module redistribute ! ! Redistribute distributed (integer, real, complex or logical) ! (2, 3, or 4) dimensional arrays into two dimensional arrays with ! first index on local processor, and vice versa. ! ! The first operation is called 'gather' and the second is called 'scatter.' ! ! One can also do a 'fill' operation. This consists of copying ! values from a (2, 3, or 4) dimensional array of ! (integer, real, complex, or logical ) values into ! another array with the same number of dimensions. ! implicit none private public :: index_list_type, delete_list public :: redist_type, delete_redist public :: init_redist, gather, scatter public :: init_fill, fill interface gather module procedure c_redist_22, r_redist_22, i_redist_22, l_redist_22 module procedure c_redist_32, r_redist_32, i_redist_32, l_redist_32 module procedure c_redist_42, r_redist_42, i_redist_42, l_redist_42 end interface interface scatter module procedure c_redist_22_inv, r_redist_22_inv, i_redist_22_inv, l_redist_22_inv module procedure c_redist_32_inv, r_redist_32_inv, i_redist_32_inv, l_redist_32_inv module procedure c_redist_42_inv, r_redist_42_inv, i_redist_42_inv, l_redist_42_inv end interface interface fill module procedure c_fill_2, c_fill_3, c_fill_4 module procedure r_fill_2, r_fill_3, r_fill_4 module procedure i_fill_2, i_fill_3, i_fill_4 module procedure l_fill_2, l_fill_3, l_fill_4 end interface type :: index_map integer :: nn integer, dimension (:), pointer :: k !!f95! => null() integer, dimension (:), pointer :: l !!f95! => null() integer, dimension (:), pointer :: m !!f95! => null() integer, dimension (:), pointer :: n !!f95! => null() end type index_map type :: redist_type private integer, dimension(4) :: to_low, from_low type (index_map), dimension (:), pointer :: to !!f95! => null() type (index_map), dimension (:), pointer :: from !!f95! => null() complex, dimension (:), pointer :: complex_buff !!f95! => null() real, dimension (:), pointer :: real_buff !!f95! => null() integer, dimension (:), pointer :: integer_buff !!f95! => null() logical, dimension (:), pointer :: logical_buff !!f95! => null() end type redist_type type :: index_list_type ! GWH: might try a "defined" flag instead of null() ! for f90 compatibility?: ! logical :: defined = .false. integer, dimension(:), pointer :: first !!f95! => null() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: second !!f95! => null() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: third !!f95! => null() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: fourth !!f95! => null() end type index_list_type contains subroutine init_redist(r, char, to_low, to_list, from_low, from_list) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, proc0 type (redist_type), intent (out) :: r character(1), intent (in) :: char integer, intent (in) :: to_low type (index_list_type), dimension(0:) :: to_list, from_list integer, dimension(:), intent (in) :: from_low integer :: j, ip, n_to, n_from, buff_size allocate (r%to(0:nproc-1), r%from(0:nproc-1)) buff_size = 0 r%to_low(2) = to_low do ip = 0, nproc - 1 if (associated(to_list(ip)%first)) then n_to = size(to_list(ip)%first) r%to(ip)%nn = n_to allocate (r%to(ip)%k(n_to)) allocate (r%to(ip)%l(n_to)) r%to(ip)%k = to_list(ip)%first r%to(ip)%l = to_list(ip)%second if (ip /= iproc) buff_size = max(buff_size, n_to) else r%to(ip)%nn = 0 endif enddo do j = 1, size(from_low) r%from_low(j) = from_low(j) enddo do ip = 0, nproc - 1 if (associated(from_list(ip)%first)) then n_from = size(from_list(ip)%first) r%from(ip)%nn = n_from allocate (r%from(ip)%k(n_from)) allocate (r%from(ip)%l(n_from)) r%from(ip)%k = from_list(ip)%first r%from(ip)%l = from_list(ip)%second if (associated (from_list(ip)%third)) then allocate (r%from(ip)%m(n_from)) r%from(ip)%m = from_list(ip)%third endif if (associated (from_list(ip)%fourth)) then allocate (r%from(ip)%n(n_from)) r%from(ip)%n = from_list(ip)%fourth endif if (ip /= iproc) buff_size = max(buff_size, n_from) else r%from(ip)%nn = 0 endif enddo select case (char) case ('c') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (r%complex_buff(buff_size)) case ('r') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (r%real_buff(buff_size)) case ('i') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (r%integer_buff(buff_size)) case ('l') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (r%logical_buff(buff_size)) case default if (proc0) then write(*,*) 'Type to be redistributed invalid. Must stop.' write(*,*) char endif stop end select end subroutine init_redist subroutine delete_redist(r) use mp, only: nproc type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer :: i if (associated(r%to)) then do i = 0, nproc-1 if (associated (r%to(i)%k)) deallocate (r%to(i)%k) if (associated (r%to(i)%l)) deallocate (r%to(i)%l) if (associated (r%to(i)%m)) deallocate (r%to(i)%m) if (associated (r%to(i)%n)) deallocate (r%to(i)%n) enddo deallocate (r%to) endif if (associated(r%from)) then do i = 0, nproc-1 if (associated (r%from(i)%k)) deallocate (r%from(i)%k) if (associated (r%from(i)%l)) deallocate (r%from(i)%l) if (associated (r%from(i)%m)) deallocate (r%from(i)%m) if (associated (r%from(i)%n)) deallocate (r%from(i)%n) enddo deallocate (r%from) endif if (associated (r%complex_buff)) deallocate (r%complex_buff) if (associated (r%real_buff)) deallocate (r%real_buff) if (associated (r%integer_buff)) deallocate (r%integer_buff) if (associated (r%logical_buff)) deallocate (r%logical_buff) end subroutine delete_redist subroutine init_fill (f, char, to_low, to_list, from_low, from_list) use mp, only: nproc, proc0, iproc type (redist_type), intent (out) :: f character(1), intent (in) :: char type (index_list_type), dimension(0:) :: to_list, from_list integer, dimension(:), intent (in) :: to_low, from_low integer :: j, ip, n_to, n_from, buff_size do j = 1, size(to_low) f%to_low(j) = to_low(j) enddo do j = 1, size(from_low) f%from_low(j) = from_low(j) enddo allocate (f%to(0:nproc-1), f%from(0:nproc-1)) buff_size = 0 do ip = 0, nproc - 1 if (associated(to_list(ip)%first)) then n_to = size(to_list(ip)%first) f%to(ip)%nn = n_to allocate (f%to(ip)%k(n_to)) allocate (f%to(ip)%l(n_to)) f%to(ip)%k = to_list(ip)%first f%to(ip)%l = to_list(ip)%second if (associated (to_list(ip)%third)) then allocate (f%to(ip)%m(n_to)) f%to(ip)%m = to_list(ip)%third endif if (associated (to_list(ip)%fourth)) then allocate (f%to(ip)%n(n_to)) f%to(ip)%n = to_list(ip)%fourth endif if (ip /= iproc) buff_size = max(buff_size, n_to) else f%to(ip)%nn = 0 endif enddo do ip = 0, nproc - 1 if (associated(from_list(ip)%first)) then n_from = size(from_list(ip)%first) f%from(ip)%nn = n_from allocate (f%from(ip)%k(n_from)) allocate (f%from(ip)%l(n_from)) f%from(ip)%k = from_list(ip)%first f%from(ip)%l = from_list(ip)%second if (associated (from_list(ip)%third)) then allocate (f%from(ip)%m(n_from)) f%from(ip)%m = from_list(ip)%third endif if (associated (from_list(ip)%fourth)) then allocate (f%from(ip)%n(n_from)) f%from(ip)%n = from_list(ip)%fourth endif if (ip /= iproc) buff_size = max(buff_size, n_from) else f%from(ip)%nn = 0 endif enddo select case (char) case ('c') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (f%complex_buff(buff_size)) case ('r') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (f%real_buff(buff_size)) case ('i') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (f%integer_buff(buff_size)) case ('l') if (buff_size > 0) allocate (f%logical_buff(buff_size)) case default if (proc0) then write(*,*) 'Type to be redistributed invalid. Must stop.' write(*,*) char endif stop end select end subroutine init_fill subroutine delete_list(list) use mp, only: nproc type (index_list_type), dimension(0:) :: list integer :: ip do ip = 0, nproc-1 if(associated(list(ip)%first)) deallocate(list(ip)%first) if(associated(list(ip)%second)) deallocate(list(ip)%second) if(associated(list(ip)%third)) deallocate(list(ip)%third) if(associated(list(ip)%fourth)) deallocate(list(ip)%fourth) enddo end subroutine delete_list subroutine c_redist_22 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r complex, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_redist_22 subroutine c_redist_22_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r complex, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_redist_22_inv subroutine c_redist_32 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r complex, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_redist_32 subroutine c_redist_32_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r complex, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_redist_32_inv subroutine c_redist_42 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r complex, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_redist_42 subroutine c_redist_42_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r complex, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_redist_42_inv subroutine r_redist_22 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r real, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_redist_22 subroutine r_redist_22_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r real, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_redist_22_inv subroutine r_redist_32 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r real, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_redist_32 subroutine r_redist_32_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r real, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_redist_32_inv subroutine r_redist_42 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r real, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_redist_42 subroutine r_redist_42_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r real, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%real_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%real_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%real_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_redist_42_inv subroutine i_redist_22 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_redist_22 subroutine i_redist_22_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_redist_22_inv subroutine i_redist_32 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_redist_32 subroutine i_redist_32_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_redist_32_inv subroutine i_redist_42 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_redist_42 subroutine i_redist_42_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r integer, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%integer_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%integer_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%integer_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_redist_42_inv subroutine l_redist_22 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r logical, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_redist_22 subroutine l_redist_22_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r logical, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_redist_22_inv subroutine l_redist_32 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r logical, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_redist_32 subroutine l_redist_32_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r logical, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_redist_32_inv subroutine l_redist_42 (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r logical, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i),& r%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), & r%from(ipto)%l(i), & r%from(ipto)%m(i), & r%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_redist_42 subroutine l_redist_42_inv (r, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r logical, dimension (:,r%to_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (r%from_low(1):, & r%from_low(2):, & r%from_low(3):, & r%from_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, r%to(iproc)%nn to_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), & r%from(iproc)%l(i), & r%from(iproc)%m(i), & r%from(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), & r%to(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (r%from(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (r%logical_buff(1:r%from(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, r%from(ipfrom)%nn to_here(r%from(ipfrom)%k(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%l(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%m(i), & r%from(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = r%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (r%to(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, r%to(ipto)%nn r%logical_buff(i) = from_here(r%to(ipto)%k(i), & r%to(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (r%logical_buff(1:r%to(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_redist_42_inv subroutine c_fill_2 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f complex, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%complex_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%complex_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%complex_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%complex_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_fill_2 subroutine c_fill_3 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f complex, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%complex_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%complex_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%complex_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%complex_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_fill_3 subroutine c_fill_4 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f complex, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):, & f%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here complex, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):, & f%to_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i), & f%to(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i), & f%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%complex_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%complex_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%complex_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%complex_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%complex_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%complex_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine