Appendix C: User entry points and functions

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Note: Typing man name, where name is any of the following table entries, will display the reference manual page. All man page names should be typed in lowercase.

The Areas utility

A set of routines to create an area map from a set of edges.

Contains a brief listing of the parameters of the Areas utility.

Produces a picture of that part of the contents of the area map MAP which belongs to the group IGIP. The character string LABL will be used as a label for the picture.

Draws a polyline that is masked by a given area map.

Adds edges to an area map.

Retrieves an integer parameter in Areas.

Gets the area identifiers associated with a given point.

Initializes area map.

Preprocesses an area map that has been initialized by a call to ARINAM and to which edges have been added by calls to AREDAM.

Scans an area map from left to right, extracting definitions of all the areas in the map.

Sets an integer parameter in Areas.

The Autograph utility

Draws graphs, each with a labeled background and each displaying one or more curves.

Briefly describes all Autograph parameters.

Draws the background specified by the current values of the control parameters: the primary parameters with default values or with values supplied by the user, and the secondary parameters with values computed by AGSTUP.

Provides an easy way to convert binary dash patterns into character dash patterns.

Provides a way for the user to change the color, intensity, line style, etc., of various portions of the axes.

Provides a way for the user to change the color, intensity, line style, etc., of curves drawn by Autograph.

Provides a way for the user to change the color, intensity, text style, etc., of the informational labels.

Provides a way for the user to substitute arbitrary character strings for the numeric labels generated by Autograph.

Draws a curve in a manner specified by the current values of the control parameters---the primary parameters with default values or with values supplied by the user, and the secondary parameters with values computed by AGSTUP.

Provides an easy way to generate the names of parameters in the group DASH/PATTERN, for use in calls to AGSETC and AGGETC.

Allows a user program to retrieve (in effect) the character-string values of certain single parameters.

Allows a user program to retrieve the integer equivalent of the real value of a single parameter.

Allows a user program to get the values of a group of parameters containing one or more elements.

Allows a user program to retrieve the real value of a single parameter.

Provides a way for the user to change the style of all text strings drawn by Autograph.

Restores a saved state of Autograph.

Saves the current state of Autograph for later restoration by AGRSTR.

Allows a user program to (in effect) store a character string as the value of a specified single parameter.

Allows a user program to store the real equivalent of an integer as the value of a single parameter.

Allows a user program to reset the values of a group of parameters containing one or more elements.

Allows a user program to store a real number as the value of a single parameter.

Performs "set-up" tasks required before AGBACK and AGCURV may be called. Basically, AGSTUP examines the current values of the primary control parameters for errors and computes from them and from its arguments the values of secondary control parameters. The primary and secondary control parameters together determine how the routines AGBACK and AGCURV will behave.

Provides a way for the user to change the user-system-to-label-system mapping for one or more of the four axes.

Changes the values of certain primary control parameters, purportedly having to do with "annotation" of a graph.

Changes the values of certain primary control parameters purportedly having to do with the "display" of a graph.

Draws, in a manner determined by the current values of the control parameters, a complete graph of one or more curves, each defined by a set of points (XDRA(I),YDRA(I,J)) or (XDRA(I),YDRA(J,I)) or (XDRA(I,J),YDRA(I,J)) or (XDRA(J,I),YDRA(J,I)), depending on the current value of ROW), for I from 1 to NPTS. The curve number J runs from 1 to MANY. The argument GLAB may be used to specify a "graph label" to be placed at the top of the graph.

Draws, in a manner determined by the current values of the control parameters, a complete graph of one or more curves, each defined by a set of points (I,YDRA(I,J)) or (I,YDRA(J,I)), depending on the current value of ROW), for I from 1 to NPTS. The curve number J runs from 1 to MANY. The argument GLAB may be used to specify a "graph label" to be placed at the top of the graph.

Draws, in a manner determined by the current values of the control parameters, a complete graph of a single curve through the points (XDRA(I),YDRA(I)), for I from 1 to NPTS. The argument GLAB may be used to specify a "graph label" to be placed at the top of the graph.

Draws, in a manner determined by the current values of the control parameters, a complete graph of a single curve through the points (I,YDRA(I)), for I from 1 to NPTS. The argument GLAB may be used to specify a "graph label" to be placed at the top of the graph.

The Bivar utility

Provides bivariate interpolation and smooth surface fitting for values given at irregularly distributed points. The resulting interpolating function and its first-order partial derivatives are continuous. The method employed is local, i.e., a change in the data in one area of the plane does not affect the interpolating function except in that local area. Also, the method gives exact results when all points lie in a plane.

Produces interpolated values at points (XI(I), YI(I)), I=1, ..., NIP. This is useful for filling in missing data points on a grid.

Performs smooth surface fitting when the projections of the data points in the X/Y plane are irregularly distributed in the plane.

The Colconv utility

Allows a user to convert among the color models HSV, HLS, and YIQ.

Converts a color specification given as the Hue, Lightness, and Saturation (HLS) values to Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values in the RGB color space.

Converts a color specification given in the Hue, Saturation, and Value (HSV) color space to color values in the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color space.

Converts a color specification given in the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color space to color values in the Hue, Lightness, Saturation (HLS) color space.

Converts a color specification given in the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color space to color values in the Hue, Saturation, and Value (HSV) color space.

Converts a color specification given in the RGB Red, Green, Blue, (RGB) color space to a color specification in the YIQ color space.

Converts a color specification given in the YIQ coordinate system to the equivalent color specification in the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) coordinate system.

The Conpack utility

Provides a sort of toolkit of Fortran subroutines that can be called in various combinations to draw different kinds of contour plots.

This document briefly describes all Conpack parameters.

Draws a background for a contour plot.

