Example 4 -- interpolated parametric curves and derivatives

;  Description:  This program illustrates the use of ftkurv and ftkurvd.
procedure drw_text(label:string, xpos:float, ypos:float, height:float, \
; Create and draw a text string.
label1 = create "Label" textItemClass output
    "txPosXF": xpos
    "txPosYF": ypos
    "txFont": 21
    "txJust" : "centercenter"
    "txString": label
    "txFontHeightF": height
end create

; Main program.
; Specify the input data.
x = (/  3.0,  4.0,  9.0, 16.0, 21.0, 27.0,    \
       34.0, 36.0, 34.0, 26.0, 18.0         /)
y = (/  2.4,  9.6, 14.4, 12.0,  9.6,  8.4,    \
       13.2, 21.6, 30.0, 37.2, 38.4         /)

; Create an array of parameterized values where interpolated values
; are desired.
npts = 201
u = fspan(0.,1.,npts)

; Interpolate.
xo = new( (/ npts /), float)
yo = new( (/ npts /), float)
ftkurv(x, y, u, xo, yo)

;  Get the derivatives (this returns the interpolated values as well).
xs = new( (/ npts /), float)
ys = new( (/ npts /), float)
xd = new( (/ npts /), float)
yd = new( (/ npts /), float)
xdd = new( (/ npts /), float)
ydd = new( (/ npts /), float)
ftkurvd(x, y, u, xs, ys, xd, yd, xdd, ydd)

; Create a color map.
ncolors = 6
cmap = new( (/ncolors,3/), float)
cmap(0,:) = (/1.0,1.0,1.0/)
cmap(1,:) = (/0.0,0.0,0.0/)
cmap(2,:) = (/1.0,0.0,0.0/)
cmap(3,:) = (/0.0,1.0,0.0/)
cmap(4,:) = (/0.0,0.0,1.0/)
cmap(5,:) = (/1.0,1.0,0.0/)

; Default is to display output to an X workstation.

if (NCGM .eq. 1) then
; Create an ncgmWorkstation object.
  xworkid = create "ft04Work" ncgmWorkstationClass defaultapp
      "wkMetaName" : "ft01n.ncgm"
      "wkColorMap" : cmap
  end create
  if (X11 .eq. 1) then
; Create an XWorkstation object.
  xworkid = create "ft01Work" xWorkstationClass defaultapp
      "wkPause" : "True"
      "wkColorMap" : cmap
  end create
    if (PS .eq. 1) then
; Create a PSWorkstation object.
      xworkid = create "ft01Work" psWorkstationClass defaultapp
        "wkPSFileName" : "ft01n.ps"
        "wkColorMap" : cmap
      end create
    end if
  end if
end if

; Draw two graphs: 
;   1.)  The interpolated function values.
;   2.)  The first derivatives with respect to the parameter variable.

; Define data objects:
;   dataid1(0) - coordinates of the original points.
;   dataid1(1) - coordinates of the interpolated points.
;   dataid2(0) - zero line for derivative plots.
;   dataid2(1) - coordinates of the first derivative of x wrt u.
;   dataid3(0) - zero line for derivative plots.
;   dataid3(1) - coordinates of the first derivative of y wrt u.
dataid1 = new(2,graphic)
dataid2 = new(2,graphic)
dataid3 = new(2,graphic)

; Define a data object with the original points.  The id for this 
; object will later be used as the value for an XYPlot data resource, 
; 'xyCoordData'.
dataid1(0) = create "OriginalPoints" coordArraysClass defaultapp
    "caXArray": x
    "caYArray": y
end create

; Define a data object with the interpolated points.  The id for this 
; object will later be used as the value for an XYPlot data resource, 
; 'xyCoordData'.
dataid1(1) = create "InterpolatedPoints" coordArraysClass defaultapp
    "caXArray": xo
    "caYArray": yo
end create

; Define a data object to mark the zero line in the derivative plots.
xz = new(2,float)
yz = new(2,float)
xz(0) = 0.
xz(1) = 1.
yz(0) = 0.
yz(1) = 0.
dataid2(0) = create "ZeroLine" coordArraysClass defaultapp
    "caXArray": xz
    "caYArray": yz
end create
dataid3(0) = dataid2(0)

