Dired Extra Version 2 User's Manual. Node: Special Notes

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2.3: Special Notes

If `dired-x.el' was not bundled with the version of GNU Emacs installed at your site (i.e., not in the default `../lisp' directory) then you must put the file `dired-x.el' in a directory known to GNU Emacs. Examine the variable load-path for a list of these directories. If you wish to add a new directory on this list of directories use something like this in your `.emacs' file

(setq load-path (append
                 load-path ; default at top

it will be found first) then you should use instead

(setq load-path (append
                 load-path)) ; default at bottom

You must also byte compile the file (for example, hitting B in dired-mode). When byte-compiling `dired-x.el' you may get messages about functions vm-visit-folder, Man-notify-when-ready, and reporter-submit-bug-report not being defined. These are warnings and should be ignored.

than you may have to edit `dired.el'. The copy of `dired.el' in GNU Emacs versions earlier than 19.20 incorrectly had the call to run-hooks before the call to provide. In such a case, it is possible that byte-compiling and/or loading dired can cause an infinite loop. To prevent this, make sure the line of code

        (run-hooks 'dired-load-hook)

That is, make sure it comes after the line

        (provide 'dired)
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