Provides user control as a constant-field message is drawn.

Provides user control as contour lines are drawn.

Provides user control as high and low labels are drawn.

Provides user control as the informational label is drawn.

Provides user control as contour line labels are drawn.

Incorporates into a user's cell array color indices determined by examining where the user's contours lie relative to the cell array.

Adds contour lines to an area map. This is part of the process of drawing a solid-fill contour plot.

Draws contour lines masked by an existing area map. The object of this may be simply to avoid drawing contour lines through label boxes, but the routine may be used for more complicated tasks, like limiting the drawing of contour lines to the ocean areas on an Ezmap background.

Draws contour lines.

Traces the contour lines at a given level and retrieves them for some sort of user-defined processing.

Draws black-and-white contours with a single call. Simulates the behavior of the old routine CONREC; it has the same arguments and produces similar output.

Provides a useful polyline-drawer for the routine CPCLDM.

Draws black-and-white contours with a single call. Simulates the behavior of the old subroutine EZCNTR in Conrec_family; it has the same arguments and will produce similar output.

Retrieves the current value of a parameter of type CHARACTER.

Retrieves the current value of a parameter of type INTEGER.

Retrieves the current value of a parameter of type REAL.

Adds label boxes (for the informational label, high and low labels, and contour-line labels) to an area map. The ultimate object of this will usually be to prevent contour lines drawn by CPCLDM from passing through labels or to prevent fill of the label boxes as contour bands are filled.

Draws labels (an informational label, high and low labels, and line labels).

Maps Conpack output from a rectangular coordinate system superimposed on the data grid to some other coordinate system.

Picks a set of contour levels.

Picks a set of labels for labeled contour levels.

Initializes the contouring of a rectangular array of data.

Resets all parameters to their initial default values.

Updates a particular element of a user's cell array.

Sets the value of a parameter of type CHARACTER.

Sets the value of a parameter of type INTEGER.

Sets the value of a parameter of type REAL.

Interpolates from an array of data on a "sparse" rectangular grid which is regularly spaced in X and Y to an array of data on a "dense" rectangular grid and to initialize contouring from the array on the dense grid. (By a "sparse" grid is meant one whose dimensions are smaller than one would like, so that contour lines constructed directly on it are composed of long straight segments.) CPSPS1 may be viewed as a data smoothing routine.

Interpolates from an array of data on a "sparse" rectangular grid which is irregularly spaced in X and Y to an array of data on a "dense" rectangular grid and to initialize contouring from the array on the dense grid. (By a "sparse" grid is meant one whose dimensions are smaller than one would like, so that contour lines constructed directly on it are composed of long straight segments.) CPSPS2 may be viewed as a data smoothing routine.

The Conran_family utility

Is a set of two-dimensional contour mapping routines for irregularly distributed data.

There are three Conran_family entries, CONRAN, CONRAQ, and CONRAS. CONRAN can be invoked in two ways. One generates smoothed contours, the other does not. CONRAQ is a quick version of the package which has a more limited set of options than the other entries. CONRAS is the super version of the package.

Includes a brief description of all Conran_family parameters.

Turns options off and on for the Conran_family utility.

Specifies various INTEGER parameters to be used by the Conran_family utility.

Specifies various REAL parameters to be used by the Conran_family utility.

Specifies various CHARACTER parameters to be used by the Conran_family utility.

Draws a two-dimensional contour map from irregularly distributed data. The contour lines may be smoothed.

Draws a two-dimensional contour map from irregularly distributed data. This is the small quick version of the Conran_family. It also has the fewest available number of options.

Draws a two-dimensional contour map from irregularly distributed data. This is the super version of the Conran_family.

The Dashline utility

A set of line-drawing routines that can be used to generate various dashed line patterns (including solid), can add labels to the lines, can smooth the lines, and can suppress crowding of lines.

Includes a brief description of all Dashline parameters.

A smoother for Dashline.

Super smooth opton for Dashline.

Draws a curve through points.

Chooses a dash pattern without labels.

Chooses a dash pattern with labels.

Puts pen down at a point in user coordinates.

Completes drawing of a line with interspersed characters generated by FRSTD and VECTD calls.

Draws a line segment between two points in user coordinates.

Initializes the Model Picture bit map to zeros.

Draws a line segment between the pen position and the current point in user coordinates.

The Ezmap utility

Allows one to plot maps of the earth according to any of ten different projections, with parallels, meridians, and continental, international, and/or U.S. state outlines.

Ezmapa was the name of a supplement to the Ezmap utility that allowed users to produce solid-filled maps of the earth. All Ezmapa routines are now organized under the Ezmap utility.

This document briefly describes all Ezmap parameters.

Normally used to pick colors for the areas created by the boundary lines added to an area map by a call to MAPBLA.

Adds the set of boundary lines to the area map of projected geographical entities, determined by the current state of the parameters of Ezmap.

Draws the complete map described by the current values of the parameters of Ezmap.

Called by the Ezmap routines MAPLOT and MAPBLA. The default version does nothing. A user-written version may be supplied to examine each outline-dataset segment and, perhaps, to delete selected ones.

Draws lines on a map used in conjunction with MAPVEC.

Returns a set of points on the shortest great circle route between two user-specified points on the globe.

Draws a latitude/longitude grid.

Draws lines of latitude and longitude masked against an existing area map.

Gets the current value of a specified Ezmap parameter of type CHARACTER.

MPGETC is an alternate name for the routine MAPGTC.

Gets the current value of a specified Ezmap parameter of type INTEGER.

MPGETI is an alternate name for the routine MAPGTI.

Gets the current value of a specified Ezmap parameter of type LOGICAL.

MPGETL is an alternate name for the routine MAPGTL.

