Multiple developers
Updating a file
Based on what operations you have performed on a
checked out file, and what operations others have
performed to that file in the repository, one can
classify a file in a number of states. The states, as
reported by the status
command, are:
Up-to-date | The file is identical with the latest revision in the repository for the branch in use. |
Locally Modified | You have edited the file, and not yet committed your changes. |
Locally Added |
You have added the file with |
Locally Removed |
You have removed the file with |
Needs Checkout |
Someone else has committed a newer revision to the
repository. The name is slightly misleading; you will
ordinarily use |
Needs Patch | Like Needs Checkout, but the CVS server will send a patch rather than the entire file. Sending a patch or sending an entire file accomplishes the same thing. |
Needs Merge | Someone else has committed a newer revision to the repository, and you have also made modifications to the file. |
File had conflicts on merge |
This is like Locally Modified, except that a previous
Unknown |
CVS doesn't know anything about this file. For
example, you have created a new file and have not run
To help clarify the file status, status
reports the Working revision
which is the
revision that the file in the working directory derives
from, and the Repository revision
which is the
latest revision in the repository for the branch in
The options to status
are listed in
Invoking CVS. For information on its Sticky tag
and Sticky date
output, see Sticky tags.
For information on its Sticky options
see the `-k
' option in update options.
You can think of the status
and update
commands as somewhat complementary. You use
to bring your files up to date, and you
can use status
to give you some idea of what an
would do (of course, the state of the
repository might change before you actually run
). In fact, if you want a command to
display file status in a more brief format than is
displayed by the status
command, you can invoke
$ cvs -n -q update
The `-n
' option means to not actually do the
update, but merely to display statuses; the `-q
option avoids printing the name of each directory. For
more information on the update
command, and
these options, see Invoking CVS.