subroutine ecollis(e_density1,e_p1,e_r1,e_t1,dt) c c bounce-averaged Lorentz collision operator for trapped electrons c gwh 9/11/94 c c Use implicit time-advancement, for stability and robustness, c employing standard tri-diagonal techniques. c c implicit none include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' include '' real dt(mz) c Local Variables: real dtnu0(mz),epsb integer l,m,n c************************************************************************ c For simplicity for now, we will ignore the energy dependence of the c collision frequency so the collision operator is almost diagonal c (except for the phi_ba term, which is treated explicitly, which c appears to work fine, particularly given the way Mike set up the c Poisson equation solver in its depedence on <_b>_kappa from c the past time step). c c Use the definitions: c c nueeff= nu_e_eff L_n/v_t, effective electron collision frequency c MB: clarification: nueeff= nu_e_eff L_ne/v_ti c c nu_e_eff = nu_e/(r/R) c = nustare * (1+1/Zeff) *3 *sqrt(pi*r/R) *Ln/R/q *sqrt(mi/me) c MB: slight error in previous line, it's really nueeff, and missing Ti/Te c nueeff = nustare * (1+1/Zeff) *3*sqrt(pi*r/R/2)*Lne/R/q *sqrt(mi*Te/me*Ti) c where nustare is the usual neoclassical/snap collision c frequency parameter (ignoring e-e collisions), c nustare = nu_ei*Zeff/(r/R)/omega_b c nu_ei = 1/tau_e = Braginskii's definition c omega_b = sqrt(2*r/R*Te/me)/(q R) = bounce frequency c MB: TRANSP,SNAP use: omega_b = sqrt(r/R*Te/me)/(q R), c nueeff above reflects this sqrt(2) change c epsb=epse/(1+epse) do m=1,md dtnu0(m) = dt(m)*nueeff*epse/(8*epsb**2)*sqrt(2*pi)/16 enddo c c if (nemom.eq.3) then if(mrr(1,1) .ne. 0) call aborter(6, . 'ecollis.f works only if the first m mode is m=0') c solve for all (k_theta .ne. 0) modes: do n=1,nd do m=2,md do l=2,kd-1 c c -------------electron density equation----------------- c e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) c c -------------electron pressure equation-------------- c e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)/2*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) c c -------------electron r equation-------------- c e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) enddo c handle the boundary at l=kd (everything vanishes for l>kd): l=kd e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*( -phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)/2*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*( -phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*( -phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) c handle the boundary at the origin at l=1 (no flux across kappa=0 c because of symmetry...): l=1 e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n))) e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)/2*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n))) e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n))) enddo enddo c c -------------electron t equation-------------- c c Collision operator hasn't been added to the t-equation yet... if (nemom.eq.4) then call aborter(6,"Collision operator not yet valid for nemom=4") endif c*********************************************************** c solve for all (k_theta = 0) modes: c (most of the below is a slightly modified copy of the section c above for k_theta .ne. 0 modes) do n=1,nd m=1 do l=2,kdpass-1 c c -------------electron density equation----------------- c e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) c c -------------electron pressure equation-------------- c e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)/2*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) c c -------------electron r equation-------------- c e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) enddo c handle the boundary at l=kdpass (no flux beyond max kappa): c (These expressions could be simplified by combining into the above c do loops if phi_ba(kdpass+1) was defined, since diff(kdpass)=0): l=kdpass e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*( -phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)/2*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*( -phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*( -phi_ba(l,m,n)) . -diff(l-1)*(phi_ba(l,m,n)-phi_ba(l-1,m,n))) c handle the boundary at the origin at l=1 (no flux across kappa=0 c because of symmetry...): l=1 