Gets the current value of a specified EZMAP parameter of type REAL.

MPGETR is an alternate name for the routine MAPGTR.

Initializes Ezmap.

Terminates a string of calls to MAPIT.

Terminates a string of calls to MAPITA.

Terminates a string of calls to the routine MAPITM.

Draws lines on a map.

Adds to an area map the projections of lines defined by a series of latitude/longitude coordinates.

Draws lines on a map, masked by a specified area map.

Labels the map.

Draws geographical outlines.

Positions the map on the plotter frame.

Sets the map projection to be used.

Re-calls SET.

Restores the state of Ezmap saved by an earlier call to MAPSAV.

Saves the current state of Ezmap for later restoration by MAPRST.

Specifies the rectangular portion of the u/v plane to be drawn.

Sets the values of certain Ezmap parameters of type CHARACTER.

MPSETC is an alternate name for the routine MAPSTC.

Sets the values of certain Ezmap parameters of type INTEGER.

MPSETI is an alternate name for the routine MAPSTI.

Sets the values of certain Ezmap parameters of type LOGICAL.

MPSETL is an alternate name for the routine MAPSTL.

Sets the values of certain Ezmap parameters of type REAL.

MPSETR is an alternate name for the routine MAPSTR.

Projects points.

Performs inverse transformations.

Projects points.

SUPCON is an alternate name for the routine MAPTRN.

Called by Ezmap routines that draw the various parts of the map. The default version does nothing. A user-written version may be supplied to change the appearance of the map.

Draws lines on a map---used in conjunction with MAPFST.

Draws a map with a single call.

The Gflash utility

Captures and inserts specified portions of graphics instructions in subsequent frames.

Initiates storage of plotting instructions into a disk file. Instructions subsequent to GFLAS1, but prior to a GFLAS2 call, will be stored on disk rather than inserted into the output metafile.

Terminates putting plotting instructions to disk and resumes putting plotting instructions to the metafile output. A call to GFLAS2 can only be made after a previous call to GFLAS1.

Inserts the instructions saved on disk with a previous GFLAS1 identifier IB into the output metafile. GFLAS3 can be called only after a previous GFLAS1 and GFLAS2 sequence or after a call to GFLAS4. GFLAS3 also uses Fortran logical unit IC for its reads.

Allows the user to access a disk file of plotting instructions generated with a GFLAS1 and GFLAS2 sequence in a previous job for use in a GFLAS3 call.

The GKS-0A Fortran library

GKS (the Graphical Kernel System) is a set of low-level graphics functions that are standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Institute (ISO). The collection of pages in 3NCARG reflects those GKS functions documented in the "User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics" programmer document. This collection does not contain all of the functions in GKS-0A, but merely the most frequently used ones. NCAR GKS-0A does contain all of the functions required to be implemented by the GKS Standard.

GACTM (Accumulate transformation matrix)
Constructs a GKS segment transformation matrix by starting with an existing matrix and composing it with a shift vector, a rotation angle, and X and Y scale factors to create a new transformation matrix. The rotation and scaling are done with respect to a user-defined fixed point.

GACWK (Activate workstation)
Activates a GKS workstation.

GCA (Cell array)
Draws a cell array starting with a rectangle specified by two corner points; this initial rectangle is subdivided into subrectangles by specifying an arbitrary number of divisions in the X and Y directions; each subrectangle (or cell) is assigned a color and drawn with that color.

Closes the GKS package.

GCLRWK (Clear workstation)
Clears a workstation.

GCLSG (Close segment)
Closes a GKS segment.

GCLWK (Close workstation)
Closes a workstation.

GCRSG (Create segment)
Creates a GKS segment.

GCSGWK (Copy segment to workstation)
Copies a GKS segment to a GKS workstation.

GDAWK (Deactivate workstation)
Deactivates a workstation.

GDSG (Delete segment)
Deletes a GKS segment.

GESC (Escape)
Provides a standard way of implementing nonstandard GKS features. NCAR GKS has only two user-accessible escape functions defined: one for changing the name of a metafile and another for pausing in an X window.

GEVTM (Evaluate transformation matrix)
Constructs a GKS segment transformation matrix starting from a given point, a shift vector, a rotation angle, and X and Y scale factors.

GFA (Fill area)
Output primitive for filling polygonal areas.

Opens the GKS package.

GOPWK (Open workstation)
Opens a GKS workstation.

GPL (Polyline)
This output primitive draws line segments connecting a sequence of user-specified coordinate pairs.

GPM (Polymarker)
The polymarker output primitive draws selected symmetric symbols to mark user-specified coordinate positions.

GQASF (Inquire aspect source flags)
Inquires the values for the aspect source flags that determine whether primitive attributes are to be selected from individual settings or from "bundle tables."

GQCHH (Inquire character height)
Retrieves the current character height.

GQCHSP (Inquire character spacing)
Retrieves the current value for character spacing.

GQCHUP (Inquire character up vector)
Retrieves the current value of the character up vector.

GQCHXP (Inquire character expansion factor)
Retrieves the current value of the character expansion factor.

GQCLIP (Inquire clipping indicator)
Retrieves the current value of the clipping indicator as well as the current clipping rectangle.

GQCNTN (Inquire current normalization transformation number)
Retrieves the number of the current normalization transformation.

GQCR (Inquire color representation)
Retrieves the color value associated with a color index on a particular workstation.

GQFACI (Inquire fill area color index)
Retrieves the current fill area color index.

GQFAIS (Inquire fill area interior style)
Retrieves the current value for fill area interior style.

GQFASI (Inquire fill area style index)
Retrieves the current value of the fill area style index.

GQLN (Inquire line type)
Retrieves the current setting for line type.

GQLWSC (Inquire line width scale factor)
Retrieves the current setting of the line width scale factor.

