A *Remarkable Finite Element

Speaker: Dr. Steve Jardin, PPPL
This talk will describe recent applications using the reduced quintic triangular finite element. The expansion used in the element will represent a complete quartic polynomial in two dimensions, and thus the error will be of order /h^5 / if the solution is sufficiently smooth. The quintic terms are constrained to enforce/C^1 /continuity across element boundaries, allowing their use with partial differential equations involving derivatives up to fourth order. There are only three unknowns per node in the global problem, which leads to lower rank matrices when compared with other high-order methods with similar accuracy but lower order continuity. The integrations to form the matrix elements are all done in closed form, even for the nonlinear terms. The element is shown to be well suited for elliptic problems, anisotropic diffusion, the Grad-Shafranov-Schlüter equation, and the time-dependent MHD or extended MHD equations. The element is also well suited for 3D calculations when the third (angular) dimension is represented as a Fourier series.
Last modified: Mon Feb 9 16:38:05 EST 2004