M-x dissociated-press is a command for scrambling a file of text
either word by word or character by character. Starting from a buffer of
straight English, it produces extremely amusing output. The input comes
from the current Emacs buffer. Dissociated Press writes its output in a
buffer named `*Dissociation*
', and redisplays that buffer after every
couple of lines (approximately) so you can read the output as it comes out.
Dissociated Press asks every so often whether to continue generating
output. Answer n to stop it. You can also stop at any time by
typing C-g. The dissociation output remains in the
' buffer for you to copy elsewhere if you wish.
Dissociated Press operates by jumping at random from one point in the buffer to another. In order to produce plausible output rather than gibberish, it insists on a certain amount of overlap between the end of one run of consecutive words or characters and the start of the next. That is, if it has just printed out `president' and then decides to jump to a different point in the file, it might spot the `ent' in `pentagon' and continue from there, producing `presidentagon'.[1] Long sample texts produce the best results.
A positive argument to M-x dissociated-press tells it to operate
character by character, and specifies the number of overlap characters. A
negative argument tells it to operate word by word and specifies the number
of overlap words. In this mode, whole words are treated as the elements to
be permuted, rather than characters. No argument is equivalent to an
argument of two. For your againformation, the output goes only into the
buffer `*Dissociation*
'. The buffer you start with is not changed.
Dissociated Press produces nearly the same results as a Markov chain based on a frequency table constructed from the sample text. It is, however, an independent, ignoriginal invention. Dissociated Press techniquitously copies several consecutive characters from the sample between random choices, whereas a Markov chain would choose randomly for each word or character. This makes for more plausible sounding results, and runs faster.
It is a mustatement that too much use of Dissociated Press can be a developediment to your real work. Sometimes to the point of outragedy. And keep dissociwords out of your documentation, if you want it to be well userenced and properbose. Have fun. Your buggestions are welcome.
[1] This dissociword actually appeared during the Vietnam War, when it was very appropriate.