GQMK (Inquire marker type)
Retrieves the current value for the marker type.

GQMKSC (Inquire marker size scale factor)
Retrieves the current value for the polymarker size scale factor.

GQMNTN (Inquire maximum normalization transformation number)
Retrieves the maximum number of supported normalization transformations.

GQNT (Inquire normalization transformation)
Retrieves the window and viewport associated with a given normalization transformation. Users of NCAR Graphics are encouraged to use the SPPS routines SET and GETSET to handle normalization transformations instead of the GKS entries GSWN, GSVP, GSELNT, and GQNT.

GQOPS (Inquire operating state value)
Returns the operating state of GKS.

GQOPSG (Inquire name of open segment)
Returns the name of the currently open segment.

GQPLCI (Inquire polyline color index)
Gets the polyline color index.

GQPMCI (Inquire polymarker color index)
Retrieves the polymarker color index.

GQSGUS (Inquire set of segment names in use)
Retrieves what segment names are currently in use.

GQTXAL (Inquire text alignment)
Retrieves the horizontal and vertical text alignments.

GQTXCI (Inquire text color index)
Retrieves the current text color index.

GQTXFP (Inquire text font and precision)
Retrieves the current setting of the text font and precision values.

GQTXP (Inquire text path)
Retrieves the current text path.

GSASF (Set aspect source flags)
Sets the aspect source flags that determine whether primitive attributes are to be selected from individual settings or from "bundle tables."

GSCHH (Set character height)
Sets the character height for text.

GSCHSP (Set character spacing)
Sets the character spacing for text.

GSCHUP (Set character up vector)
Specifies the angle at which subsequent text is to be drawn with GTX.

GSCHXP (Set character expansion factor)
Sets the width to height ratio of text.

GSCLIP (Set clipping indicator)
Controls whether data are displayed outside the boundaries of the world coordinate window of the current normalization transformation.

GSCR (Set color representation)
Associates a color value with a color index.

GSELNT (Select normalization transformation)
Selects a predefined or user-defined transformation that maps world coordinates to normalized device coordinates.

GSFACI (Set fill area color index)
Sets the fill area color index.

GSFAIS (Set fill area interior style)
Sets the fill style of polygons drawn with GFA.

GSFASI (Set fill are style index)
Sets the fill area style index.

GSLN (Set line type)
Sets the line type to solid or various dashed patterns.

GSLWSC (Set linewidth scale factor)
Sets the linewidth scale factor, or relative thickness of a polyline.

GSMK (Set marker type)
Sets the type of polymarker to be used in subsequent GPM calls.

GSMKSC (Set marker size scale factor)
Sets the polymarker size scale factor --- the relative size of the marker.

GSPLCI (Polyline color index)
Sets the polyline color index.

GSPMCI (Set polymarker color index)
Sets the polymarker color index.

GSSGT (Set segment transformation)
Associates a segment transformation with a named segment.

GSTXAL (Set text alignment)
Sets the text alignment.

GSTXCI (Set text color index)
Sets the text color index.

GSTXFP (Set text font and precision)
Sets the text font and precision.

GSTXP (Set text path)
Sets the text paths or directions in which text is to be drawn.

GSVP (Set viewport)
Establishes a rectangular subspace of normalized device coordinates space. Calls to GSVP are discouraged with NCAR Graphics. Instead, use the SET subroutine because SET also supports mirror imaging and log scaling of axes.

GSWN (Set window)
Establishes a window, or rectangular subspace, of world coordinates to be plotted. Calls to GSWN are discouraged with NCAR Graphics. Instead, use the SET subroutine because SET also supports mirror imaging and log scaling of axes.

GTX (Text)
The basic output primitive for drawing text. A number of attribute-setting routines are available for selecting the size, font, precision, orientation, color, character spacing, etc.

GUWK (Update workstation)
Ensures that the workstation is current and reflects all requests that have been made.

The GKS-0A C library

gaccum_tran_matrix (Accumulate transformation matrix)
Constructs a GKS segment transformation matrix by starting with an existing matrix and composing it with a shift vector, a rotation angle, and X and Y scale factors to create a new transformation matrix. The rotation and scaling are done with respect to a user-defined fixed point.

gactivate_ws (Activate workstation)
Activates a GKS workstation.

gcell_array (Cell array)
Draws a cell array starting with a rectangle specified by two corner points; this initial rectangle is subdivided into subrectangles by specifying an arbitrary number of divisions in the X and Y directions; each subrectangle (or cell) is assigned a color and drawn with that color.

gclear_ws (Clear workstation)
Clears a workstation.

gclose_gks (Close GSK)
Closes the GKS package.

gclose_seg (Close segment)
Closes a GKS segment.

gclose_ws (Close workstation)
Closes a workstation.

gcopy_seg_ws (Copy segment to workstation)
Copies a GKS segment to a GKS workstation.

gcreate_seg (Create segment)
Creates a GKS segment.

gdeactivate_ws (Deactivate workstation)
Deactivates a workstation.

gdel_seg (Delete segment)
Deletes a GKS segment.

gescape (Escape)
Provides a standard way of implementing nonstandard GKS features. NCAR GKS has only two user-accessible escape functions defined: one for changing the name of a metafile and another for pausing in an X window.

geval_tran_matrix (Evaluate transformation matrix)
Constructs a GKS segment transformation matrix starting from a given point, a shift vector, a rotation angle, and X and Y scale factors.

gfill_area (Fill area)
Output primitive for filling polygonal areas.

ginq_asfs (Inquire aspect source flags)
Inquires the values for the aspect source flags that determine whether primitive attributes are to be selected from individual settings or from "bundle tables."

