2001/05/03 18:42:50 -0400 dt does not appear in the namelist because it is dynamically allocated. &DATLIS LD = 17, MD = 6, ND = 7, NFFTY = -2, NFFTX = -2, NE = 26, MFR = 2, NFR = 1, NSPECIES = 1, TIM = 1.00000000000000 , SHR = 1.50000000000000 , QSF = 2.40000000000000 , EPSN = 0.400000000000000 , EPS = 0.206000000000000 , ALPHA = 0.000000000000000E+000, ETAI = 4.00000000000000 , NUII = 0.000000000000000E+000, RMU1 = 500.000000000000 , ETAE = 4.00000000000000 , RMIME = 1.00000000000000 , DT0 = 1.000000000000000E-002, X0 = 3.14159265358979 , Y0 = 5.00000000000000 , Z0 = 3.14159300000000 , NFILE = 1, KYSPEC = 1, CONPLOT = 0.000000000000000E+000, RMASS = 1.00000000000000 , 9*0.000000000000000E+000 , CHARGE = 1.00000000000000 , 9*0.000000000000000E+000 , N_I = 1.00000000000000 , 9*0.000000000000000E+000 , TAU = 1.00000000000000 , 9*0.000000000000000E+000 , ETA = 4.00000000000000 , 9*0.000000000000000E+000 , ETA_PAR = 4.00000000000000 , 9*0.000000000000000E+000 , NSTEPS = 25 / ld = 17 ne = 26 tim = 1.00 shr = 1.50 qsf = 2.40 epsn = 0.400 alpha = 0.00 etai = 4.00 rmu1 = 500. etae = 4.00 rmime = 1.00 nspecies = 1 at n = 0 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 at n = 1 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 at n = 2 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 at n = 3 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 at n = -3 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 at n = -2 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 at n = -1 mmin= 0 mmax= 5 time averages from 0.240 to 1.000 time-averaged thermal flux of species 1 avpf= -0.12987897E+00 sdv of pf= 0.38426096E-01 max= -0.60590089E-01 min= -0.19334466E+00 chimax= 0.48336166E-01 chiav= 0.32469743E-01 chimin= 0.15147522E-01 time-averaged total energy aven= 0.23465029E+01 sdv of en= 0.14026571E+00 max= 0.26256987E+01 min= 0.21482077E+01 time-averaged Phi RMS phirms= 0.33645121E+01 sdv of phirms= 0.26458163E+00 phimax= 0.37501088E+01 phimin= 0.28530076E+01 time-averaged radial mode width = 0.00000000E+00 sdv of = 0.00000000E+00 max= 0.00000000E+00 min= 0.00000000E+00 time-averaged y mode width = 0.00000000E+00 sdv of = 0.00000000E+00 max= 0.00000000E+00 min= 0.00000000E+00 time-averaged mode spread in x avxs= 0.00000000E+00 sdv of xs= 0.00000000E+00 avxsmax= 0.00000000E+00 avxsmin= 0.00000000E+00 Quasilinear stuff norm. to vti/Lne, rhoi^2 vti/Lne^2 ne0, rhoi^2 vti/Lne^2 pe0 n= 1 2 ky= 0.200 gamma= 0.0137 to 0.0727 3 ky= 0.400 gamma= 0.1512 to 0.2100 4 ky= 0.600 gamma= 0.1664 to 0.1976 5 ky= 0.800 gamma= 0.0546 to 0.1991 6 ky= 1.000 gamma= -0.0738 to 0.1991 Particle fluxes: electrons, ion species... 2 ky= 0.200 flux= -0.0026 -0.0011 3 ky= 0.400 flux= 0.0093 0.0109 4 ky= 0.600 flux= 0.0651 0.0597 5 ky= 0.800 flux= 0.1817 0.1602 6 ky= 1.000 flux= 0.3662 0.3186 Heat fluxes: electrons, ion species... 2 ky= 0.200 flux= -0.0938 -0.1386 3 ky= 0.400 flux= -0.2439 -0.3055 4 ky= 0.600 flux= -0.3261 -0.3101 5 ky= 0.800 flux= -0.3177 -0.1577 6 ky= 1.000 flux= -0.2414 0.1210 Phi^2 2 ky= 0.200 phi^2= 0.2137E+00 3 ky= 0.400 phi^2= 0.1277E+00 4 ky= 0.600 phi^2= 0.8018E-01 5 ky= 0.800 phi^2= 0.2923E-01 6 ky= 1.000 phi^2= 0.3806E-01 Frequencies: theta_0(mplot)= 0.000000000000000E+000 0.20000 -0.33621 0.07308 0.40000 -0.61989 0.18496 0.60000 -0.72033 0.12624 0.80000 -0.67475 0.01976 1.00000 -0.55251 -0.12224 --------- Flux vs. time: q_i,q_e,Gamma_e 0.100000E-01 