Dsgrid Error handling
The error handling functions
Dsgrid contains a set of
procedures that
implement a centralized error handling capability.
The package invokes the C function DSErrorHnd to produce all
of its error messages. DSErrorHnd simply invokes
the DSErrorLog function with the same arguments as DSErrorHnd.
This allows a user to replace the error handling
functionality by replacing or modifying the DSErrorHnd function with
one that handles errors in an application-dependent
manner. All of the error handling functions are written in C; there
is no way to replace the error handler using Fortran code.
The error functions are:
DSErrorHnd - Primary error handler
DSErrorHnd simply invokes the
DSErrorLog function with the arguments
specified in DSErrorHnd.
This allows a user to replace the error handling
functionality by replacing or modifying the DSErrorHnd function with
one that handles errors in an application-dependent
Function prototype:
void DSErrorHnd (int, char *, FILE *, char *);
Argument description:
Argument | Type
void DSErrorHnd (error, | int
func, | char *
efile, | FILE *
smsg); | char *
- error
- The error number, as described in
the error table.
- func
- A string specifying the function that is invoking the error call.
- efile
- Specifies the file where the error message will be written. By
default error messages are written to stderr.
- smsg
- The error message; this will usually be DSErrMsg(i)
where i is an error number.
Function prototype:
void DSErrorLog (int, char *, FILE *, char *);
Argument description:
Argument | Type
void DSErrorLog (error, | int
func, | char *
efile, | FILE *
smsg); | char *
- error
- The error number, as described in
the error table.
- func
- A string specifying the function that is invoking the error call.
- efile
- Specifies the file where the error message will be written. By default
error messages are written to stderr.
- smsg
- The error message; this will usually be DSErrMsg(i)
where i is an error number.
DSErrMsg - retrieves error messages
Function prototype:
char *DSErrMsg(int i)
Return value:
DSErrMsg returns the error message associated with its integer
Argument description:
Argument | Type
char *DSErrMsg (error_num | int
); |
- error_num
- An error number.
DSErrMax - retrieves the number of
possible error messages
Function prototype:
int DSErrMax()
Return value:
The value returned is the total number of possible error messages.
Error table
The following table lists all of the error numbers and the associated
error messages:
Error | Error message
number |
1 | Error number out of range.
2 | Insufficient data in gridded region to triangulate.
3 | Array dimension out of range.
4 | Parameter name not known.
5 | Cannot open error file.
6 | Error allocating memory for input points.
7 | Fortran DOUBLE PRECISION entries are not supported on UNICOS.
9 | Error allocating memory for array of distances between input points.
10 | Error allocating memory for weights.
11 | Error allocating memory for distance ordering vector.
12 | Error allocating memory for output array.
13 | Number of input points must be greater than 2.
14 | No original data values within the specified distance -
| interpolated value set to missing value flag.
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