CVS---Concurrent Versions System. Node: Getting the source

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1.3.1: Getting the source

The first thing you must do is to get your own working copy of the source for `tc'. For this, you use the checkout command:

$ cvs checkout tc

This will create a new directory called `tc' and populate it with the source files.

$ cd tc
$ ls
CVS         Makefile    backend.c   driver.c    frontend.c  parser.c

The `CVS' directory is used internally by CVS. Normally, you should not modify or remove any of the files in it.

You start your favorite editor, hack away at `backend.c', and a couple of hours later you have added an optimization pass to the compiler. A note to RCS and SCCS users: There is no need to lock the files that you want to edit. See Multiple developers, for an explanation.

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