subroutine volflux(a,b,axb,axb_by_mode) c c Volume integral of a*b*grad(rho)/volume integral of grad(rho) c c For a vector flux F, the quantity that is needed for transport c calculations is dV/drho* < F.grad(rho) >, where <...> signifies a c flux surface average: c c < G > == Int(dtheta dalpha drho J G) / Int(J dtheta dalpha drho) c c / c == Int(dtheta dalpha drho J G) / dV/drho * delta_rho c / c c Taking delta_rho -> 0 is the definition of the flux surface average. c Our simulation domain is small enough that averaging over the entire c radial domain is ok. c c Thus, dV/drho = 2.*pi*Int(J dtheta) in our coordinates, since J is c only a function of theta. c c This routine actually calculates c c < F.grad rho > / < |grad rho| > = c c Int(dtheta dalpha drho J |grad rho| F_rho) / Int(J dtheta dalpha drho) c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Int(dtheta dalpha drho J |grad rho| ) / Int(J dtheta dalpha drho) c c F.A delta(rho) c = -------------- c A delta(rho) c c so that, for example, the heat flux that is reported is the heat c flux per unit area. c c This quantity is calculated assuming that F is an ExB type flux, and c that a and b are the parts whose product is the generalized radial c (rho direction) component of F, denoted F_rho. c c Note that < |grad rho| > * dV/drho is the area of the flux surface. c c dV/drho == 2.*pi*Int(dtheta J(theta)), where -N*pi <= theta <= N*pi. c dV/drho == 2.*pi*vnorm here (the 2*pi is from Int(dalpha)) c c This modification for igeo=1 is useful because it reduces to the c previous definition used for the volume-averaged flux in the c circular flux surface limit. Also, normalization issues associated c with our box actually extending multiples of 2*pi in the theta c direction are cleanly handled with this choice, as follows: c c Our reported heat flux fits into the the fundamental transport c equation c c (3/2) d nT/dt + 1/V' d/drho V' < Q.grad rho> + ... = 0 c c like this: c c (3/2) d nT/ dt + 1/V' d/drho A Q_itgc + ... = 0 c c where Q_itgc is the heat flux calculated with this subroutine, c and A is the area of the flux surface. In this equation, c V' should be the physical V' (that is, using pi < theta < pi). c c This transport equation can be rewritten (using definitions above): c c (3/2) d nT/ dt + (< |grad rho| >/A) d/drho A Q_itgc + ... = 0. c c In this form, there is no ambiguity about which V' definition to use; c one just calculates < |grad rho| > and the surface area, plugs in c the heat flux calculated from itgc, and that's that. Note that c there will be an additional factor of <|grad rho|> (typically c stabilizing, I believe) that this definition of Q fails to capture. c c The GA people tend (as I understand it) to lump the factor of c <|grad rho|> out front together with the factor in the Q definition, c and thus talk about a <|grad rho|**2> effect on the anomalous transport c coefficients. c c Note that the definitions of the gradient scale lengths as c c 1/L_T == - d ln(T) / d ln(rho) c c become functions of the choice of rho, the flux-surface label. c If one is calculating everything within this ptor-itgc-eik code, c there is no complication arising from this observation. One may use c any definition available. However, otherwise one must be careful to c keep everything consistent. Factors of drho_1/drho_2 appear... c c Mike K. and I suggest that since we are performing local simulations c (in radius), the default definition of rho that we choose should be c a locally defined quantity. Furthermore, it should be very fast to c calculate (to keep the time spent in the eikcoefs subroutine to a c minimum). The definition which best seems to fit these two criteria c c rho_d = d/D c c where d == the diameter of the flux surface, and D == the diameter of c the last closed flux surface. c c Any interpolation formulas or databases, etc., that we develop will c probably use this definition of rho unless someone thinks of a good c reason to go with another choice. c implicit none include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' complex a(lz,mz,nz),b(lz,mz,nz) real axb_by_mode(mz,nz),axb,zero(mz),vnorm,dz(lz) integer l,m,n c c This logic is wrong for input md=-1. c zero(1)=1.0 do m=2,md zero(m)=0.5 enddo if( then l_left=1 l_right=ld-1 endif do l=l_left,l_right if(igeo.eq.0) then dz(l)=2.*x0/ldb*gradrho(l) else dz(l)=2.*x0/ldb*jacobian(l)*gradrho(l) endif enddo axb=0.0 do n=1,nd do m=1,md axb_by_mode(m,n)=0. vnorm=0. do l=l_left,l_right vnorm=vnorm+dz(l) axb_by_mode(m,n)=axb_by_mode(m,n) . +(real(a(l,m,n))*real(b(l,m,n)) . +aimag(a(l,m,n))*aimag(b(l,m,n)))*dz(l) enddo axb_by_mode(m,n)=axb_by_mode(m,n)/vnorm*zero(m) axb=axb+axb_by_mode(m,n) enddo enddo c return end