ginq_char_expan (Inquire character expansion factor)
Retrieves the current value of the character expansion factor.

ginq_char_ht (Inquire character height)
Retrieves the current character height.

ginq_char_space (Inquire character spacing)
Retrieves the current value for character spacing.

ginq_char_up_vec (Inquire character up vector)
Retrieves the current value of the character up vector.

ginq_clip (Inquire clipping indicator)
Retrieves the current value of the clipping indicator as well as the current clipping rectangle.

ginq_colr_rep (Inquire color representation)
Retrieves the color value associated with a color index on a particular workstation.

ginq_cur_norm_tran_num (Inquire current normalization transformation

Retrieves the number of the current normalization transformation.

ginq_fill_colr_ind (Inquire fill area color index)
Retrieves the current fill area color index.

ginq_fill_int_style (Inquire fill area interior style)
Retrieves the current value for fill area interior style.

ginq_fill_style_ind (Inquire fill area style index)
Retrieves the current value of the fill area style index.

ginq_line_colr_ind (Inquire polyline color index)
Gets the polyline color index.

ginq_linetype (Inquire line type)
Retrieves the current setting for line type.

ginq_linewidth (Inquire line width scale factor)
Retrieves the current setting line width scale factor.

ginq_marker_colr_ind (Inquire polymarker color index)
Retrieves the polymarker color index.

ginq_marker_size (Inquire marker size scale factor)
Retrieves the current value for the polymarker size scale factor.

ginq_marker_type (Inquire marker type)
Retrieves the current value for the marker type.

ginq_max_norm_tran_num (Inquire maximum normalization transformation

Retrieves the maximum number of supported normalization transformations.

ginq_name_open_seg (Inquire name of open segment)
Returns the name of the currently open segment.

ginq_norm_tran (Inquire normalization transformation)
Retrieves the window and viewport associated with a given normalization transformation. Users of NCAR Graphics are encouraged to use the SPPS routines c_set and c_getset to handle normalization transformations instead of the GKS entries gset_win, gset_vp, gsel_norm_tran, and ginq_norm_tran.

ginq_op_st (Inquire operating state value)
Returns the operating state of GKS.

ginq_set_seg_names (Inquire set of segment names in use)
Retrieves what segment names are currently in use.

ginq_text_align (Inquire text alignment)
Retrieves the horizontal and vertical text alignments.

ginq_text_colr_ind (Inquire text color index)
Retrieves the current text color index.

ginq_text_font_prec (Inquire text font and precision)
Retrieves the current settings of the text font and precision values.

ginq_text_path (Inquire text path)
Retrieves the current text path.

gopen_gks (Open GKS)
Opens the GKS package.

gopen_ws (Open workstation)
Opens a GKS workstation.

gpolyline (Polyline)
This output primitive draws line segments connecting a sequence of user-specified coordinate pairs.

gpolymarker (Polymarker)
This polymarker output primitive draws selected symmetric symbols to mark user-specified coordinate positions.

gsel_norm_tran (Select normalization transformation)
Selects a predefined or user-defined transformation that maps world coordinates to normalized device coordinates.

gset_asfs (Set aspect source flags)
Sets the aspect source flags that determine whether primitive attributes are to be selected from individual settings or from "bundle tables."

gset_char_expan (Set character expansion factor)
Sets the width-to-height ratio of text.

gset_char_ht (Set character height)
Sets the character height for text.

gset_char_space (Set character spacing)
Sets the character spacing for text.

gset_char_up_vec (Set character up vector)
Specifies the angle at which subsequent text is to be drawn with gtext.

gset_clip_ind (Set clipping indicator)
Controls whether data are displayed outside the boundaries of the world coordinate window of the current normalization transformation.

gset_colr_rep (Set color representation)
Associates a color value with a color index.

gset_fill_colr_ind (Set fill area color index)
Sets the fill area color index.

gset_fill_int_style (Set fill area interior style)
Sets the fill style of polygons drawn with gfill_area.

gset_fill_style_ind (Set fill are style index)
Sets the fill area style index.

gset_line_colr_ind (Polyline color index)
Sets the polyline color index.

gset_linetype (Set line type)
Sets the line type to solid or various dashed patterns.

gset_linewidth (Set line width scale factor)
Sets the line width scale factor, or relative thickness of a polyline.

gset_marker_colr_ind (Set polymarker color index)
Sets the polymarker color index.

gset_marker_size (Set marker size scale factor)
Sets the polymarker size scale factor---the relative size of the marker.

gset_marker_type (Set marker type)
Sets the type of polymarker to be used in subsequent GPM calls.

gset_seg_tran (Set segment transformation)
Associates a segment transformation with a named segment.

gset_text_align (Set text alignment)
Sets the text alignment.

gset_text_colr_ind (Set text color index)
Sets the text color index.

gset_text_font_prec (Set text font and precision)
Sets the text font and precision.

gset_text_path (Set text path)
Sets the text paths or directions in which text is to be drawn.

gset_vp (Set viewport)
Establishes a rectangular subspace of normalized device coordinates space. Calls to gset_vp are discouraged with NCAR Graphics. Instead, use the c_set routine because c_set also supports mirror imaging and log scaling of axes.

gset_win (Set window)
Establishes a window, or rectangular subspace, of world coordinates to be plotted. Calls to gset_win are discouraged with NCAR Graphics. Instead, use the c_set routine because c_set also supports mirror imaging and log scaling of axes.

gtext (Text)
The basic output primitive for drawing text. A number of attribute setting routines are available for selecting the size, font, precision, orientation, color, character spacing, etc.

gupd_ws (Update workstation)
Ensures that the workstation is current and reflects all requests that have been made.