0.215969E-02 0.881340E-02 0.195902E-03 0.400000E-01 0.898374E-02 0.188121E-01 0.474014E-03 0.800000E-01 0.177678E-01 0.357292E-01 0.896875E-03 0.120000E+00 0.264853E-01 0.522155E-01 0.126011E-02 0.160000E+00 0.351325E-01 0.681559E-01 0.152574E-02 0.200000E+00 0.437034E-01 0.834497E-01 0.165889E-02 0.240000E+00 0.521915E-01 0.980076E-01 0.162806E-02 0.280000E+00 0.605901E-01 0.111752E+00 0.140540E-02 0.320000E+00 0.688928E-01 0.124619E+00 0.966940E-03 0.360000E+00 0.770939E-01 0.136554E+00 0.292719E-03 0.400000E+00 0.851886E-01 0.147518E+00 -0.633145E-03 0.440000E+00 0.931732E-01 0.157480E+00 -0.182245E-02 0.480000E+00 0.101045E+00 0.166423E+00 -0.328295E-02 0.520000E+00 0.108802E+00 0.174339E+00 -0.501853E-02 0.560000E+00 0.116444E+00 0.181230E+00 -0.702930E-02 0.600000E+00 0.123970E+00 0.187107E+00 -0.931187E-02 0.640000E+00 0.131382E+00 0.191989E+00 -0.118596E-01 0.680000E+00 0.138681E+00 0.195902E+00 -0.146627E-01 0.720000E+00 0.145869E+00 0.198877E+00 -0.177088E-01 0.760000E+00 0.152948E+00 0.200951E+00 -0.209830E-01 0.800000E+00 0.159921E+00 0.202165E+00 -0.244684E-01 0.840000E+00 0.166793E+00 0.202565E+00 -0.281460E-01 0.880000E+00 0.173567E+00 0.202196E+00 -0.319955E-01 0.920000E+00 0.180247E+00 0.201109E+00 -0.359951E-01 0.960000E+00 0.186838E+00 0.199354E+00 -0.401222E-01 0.100000E+01 0.193345E+00 0.196982E+00 -0.443534E-01 m= 0. ener= 0.3714E+01 m= 1. ener= 0.1706E+01 m= 2. ener= 0.1155E+01 m= 3. ener= 0.1525E+01 m= 4. ener= 0.1359E+01 m= 5. ener= 0.2273E+01 ----- Time averaged ne x-spectrum: 1 0.000000000000000E+000 0.870771767362106 2 0.314159300000000 0.134983686310507 3 0.628318600000000 0.149196534596081 ---- Time averaged ne y-spectrum 1 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 2 0.200000000000000 0.471248288214685 3 0.400000000000000 0.173647004650866 4 0.600000000000000 9.796788034859197E-002 5 0.800000000000000 3.501639979084867E-002 6 1.00000000000000 5.365971958771644E-002 ----- Time averaged x-spectrum: 1 0.000000000000000E+000 0.870771767362106 2 0.314159300000000 5.55868533067168 3 0.628318600000000 0.587307125313082 ---- Time averaged y-spectrum 1 0.000000000000000E+000 12.1769727686931 2 0.200000000000000 0.471248288214685 3 0.400000000000000 0.173647004650866 4 0.600000000000000 9.796788034859197E-002 5 0.800000000000000 3.501639979084867E-002 6 1.00000000000000 5.365971958771644E-002 --- Time, D_*, D_d+, D_d-, D_\|, W_u\Psi, T, pcerr 1.000000000000000E-002 8.432529557285628E-003 1.098234058327902E-002 -5.482770009144137E-004 -1.006526440463299E-004 7.879948331812851E-004 1.955393532878519E-002 0.000000000000000E+000 4.000000000000000E-002 2.785022615209373E-002 3.483751533949676E-002 -6.609870142901518E-003 -1.388945940599907E-003 3.143706030332405E-003 5.783263143842145E-002 -4.176595960497291E-004 8.000000000000000E-002 5.386241607067907E-002 6.606015870766024E-002 -1.775221948257684E-002 -4.988225568344863E-003 6.299425828231358E-003 0.103481555555649 -2.075746640389630E-003 0.120000000000000 7.990384952070542E-002 9.690117130923601E-002 -2.564058637677167E-002 -1.029725841665383E-002 9.460363016616961E-003 0.150327539053133 -5.262317958649047E-003 0.160000000000000 0.106079594392508 0.126561037561702 -2.709246162059920E-002 -1.698916056766031E-002 1.263137352432125E-002 0.201190383290272 -9.904529162628427E-003 0.200000000000000 0.132481011533984 0.154162843609683 -2.140090318769067E-002 -2.481698578152869E-002 