17th International Stellarator / Heliotron Workshop 2009
12-16 October 2009
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
Princeton, New Jersey, USAWorkshop Schedule (12-16 October)
ISHW 2009 Program Committee
Chair: Prof. Robert Wolf IPP-Greifswald robert.wolf@ipp.mpg.de Prof. Robert Dewar ANU robert.dewar@anu.edu.au Dr. Todd Evans General Atomics todd.evans@gat.com Dr. Carlos Hidalgo CIEMAT carlos.hidalgo@ciemat.es Prof. Katsumi Ida NIFS ida@lhd.nifs.ac.jp Prof. Lev Kovryzhnykh General Physics Institute,
Russian Academy of Scienceslmkov@fpl.gpi.ru Prof. Tohru Mizuuchi Kyoto University mizuuchi@iae.kyoto-u.ac.jp Dr. Joseph Talmadge University of Wisconsin /Madison talmadge@wisc.edu Dr. Vladimir Tereshin IPP-Kharkov tereshin@ipp.kharkov.ua Dr. Michael Zarnstorff PPPL zarnstor@pppl.gov Local Organizing Committee, PPPL
Chair: Dr. Michael Zarnstorff zarnstorff@pppl.gov Conference Secretary: Pamela Hampton ISHW09@pppl.gov Organizers: David Mikkelsen mikkelsen@pppl.gov Carol Ann Austin caustin@pppl.gov
Last update: September 8, 2009