The Gridall utility

Allows one to draw backgrounds for X/Y plots. Included are routines for drawing grids, perimeters, and pairs of axes. Gridall parameters control such things as the color indices and line width scale factors used to draw various parts of the background, the formats to be used for labels, the sizes of the characters to be used for labels, the amount by which labels are to be offset from the axes, and the routine to be called to draw the labels (the SPPS routine WTSTR or the Plotchar routine PLCHHQ).

This document briefly describes all Gridall parameters.

Sets the values of parameters determining the color of various parts of the background.

Retrieves the value of a specified parameter of type CHARACTER.

Retrieves the value of a specified parameter of type INTEGER.

Retrieves the value of a specified parameter of type REAL.

Gives a new value to a specified parameter of type CHARACTER.

Gives a new value to a specified parameter of type INTEGER.

Gives a new value to a specified parameter of type REAL.

Draws an unlabeled grid.

Draws any of the supported types of backgrounds. Each of the other background-drawing routines is implemented by a call to GRIDAL.

Draws a labeled grid with each major division labeled with its numeric value.

Draws orthogonal axes intersecting at a specified point and with a specified set of labels.

Presets parameters controlling the appearance of labels drawn by GRIDAL, GRIDL, ... et al. LABMOD itself does no plotting and, in order to have any effect, must be called prior to the background-drawing routines for which it is presetting parameters.

Draws an unlabeled perimeter with inward-pointing tick marks. The directions and lengths of tick marks may be changed by calling TICKS and/or TICK4.

Draws a labeled perimeter with inward-pointing tick marks. The directions and lengths of tick marks may be changed by calling TICK4.

Allows for program control of tick mark length and direction.

The Histogram utility

This utility is used to generate histograms. Histograms or bar charts are used to show the distribution of values in a like-sample dataset. The individual values are sorted by size into a number of value ranges called class intervals. The number of samples out of the total which fall into a class interval are represented as a histogram bar height. The height of each histogram bar is proportional to the number of samples in that class interval.

This document briefly describes all histogram parameters.

Plots a histogram with various options including specification of class values, spacing between histogram bars, shading of bars, windowing (i.e. scaling), specification of color, labels, titles, etc. Data values are partitioned into classes; histogram bars represent either number of occurrences within each class, or a Y-value associated with that class (user choice). Options are set by calls to subroutines HSTOPL, HSTOPR, HSTOPC, and HSTOPI before the call to HISTGR.

Specifies various CHARACTER variables to be used by the Histogram utility.

Specifies various INTEGER parameters to be used by the Histogram utility.

Turns parameter options off and on for the Histogram utility.

Specifies various REAL arrays to be used by the the Histogram utility.

The Isosurface utility

Allows the user to draw a perspective view of the surface defined by the equation f(u,v,w)=fiso, where the function f is approximated by a 3-dimensional array of data and fiso is a user-specified "isovalue." Contours created by taking slices in any of three directions through the surface are drawn with hidden portions of the contour lines removed.

This document briefly describes all Isosurface parameters.

Draws an isosurface.

Gets the current values of parameters of type INTEGER.

Gets the current values of parameters of type REAL.

Draws an isosurface.

Resets the current values of parameters of type INTEGER.

Resets the current values of parameters of type REAL.

Plots characters in 3-space when using Isosurface. For a large class of possible positions, the hidden character problem is solved.

The Labelbar utility

Creates a labeled, filled, rectangular bar to serve as a key for a filled plot.

This document briefly describes all Labelbar parameters.

A routine that is called by LBLBAR (when the argument IFTP is nonzero) to fill portions of the bar. The default version of this routine does color fill by calling GSFACI and GFA.

Retrieves the current value of parameters of type INTEGER in Labelbar.

Retrieves a parameter of type REAL in Labelbar.

Draws a complete label bar.

Sets the value of parameters of type INTEGER in Labelbar.

Gives new values to parameters of type REAL in Labelbar.

The Ngmisc utility

Is a miscellaneous collection of useful functions that are task-specific and not complex enough to be packages in their own right.

Draws filled circular dots at coordinate positions (X(I),Y(I),I=1,NUM) at size SIZE with color given by the color index ICOLOR.

Effects a break in the picture drawing sequence in a Fortran code using GKS. The actions taken depend on whether the designated workstation is a metafile or an output/input workstation. An option is provided for prompting the user when an output/input workstation is ready and waiting after a pause.

Draws a symbol from the standard WMO/NOAA meteorological fonts by reference to the font name and symbol number within that font.

The Plotchar utility

Allows a user to draw characters of high, medium, or low quality.

This document briefly describes all Plotchar parameters.

Defines the default list of "special colors" used by PCHIQU in drawing certain characters from the filled fonts.

Retrieves the value of a specified parameter of type CHARACTER.

Retrieves the value of a specified parameter of type INTEGER.

Retrieves the value of a specified parameter of type REAL.

Draws high-quality characters. By default, it uses the same database as the old NCAR Graphics routine PWRITX, but it can also use characters from any of the fontcap-defined databases, it has an improved interface, and it has many more capabilities than PWRITX.

PLCHHQ is an alternate name for the routine PCHIQU.

Draws characters of "low quality" by calling the GKS character-drawing routines. No function codes may be used. Using PCLOQU to draw a given string of characters will create a smaller metafile than if PCHIQU or PCMEQU were used; the results will depend on capabilities of the translator.

PLCHLQ is an alternate name for the routine PCLOQU.

Draws characters of "medium quality." It does this by drawing lines, just as PCHIQU does, but it does not produce quite such fancy characters. No function codes may be used. Using PCMEQU to draw a given string of characters will create a larger metafile than if PCLOQU were used, which may be a disadvantage. However, it may also be more dependable, in that it does not depend on capabilities the translator may or may not have.

