the ITGE program. c include 'itg.par' c character*80 str real potntial(lz,60,nez) c include 'post.cmn' namelist/wdat/ld,md,nd,dt0,nstp,nprnt,nread, * lin,x0,y0,z0,pmag,shr,etai,dens,tiovte,rmu1,rmu2, * rkap,tkap,imp1,imp2,imkap,etaipar,vy,vz, * igradon,iphi00,iflr,mlow,mhi,ihdf, * ninterv,movieon,mfr,nfr,nperpmom,qkap,nparmom, * iodd,beta,qkappar,ntrace,ifilter,iexp,etaik,ikx c open(unit=5,file='y11res',status='old',form='formatted') open(unit=20,file='itg.fields',status='old') open(unit=16,file='',status='old') c input files: c 5 y11res a copy of itg.res, the results file from an ITG run. c 20 itg.fields phi(x,y) c 6 the original input file for the run c read(16,wdat) read(5,1)ld,ldb,nmin,nmax,nd,lin,ne,nfreq,ntotal,md read(5,1)nparmom,nperpmom,iodd,iflr,iphi00,ifilter,iexp,igradon read(5,1)(mmin(n),n=1,nd) read(5,1)(mmax(n),n=1,nd) read(5,2)tim,shr,etai,rmu1,rmu2,rkap,tiovte,vy,vz read(5,2) dt0,dt,x0,y0,z0 c 1 format(1x,3i10) 2 format(1x,3e22.14) c pi=3.141592653589793 call opngks ipage=1 call set(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,7.5,1) call plchhq(.5,7.2,'Gyrofluid ITG Simulation',25.,0.,0.) if (lin.eq.0) then call plchlq(.1,6.0,'E x B nonlinearities included. ',12.,0.,-1.) else call plchlq(.1,6.0,'This is a linear run. ',12.,0.,-1.) endif if (igradon.eq.1) then call plchlq(.1,5.8,'Background pressure gradient maintained. ' * ,12.,0.,-1.) else call plchlq(.1,5.8,'Background pressure allowed to relax. ' * ,12.,0.,-1.) endif write(str,111) 'x0 = ',x0 111 format(a5,f6.2) call plchlq(.1,5.6,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,111) 'y0 = ',y0 call plchlq(.1,5.4,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,111) 'z0 = ',z0 call plchlq(.1,5.2,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,102) ld 102 format('Grid points in the radial direction = ',i3) call plchlq(.1,5.0,str,12.,0.,-1.) call plchlq(.1,4.8,'Poloidal modes: ',12.,0.,-1.) write(str,103) 'Mmin = ',mmin(nd) 103 format(a7,i2) call plchlq(.2,4.6,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,103) 'Mmax = ',mmax(nd) call plchlq(.2,4.4,str,12.,0.,-1.) call plchlq(.1,4.2,'Toroidal modes: ',12.,0.,-1.) write(str,103) 'Nmin = ',nmin call plchlq(.2,4.0,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,103) 'Nmax = ',nmax call plchlq(.2,3.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,104) dt0 104 format('Time step = ',f5.2) call plchlq(.1,3.4,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,105) tim 105 format('Time at end of run = ',f7.2) call plchlq(.1,3.2,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,106) shr 106 format('Ln / Ls = ',f6.3) call plchlq(.1,2.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,107) etai 107 format('ETAi = ',f4.1) call plchlq(.1,2.6,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,108) tiovte 108 format('Ti/Te = ',f4.1) call plchlq(.1,2.4,str,12.,0.,-1.) if (rmu1.eq.rmu2) then write(str,109) rmu1 109 format('Perpendicular viscosities = ',f5.2) call plchlq(.1,2.2,str,12.,0.,-1.) else write(str,110) rmu1 call plchlq (.1,2.2,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,116) rmu2 call plchlq (.1,2.0,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,117) rkap call plchlq (.1,1.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) 110 format('Perpendicular viscosity in the density * equation = ',f5.2) 116 format('Perpendicular viscosity in the momentum * equation = ',f5.2) 117 format('Perpendicular viscosity in the temperature * equation = ',f5.2) endif write(str,115) nparmom call plchlq (.1,2.0,str,12.,0.,-1.) 115 format('Number of parallel moments: ',i2) write(str,112) nperpmom call plchlq (.1,1.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) 112 format('Number of perpendicular moments: ',i2) call finish(ipage) c c second page of inputs c call set(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,7.5,1) call plchhq(.5,7.2,'Input Continued',25.,0.,0.) if (vy.eq.0. .and. vz.eq.0.) then call plchlq(.1,6.0,'Sheared velocity flow not included', * 12.,0.,-1.) else call plchlq(.1,6.0,'Sheared velocity flow included',12.,0.,-1.) write(str,1013) 'vy = ',vy call plchlq(.1,5.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,1013) 'vz = ',vz call plchlq(.1,5.6,str,12.,0.,-1.) 1013 format(a5,f12.6) endif write(str,103) 'iodd = ',iodd call plchlq(.1,5.4,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,103) 'iflr = ',iflr call plchlq(.1,5.2,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,203) 'iphi00 = ',iphi00 203 format(a9,i2) call plchlq(.1,5.0,str,12.,0.,-1.) write(str,204) 'ifilter = ',ifilter call plchlq(.1,4.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) 204 format(a10,i2) if( then call plchlq(.1,4.6,'Non-adiabatic electrons included', * 12.,0.,-1.) write(str,205) 'Mass ratio = ',rmime call plchlq(.1,4.4,str,12.,0.,-1.) 205 format(a13,f6.1) write(str,206) 'ETAe = ',etae call plchlq(.1,4.2,str,12.,0.,-1.) 206 format(a7,f4.1) endif start=movieon*dt0 write(str,301) 'Movie start time = ',start call plchlq(.1,4.0,str,12.,0.,-1.) 301 format(a19,f8.2) step=dt0*ninterv write(str,302) 'Movie time step = ',step call plchlq(.1,3.8,str,12.,0.,-1.) 302 format(a18,f5.2) call finish(ipage) c c "potntial" is the electrostatic potential in one z-plane, at one time. c nsteps=(nstp-movieon)/ninterv read(20,2)(((potntial(l,m,n),l=1,ld),m=1,60),n=1,nsteps) c c Now you have the potential vs. x, y and t! c call clsgks call exit(0) end