1.581718508121425E-002 0.256243151255662 -1.590863756577398E-002 0.240000000000000 0.159188059592854 0.179199724152083 -8.997907030741473E-003 -3.357221597640094E-002 1.902246554598336E-002 0.314840126283778 -2.319676780922300E-002 0.280000000000000 0.186269106401496 0.201567846977134 9.288941581351013E-003 -4.306976203637013E-002 2.225159578515527E-002 0.376307728708766 -3.170274509723058E-002 0.320000000000000 0.213781012716800 0.221441198521542 3.260173754851697E-002 -5.314552101379415E-002 2.550849456310668E-002 0.440186922336172 -4.135840035817059E-002 0.360000000000000 0.241769334412531 0.239121635704990 6.020566641178712E-002 -6.365832558571599E-002 2.879651927269898E-002 0.506234830216291 -5.208794677927982E-002 0.400000000000000 0.270268557391983 0.254922934359845 9.152973913279362E-002 -7.449197396428314E-002 3.211841090295420E-002 0.574347667823293 -6.380935005605351E-002 0.440000000000000 0.299302342868069 0.269104460179347 0.126149044173725 -8.555558716624241E-002 3.547626523885083E-002 0.644476525293750 -7.643597625282381E-002 0.480000000000000 0.328883803389985 0.281848292941684 0.163743115568866 -9.678208894967240E-002 3.887152515733305E-002 0.716564648108194 -8.987606208318637E-002 0.520000000000000 0.359015851635145 0.293264734276318 0.204055065444713 -0.108125314471364 4.230499055995454E-002 0.790515327444766 -0.104032179256981 0.560000000000000 0.389691661670507 0.303410594595412 0.246864470719664 -0.119556411352172 4.577683859505574E-002 0.866187154228466 -0.118802920823811 0.600000000000000 0.420895260929025 0.312309021893233 0.291974466674477 -0.131060127603583 4.928664520362193E-002 0.943405267096775 -0.134086255169739 0.640000000000000 0.452602243979545 0.319965321159608 0.339206246943460 -0.142631453513588 5.283340290805601E-002 1.02197576147708 -0.149782272329616 0.680000000000000 0.484780579162997 0.326377512230209 0.388394643286279 -0.154272901728125 5.641553631085588E-002 1.10169536926222 -0.165793928050202 0.720000000000001 0.517391471283789 0.331542442036059 0.439383081309673 -0.165992476520646 6.003092057944862E-002 1.18235543868832 -0.182026385480383 0.760000000000001 0.550390245591939 0.335458757631393 0.492019603679201 -0.177802193364914 6.367690681039290E-002 1.26374332034801 -0.198386518973128 0.800000000000001 0.583727225711963 0.338127942445146 0.546155530053762 -0.189716954155368 6.735035421760606E-002 1.34564409827311 -0.214783511740456 0.840000000000001 0.617348587222055 0.339554430227659 0.601646330384734 -0.201753643599080 7.104766683229560E-002 1.42784337106766 -0.231130313506896 0.880000000000001 0.651197176919801 0.339745571037548 0.658353141085411 -0.213930390658123 7.476483296581880E-002 1.51013033135046 -0.247345217210959 0.920000000000001 0.685213294179575 0.338711870270957 0.716143939706572 -0.226265968574131 7.849746664655614E-002 1.59230060222953 -0.263353131509269 0.960000000000001 0.719335434691763 0.336467537694119 0.774894549431070 -0.238779301298191 8.224084943121059E-002 1.67415906994997 -0.279086608326247 1.00000000000000 0.753500998103522 0.333031134238269 0.834489985955047 -0.251489047532938 8.598996934578672E-002 1.75552304010969 0.000000000000000E+000 m k_theta gamma D_x D 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.200 0.073 0.628 2.049 0.963 2 0.400 0.210 0.608 1.579 0.717 3 0.600 0.166 0.583 0.604 0.262 4 0.800 0.055 0.558 0.122 0.050 5 1.000 -0.074 0.532 -0.116 -0.045