PLCHMQ is an alternate name for the routine PCMEQU.

This routine is normally not called directly by the user (though it can be). It is called by PCHIQU and by PCMEQU when the user has set the mapping flag MA nonzero to request mapping of characters from one X/Y coordinate system to another.

Is a character function.

Gives a new value to a specified parameter of type CHARACTER.

Gives a new value to a specified parameter of type INTEGER.

Gives a new value to a specified parameter of type REAL.

The Scrolled_title utility

Creates movie titles. The titles can be scrolled, faded in, and/or faded out. Foreground and background colors can be specified.

This document briefly describes all Scrolled_title parameters.

Reads, from standard input, the information necessary to define the desired title frames, and then calls STITLE to create those frames. Used for unscrolled movie titles.

Gets the current values of parameters of type INTEGER that affect the behavior of STITLE and FTITLE.

Gets the current values of parameters of type REAL that affect the behavior of STITLE and FTITLE.

Sets the values of parameters of type INTEGER that affect the behavior of STITLE and FTITLE.

Sets the values of parameters of type REAL that affect the behavior of STITLE and FTITLE.

Creates scrolled movie titles. It receives all input through the argument list.

The Softfill utility

Fills a polygonal subset of the plotter frame.

This document briefly describes all Softfill parameters.

Retrieves the current value of a specified parameter.

Retrieves the current integer value of a specified parameter.

Retrieves the current dot pattern.

Retrieves the current real value of a specified parameter.

The subroutines SFWRLD and SFNORM are used to fill that portion of the plotter frame inside the area defined by a given polygonal boundary.

Sets the character value of a specified parameter.

Sets the current integer value of a parameter.

Defines a new dot pattern.

Sets the current real value of a specified parameter.

Fills, in one of various ways, an area of the plotter frame defined by a given set of points; it is intended to provide a way to use the GKS fill-area routine, if it works (as is the case in the version of GKS distributed with NCAR Graphics), or a suitable pattern-fill substitute, otherwise. Doing all area fills with SFSGFA has the advantage that the way in which they are done can then be changed by modifying the value of a single parameter of Softfill, named TY.

The subroutines SFWRLD and SFNORM are used to fill that portion of the plotter frame inside the area defined by a given polygonal boundary.

The SPPS library

Is a collection of routines for defining and managing NCAR Graphics coordinate systems, for drawing lines, markers, and text in those coordinate systems, and for implementing efficiency considerations such as polyline segment buffering.

A set of functions which transform coordinates between the various NCAR Graphics coordinate systems.

This document briefly describes all SPPS parameters.

Converts from fractional coordinates to user coordinates.

Converts from fractional coordinates to user coordinates.

Deactivates workstation 1, closes workstation 1, and closes GKS.

Converts from user coordinates to fractional coordinates.

Converts from user coordinates to fractional coordinates.

Draws a curve defined by the series of points (PX(I),PY(I), I = 1,NP), in the user coordinate system. The pen is left at the location of the last point in the curve.

Advances to the next picture in the case of CGM output, and pauses in the window of most recent creation for X11 output. A mouse or key click in the window on pause will cause all active workstations to be cleared.

Generates a pen-up move to the point (PX, PY) in the user coordinate system. It is used in conjunction with routine VECTOR to draw lines.

Returns a set of values which, if used as arguments in a call to SET, will cause normalization transformation 1, axis scaling (argument LS), and axis mirror imaging to be defined in such a way as to duplicate the combined effects of the current normalization transformation and axis scaling and mirror imaging.

Gets the value of one of the SPPS parameters.

Draws a line from the point (X1, Y1) to the point (X2, Y2).

Opens GKS, opens workstation 1 to receive metacode output and activates workstation 1.

Moves the plotter pen to a designated position in fractional coordinates, or causes an SPPS polyline buffer flush.

Draws a point at the location (PX, PY) in the user coordinate system.

Draws a series of markers at the locations (PX(I),PY(I),I=1,NP). The markers can also be connected by drawing lines between them.

Sets the parameters that define the mapping back and forth between fractional and user coordinates.

Sets the plotter address unit range exponents.

Sets the value of one of the SPPS parameters.

Flushes the SPPS polyline buffer accumulated through calls to routines PLOTIF.

Generates a pen-down move to the point (PX, PY) in the user coordinate system. It is used in conjunction with routine FRSTPT to draw lines.

The Streamlines utility

Allows a user to plot a streamline representation of field flow given two arrays containing the components of the field vectors on a uniform grid in a user-defined coordinate system.

This document briefly describes all Streamlines parameters.

Gets the current value of a parameter of type INTEGER.

Gets the current value of a parameter of type REAL.

Performs initialization tasks required before STREAM may be called to create a streamline field flow plot, including copying array size information into internal common block variables and establishing the basic mapping from grid coordinates to data coordinates and from user coordinates to NDC space.

Outputs the streamline representation of the flow field, according to the specifications established by the parameter-setting routines and the initialization routine, STINIT.

Resets all parameters to their initial default values.

Sets the value of a parameter of type INTEGER.

Sets the value of a parameter of type REAL.

Inversely maps a single point on the streamline from user to data coordinate space. The argument list for STUIXY parallels that of the internal Streamlines routine, STIMXY, used for the predefined mappings employed when the MAP parameter has a value between 0 and 2.

This routine is the user-definable external subroutine used to draw masked streamlines. The default version of the routine draws any polyline all of whose area identifiers are greater than or equal to zero.

Given the coordinates of a point on the streamline in data, user, and NDC space, and the interpolated, normalized components of the vector at the point relative to data coordinate space, the user-modifiable routine STUMTA finds the directional angle of the streamline relative to NDC space at the point.