c_fill_4 subroutine r_fill_2 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f real, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%real_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%real_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%real_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%real_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%real_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%real_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_fill_2 subroutine r_fill_3 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f real, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%real_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%real_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%real_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%real_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%real_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%real_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_fill_3 subroutine r_fill_4 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f real, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):, & f%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here real, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):, & f%to_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i), & f%to(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i), & f%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%real_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%real_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%real_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%real_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%real_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%real_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%real_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%real_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine r_fill_4 subroutine i_fill_2 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f integer, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%integer_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%integer_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%integer_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%integer_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%integer_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%integer_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_fill_2 subroutine i_fill_3 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f integer, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%integer_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%integer_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%integer_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%integer_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%integer_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%integer_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_fill_3 subroutine i_fill_4 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f integer, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):, & f%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here integer, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):, & f%to_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i), & f%to(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i), & f%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%integer_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%integer_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%integer_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%integer_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%integer_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%integer_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%integer_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%integer_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine i_fill_4 subroutine l_fill_2 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f logical, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%logical_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%logical_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%logical_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%logical_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i)) & = f%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%logical_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i)) end do call send (f%logical_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_fill_2 subroutine l_fill_3 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f logical, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%logical_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%logical_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%logical_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%logical_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i)) & = f%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%logical_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i)) end do call send (f%logical_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_fill_3 subroutine l_fill_4 (f, from_here, to_here) use mp, only: iproc, nproc, send, receive type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: f logical, dimension (f%from_low(1):, & f%from_low(2):, & f%from_low(3):, & f%from_low(4):), intent (in) :: from_here logical, dimension (f%to_low(1):, & f%to_low(2):, & f%to_low(3):, & f%to_low(4):), intent (out) :: to_here integer :: i, idp, ipto, ipfrom, iadp ! redistribute from local processor to local processor do i = 1, f%from(iproc)%nn to_here(f%to(iproc)%k(i),& f%to(iproc)%l(i), & f%to(iproc)%m(i), & f%to(iproc)%n(i)) & = from_here(f%from(iproc)%k(i), & f%from(iproc)%l(i), & f%from(iproc)%m(i), & f%from(iproc)%n(i)) end do ! redistribute to idpth next processor from idpth preceding processor ! or redistribute from idpth preceding processor to idpth next processor ! to avoid deadlocks do idp = 1, nproc-1 ipto = mod(iproc + idp, nproc) ipfrom = mod(iproc + nproc - idp, nproc) iadp = min(idp, nproc - idp) ! avoid deadlock AND ensure mostly parallel resolution if (mod(iproc/iadp,2) == 0) then ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%logical_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%logical_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%logical_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%logical_buff(i) end do end if else ! receive from idpth preceding processor if (f%to(ipfrom)%nn > 0) then call receive (f%logical_buff(1:f%to(ipfrom)%nn), ipfrom, idp) do i = 1, f%to(ipfrom)%nn to_here(f%to(ipfrom)%k(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%l(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%m(i), & f%to(ipfrom)%n(i)) & = f%logical_buff(i) end do end if ! send to idpth next processor if (f%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then do i = 1, f%from(ipto)%nn f%logical_buff(i) = from_here(f%from(ipto)%k(i), & f%from(ipto)%l(i), & f%from(ipto)%m(i), & f%from(ipto)%n(i)) end do call send (f%logical_buff(1:f%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp) end if end if end do end subroutine l_fill_4 end module redistribute