; Define a data object with the derivatives of X wrt the parameter
; variable. 
dataid2(1) = create "XDerivatives" coordArraysClass defaultapp
    "caXArray": u
    "caYArray": xd
end create

; Define a data object with the derivatives of Y wrt the parameter
; variable. 
dataid3(1) = create "YDerivatives" coordArraysClass defaultapp
    "caXArray": u
    "caYArray": yd
end create

; Create an XyPlot object for drawing a curve with the interpolated
; points.
plotid_function = create "xyPlot" xyPlotClass xworkid
    "vpXF": .15
    "vpYF": .85
    "vpWidthF" :  .7
    "vpHeightF" : .7
    "trYMaxF" :   40.
    "trYMinF" :   0.
    "trXMaxF" :   40.
    "trXMinF" :   0.
    "xyCoordData": dataid1
    "tmXTBorderOn": "False"
    "tmYRBorderOn": "False"
    "tmXBMinorPerMajor": 5
    "tmYLMinorPerMajor": 5
    "tmBorderThicknessF": 1.
    "tmXMajorGridThicknessF": 1.
    "tmXBMajorLengthF": 0.015
    "tmYLMajorLengthF": 0.015
    "tmXBMinorLengthF": 0.0075
    "tmXBMajorThicknessF": 1.0
    "tmYLMajorThicknessF": 1.0
    "tmXTOn": "False"
    "tmYROn": "False"
    "tmXBLabelFont": 21
    "tmXBLabelFontHeightF": 0.025
    "tmYLLabelFont": 21
    "tmYLLabelFontHeightF": 0.025
    "tmYLMode": "Manual"
    "tmYLTickStartF": 0.
    "tmYLTickSpacingF": 10.0
    "tmYLTickEndF": 40.
    "tmXBMode": "Manual"
    "tmXBTickStartF": 0.
    "tmXBTickSpacingF": 10.0
    "tmXBTickEndF": 40.
end create

getvalues plotid_function
    "xyCoordDataSpec": dataspec
end getvalues

setvalues dataspec(0)
    "xyMarkLineMode": "markers"
    "xyMarkerColor": 4
    "xyMarkerSizeF": 0.025
end setvalues

; Draw a graph of the interpolated points.
drw_text("Demo for ftkurv",0.5,0.93,0.04,xworkid)

; Draw a graph of the X derivative.
setvalues plotid_function
    "trYMaxF" :   80.
    "trYMinF" :  -80.
    "trXMaxF" :   1.
    "trXMinF" :   0.
    "xyCoordData": dataid2
    "tmYLTickStartF": -80.
    "tmYLTickSpacingF": 40.0
    "tmYLTickEndF": 80.
    "tmXBTickStartF": 0.
    "tmXBTickSpacingF": 0.2
    "tmXBTickEndF": 1.
    "tmXBMajorLengthF": 0.020
    "tmXBMinorLengthF": 0.010
    "tmYLMajorLengthF": 0.020
    "tmYLMinorLengthF": 0.010
    "tmXBMinorPerMajor": 4
    "tmYLMinorPerMajor": 4
    "vpXF": .15
    "vpYF": .87
    "vpWidthF" :  .7
    "vpHeightF" : .32
    "tmYLLabelFontHeightF": 0.023
    "tmXBLabelFontHeightF": 0.023
end setvalues
getvalues plotid_function
    "xyCoordDataSpec": dataspec
end getvalues
setvalues dataspec(0)
    "xyLineColor": 2
end setvalues

; Draw a graph of the Y derivative.
setvalues plotid_function
    "trYMinF" :  -40.
    "xyCoordData": dataid3
    "tmYLTickStartF": -40.
    "vpXF": .15
    "vpYF": .42
    "vpHeightF" : .32
end setvalues
getvalues plotid_function
    "xyCoordDataSpec": dataspec
end getvalues
setvalues dataspec(0)
    "xyLineColor": 2
end setvalues

drw_text("Derivatives from ftcurvd",0.5,0.95,0.04,xworkid)

; End NCL script.

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