#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> void NclCloseServer( void );Description
Must be called to shut down the NCL server.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> void NclFreeDataList ( NclApiDataList *the_list; );Arguments
Frees the pointer to an NclApiDataList that was returned by one of the other API functions.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> void NclFreeExtValue( NclExtValueRec *val );Arguments
Frees the data pointed to by val.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList *NclGetDelHLUObjsList( void );Description
Returns a list of HLU objects that have been deleted since the last call to this function.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> int NclGetErrorId( void );Description
Returns the HLU error object id being used.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclExtValueRec *NclGetExprValue( char * expression );Arguments
This function submits the string expression to NCL for evaluation. The result of the expression is returned as a pointer to an NclExtValueRec. If the evaluation of the expression fails, NULL is returned. The errors generated by the expression string can be accessed using NclPrintErrorMsgs.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList *NclGetFileList( void );Description
Returns a list of currently referenced files and information about the file: the name, path, file type, read/write status, number of file dimensions, the names of all the dimensions, file attributes, and all of the file variable names.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList* NclGetFileVarsList( NclQuark filevar );Arguments
Returns a list the variable information for all the file variables in the file filevar quark. This information includes the variable name, variable type, dimension sizes, dimension names, and attribute names. If the file does not exist, NULL is returned.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> int NclGetHLUObjId( char *var_name );Arguments
Returns the HLU integer object id associated with a variable name.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList *NclGetHLUObjsList( void );Description
Returns a list of all the HLU objects currently referenced by NCL symbols.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList *NclGetNewHLUObjsList( void );Description
Returns a list of HLU objects that have been created since a previous call to this function.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList *NclGetProcFuncList( (void) );Description
Returns the list of currently defined functions and procedures as well as information about parameter types and dimension sizes.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclApiDataList *NclGetVarList( void );Description
Returns the list of currently defined variables, their types, dimensionality, dimension names, attribute names, and symbol table entries.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> NclExtValueRec *NclGetVarValue( char* var_name, int copy_data );Arguments
The name of the variable whose data are to be returned.
True or False value. Specifies whether the data referenced by the variable should be copied before it is returned.
This function returns the data portion of an NCL variable. The data portion is the actual multidimensional array and its dimensionality.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> int NclInitServer( NhlErrorTypes error_level );Arguments
Specifies the error level to be reported.
Initializes the NCL server. This must be called before any HLU calls or calls to any of the other functions listed here. The error level parameter allows the user to set what level of messages will be printed by NclPrintErrorMsgs.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> void NclPrintErrorMsgs( void );Description
Prints out the currently buffered error messages to whatever the errFileName or errFilePtr resources are set to.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> int NclSubmitBlock1( char* script, int script_size );Arguments
A single block of memory containing one or more '\n'-terminated lines of NCL source.
Size of the block of memory.
Submits a script for execution to the NCL server. If the return value is 0, the script failed and error messages may need to be printed out using the NclPrintErrorMsgs function. A nonzero number means the script completed correctly.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> int NclSubmitBlock2( char *script[] );Arguments
An array of NULL terminated lines of NCL source.
Functions similar to the NclSubmitBlock1 function call with the exception that the input script is an array of strings rather than a block of text. For hard-coded script, this is the ideal form to submit scripts. For files, however, it is easier to use the NclSubmitBlock1.
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/ApiRecords.h> #include <ncarg/ncl/NclApi.h> int NclSubmitCommand( char *command; );Arguments
A single NCL statement.
Works like both the block functions, except only a single statement is submitted.
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