HLUs: Putting it all together
Here are some reminders to help you get started using HLUs effectively:
- Make sure that the NCAR Graphics software is properly installed
by running an
ng4ex example in a working directory.
- Create a new application by copying and renaming an ng4ex
example and its resource file (ends with .res) that produces
a graphic similar to what you need.
- Edit the example source code so it reads your
dataset, creates the output you want, and sends the output
to the type of workstation you want.
- Edit your assignment paths for resources in the .res file. Enter
the values you want for the resources in the .res file.
- Compile and execute your program. Look at your graphic. If it is
output to an X Window, it will appear on your monitor. If you
wrote an NCGM file, use ctrans, ictrans, or idt to view it. If you wrote a
PostScript file, you can use a PostScript previewer such as ghostscript
to view it, or you can send it to a PostScript printer.
- If you detect problems with the image, select new values
for the appropriate resources in a resource file and re-execute.
If there are problems with the graphical objects, return to and
edit your HLU program, as needed.
See also:
User Guide Control Panel
NG4.1 Home, Index, Examples, Glossary, Feedback, UG Contents, UG WhereAmI?
$Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 1998/07/31 00:55:37 $