Choosing Articles
Choosing Variables
None of the following movement commands understand the numeric prefix, and they all select and display an article.
Select the current article, or, if that one's read already, the next
unread article ( |
G n
n |
Go to next unread article ( |
G p
p |
Go to previous unread article ( |
N |
Go to the next article ( |
P |
Go to the previous article ( |
G C-n |
Go to the next article with the same subject
( |
G C-p |
Go to the previous article with the same subject
( |
G f
. |
Go to the first unread article
( |
G b
, |
Go to the article with the highest score
( |
G l
l |
Go to the previous article read ( |
G o |
Pop an article off the summary history and go to this article
( |