e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n))) e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)/2*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n))) e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n)-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*tiovte . *jac(l)*(diff(l)*(phi_ba(l+1,m,n)-phi_ba(l,m,n))) enddo c********************************************************************** c c Set up coefficients of the tridiagonal equation to be solved, c of the form: c c a(l)*den(l-1) + b(l)*den(l) + c(l)*den(l+1) = den_old(l) c c c For dt(k_theta) this gets a little more complicated: c c density moment c do m=1,md do l=1,kdpass aec(l,m)=-dtnu0(m)*jac(l)*diff(l-1) cec(l,m)=-dtnu0(m)*jac(l)*diff(l) bec(l,m)=1-aec(l,m)-cec(l,m) enddo aec(1,m)=0.0 cec(kdpass,m)=0.0 enddo c set up coefficients of the inversion formula: do m=1,md zbeta(1,m)=bec(1,m) do l=2,kdpass zgamma(l,m)=cec(l-1,m)/zbeta(l-1,m) zbeta(l,m)=bec(l,m)-aec(l,m)*zgamma(l,m) enddo enddo c recursive-solution to tridagonal equations doesn't vectorize so c put it as the outer loop. (When optimizing for multitasking, c may want to multitask over m (and over different fluid moments), c and vectorize over n.) c c Try to speed up by combining the various loops... do m=1,md do n=1,nd e_density1(1,m,n)= e_density1(1,m,n)/zbeta(1,m) enddo enddo c solve for (k_theta .ne. 0) modes: do l=2,kd do m=2,md do n=1,nd e_density1(l,m,n)=(e_density1(l,m,n) . -aec(l,m)*e_density1(l-1,m,n))/zbeta(l,m) enddo enddo enddo do l=kd-1,1,-1 do m=2,md do n=1,nd e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n) . -zgamma(l+1,m)*e_density1(l+1,m,n) enddo enddo enddo c solve for (k_theta .eq. 0) modes: do l=2,kdpass m=1 do n=1,nd e_density1(l,m,n)=(e_density1(l,m,n) . -aec(l,m)*e_density1(l-1,m,n))/zbeta(l,m) enddo enddo do l=kdpass-1,1,-1 m=1 do n=1,nd e_density1(l,m,n)=e_density1(l,m,n) . -zgamma(l+1,m)*e_density1(l+1,m,n) enddo enddo c c p moment c do m=1,md do l=1,kdpass aec(l,m)=-dtnu0(m)/2*jac(l)*diff(l-1) cec(l,m)=-dtnu0(m)/2*jac(l)*diff(l) bec(l,m)=1-aec(l,m)-cec(l,m) enddo aec(1,m)=0.0 cec(kdpass,m)=0.0 enddo c set up coefficients of the inversion formula: do m=1,md zbeta(1,m)=bec(1,m) do l=2,kdpass zgamma(l,m)=cec(l-1,m)/zbeta(l-1,m) zbeta(l,m)=bec(l,m)-aec(l,m)*zgamma(l,m) enddo enddo c recursive-solution to tridagonal equations doesn't vectorize so c put it as the outer loop. (When optimizing for multitasking, c may want to multitask over m (and over different fluid moments), c and vectorize over n.) c c Try to speed up by combining the various loops... do m=1,md do n=1,nd e_p1(1,m,n)= e_p1(1,m,n)/zbeta(1,m) enddo enddo c solve for (k_theta .ne. 0) modes: do l=2,kd do m=2,md do n=1,nd e_p1(l,m,n)=(e_p1(l,m,n) . -aec(l,m)*e_p1(l-1,m,n))/zbeta(l,m) enddo enddo enddo do l=kd-1,1,-1 do m=2,md do n=1,nd e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n) . -zgamma(l+1,m)*e_p1(l+1,m,n) enddo enddo enddo c solve for (k_theta .eq. 0) modes: do l=2,kdpass m=1 do n=1,nd e_p1(l,m,n)=(e_p1(l,m,n) . -aec(l,m)*e_p1(l-1,m,n))/zbeta(l,m) enddo enddo do l=kdpass-1,1,-1 m=1 do n=1,nd e_p1(l,m,n)=e_p1(l,m,n) . -zgamma(l+1,m)*e_p1(l+1,m,n) enddo enddo c c r moment c do m=1,md do l=1,kdpass aec(l,m)=-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*jac(l)*diff(l-1) cec(l,m)=-dtnu0(m)*0.3125*jac(l)*diff(l) bec(l,m)=1-aec(l,m)-cec(l,m) enddo aec(1,m)=0.0 cec(kdpass,m)=0.0 enddo c set up coefficients of the inversion formula: do m=1,md zbeta(1,m)=bec(1,m) do l=2,kdpass zgamma(l,m)=cec(l-1,m)/zbeta(l-1,m) zbeta(l,m)=bec(l,m)-aec(l,m)*zgamma(l,m) enddo enddo c recursive-solution to tridagonal equations doesn't vectorize so c put it as the outer loop. (When optimizing for multitasking, c may want to multitask over m (and over different fluid moments), c and vectorize over n.) c c Try to speed up by combining the various loops... do m=1,md do n=1,nd e_r1(1,m,n)= e_r1(1,m,n)/zbeta(1,m) enddo enddo c solve for (k_theta .ne. 0) modes: do l=2,kd do m=2,md do n=1,nd e_r1(l,m,n)=(e_r1(l,m,n) . -aec(l,m)*e_r1(l-1,m,n))/zbeta(l,m) enddo enddo enddo do l=kd-1,1,-1 do m=2,md do n=1,nd e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n) . -zgamma(l+1,m)*e_r1(l+1,m,n) enddo enddo enddo c solve for (k_theta .eq. 0) modes: do l=2,kdpass m=1 do n=1,nd e_r1(l,m,n)=(e_r1(l,m,n) . -aec(l,m)*e_r1(l-1,m,n))/zbeta(l,m) enddo enddo do l=kdpass-1,1,-1 m=1 do n=1,nd e_r1(l,m,n)=e_r1(l,m,n) . -zgamma(l+1,m)*e_r1(l+1,m,n) enddo enddo return end