A user-modifiable routine that maps a single point on the streamline from data to user coordinate space. The argument list for STUMXY parallels that of the internal Streamlines routine, STMPXY, used for the predefined mappings employed when the MAP parameter has a value between 0 and 2.

The Surface utility

Draws a perspective picture of a function of two variables with hidden lines removed. The function is approximated by a two-dimensional array of heights.

This document briefly describes the Surface internal parameters.

Draws a perspective picture of a function of two variables with hidden lines removed. The function is approximated by a two-dimensional array of heights.

Draws a perspective picture of a function of two variables with hidden lines removed. The function is approximated by a two-dimensional array of heights. Use EZSRFC only if the entire array is to be drawn, the data points are equally spaced in the X/Y plane, there are no stereo pairs, and scaling is chosen internally.

A character-plotting routine for plotting characters in 3-space when using SRFACE.

Sets constants prior to SRFACE calls so that picture size will change according to the viewer distance from the object. It can be used in creating a movie of an object evolving in time.

The Threed utility

A 3-D line-drawing package.

Draws a curve through points.

Used to draw a line in 3-space as well as a "fence" between the line and the plane normal to one of the coordinate axes.

Positions the pen on a point in 3-space.

Draws a line between two points in 3-space.

Draws a perimeter with tick marks.

Draws a point in 3-space.

Plots characters in 3-space when using THREED.

Set up 3-D equivalents of viewport and window, as well as perspective angle.

Allows conrol of tick mark length.

Draws a line between the current pen position and the point (UA, VA, WA). The current pen position becomes (UA, VA, WA). Note that a curve can be drawn by using a FRST3 call followed by a sequence of VECT3 calls.

The Vectors utility

Allows a user to plot vector fields given two arrays containing the components of the vectors on a uniform grid in a user-defined coordinate system. In addition, the user may pass in another array of scalar data defined over the same grid space independent of, but presumably related in some fashion, to the vector data. The utility will then color each vector based on the scalar value at the same grid point. Alternatively, the user can choose to color the vectors based on the vector magnitude at the grid point. Vectors replaces the Velvct utility.

This document briefly describes all Vectors parameters.

Manages the coordinate system mapping, color setting, auxiliary text output, and drawing of the vector field plot, according to the specifications established by the parameter setting routines and the initialization routine, VVINIT.

Gets the current value of a Vectors parameter of type CHARACTER.

Gets the current value of a Vectors parameter of type INTEGER.

Gets the current value of a Vectors parameter of type REAL.

Performs initialization tasks required before VVECTR may be called to plot a vector field, including copying array size information into internal common block variables, establishing the basic mapping from grid coordinates to data coordinates and from user coordinates to NDC space, determining the maximum and minimum vector magnitudes and scalar array values, and, if required, setting up the color threshold value array.

Resets all parameters to their initial default values.

Sets the value of a Vectors parameter of type CHARACTER.

Sets the value of a Vectors parameter of type INTEGER.

Sets the value of a Vectors parameter of type REAL.

This routine is the user-definable external subroutine used to draw masked vectors. The default version of the routine draws any polyline all of whose area identifiers are greater than or equal to zero.

The user may modify this routine to define a custom mapping of vectors from a data coordinate system aligned with the natural boundaries of the vector field to the uniform normalized device coordinate (NDC) system suitable for generating a plot on an output device. It has same parameters as the internal Vectors routine, VVMPXY, used for the predefined mappings employed when the MAP parameter has a value between 0 and 2.

Man page entries for NCAR Graphics commands and auxiliary support programs

Filters NCAR CGM from vanilla CGM.

Discusses various CGM tools, including CGM_open, CGM_close, CGM_lseek, CGM_read, CGM_write, CGM_directory,CGM_freeDirectory, CGM_printDirectory, CGM_getInstr,CGM_flushGetInstr, CGM_putInstr, CGM_flushOutputInstr,CGM_initMetaEdit, CGM_termMetaEdit, CGM_copyFrames, CGM_deleteFrames,CGM_mergeFrames, CGM_moveFrames, CGM_readFrames, CGM_valid,CGM_writeFile, CGM_writeFrames, CGM_appendFrames --- Computer Graphics Metafile operations

A Computer Graphics Metafile CGM translator.

Reports available fontcaps.

Locates calls to all obsolete entries in pre-GKS NCAR Graphics.

Fontcap preprocessor for NCAR Graphics.

NCAR Graphics font definition file.

Reports available graphcaps.

Graphcap preprocessor for NCAR Graphics.

NCAR Graphics graphic device definition file.

Interactive NCAR CGM translator ctrans.

X Window interactive image display tool.

NCAR CGM metafile frame editor.

Description of how to use the NCAR Graphics C-binding.

NCAR Graphics GKS environment variables.

Description of how to use the NCAR Graphics GKS C-binding.

Command for compiling C code that uses NCAR Graphics.

NCAR Graphics C and Fortran examples and tests.

Command for compiling Fortran code that uses NCAR Graphics.

NCAR Graphics overview.

Moves an installed version of NCAR Graphics.

Runs a user program and redirects the metafile output.

Retrieves NCAR Graphics source.

Creates tar file for NCAR Graphics.

Displays NCAR Graphics version number.

Spooled device configuration table for interactive metafile translator ictrans.

Filters NCAR CGM from vanilla CGM.

Converts a pre-CGM NCAR metafile to an NCAR CGM.

PostScript filter to convert the background to black.

PostScript filter to convert the background to white.

Concatenates, converts raster files.

Information on raster formats supported by NCAR Graphics.

Formats descriptions for palette files.

Extracts the color palette of a raster file and writes it to standard output.

Lists information on raster files.

Splits a multiframe raster file into single-frame raster files.

Raster file previewer for the X Window System.

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