6th Coordinated Working Group Meeting (CWGM6) for Stellarator/Heliotron Studies

International Stellarator/Heliotron Profile Database
International Stellarator/Heliotron Confinement Database

16 October 2009 (following the conclusion of the ISHW)
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton, New Jersey, USA

The next Coordinated Working Group Meeting (CWGM6), to be held October 16, 2009 at PPPL,
is the sixth of a series that started at Kyoto University in 2006.

Topics for discussion are shown below:

Progress after the 5th CWGM (Stuttgart)
Joint papers (e.g. for the 2010 IAEA-FEC)
Plan of joint research




Inquiries should be directed to:   yokoyama at LHD.nifs.ac.jp (NIFS)












Last update: September 18, 2009