Unread Articles
Marking Articles
Other Marks
All the following marks mark articles as read.
`r '
These are articles that the user has marked as read with the d
command manually, more or less ( |
`R '
Articles that have actually been read ( |
`O '
Articles that were marked as read in previous sessions and are now
old ( |
`K '
Marked as killed ( |
`X '
Marked as killed by kill files ( |
`Y '
Marked as read by having too low a score ( |
`C '
Marked as read by a catchup ( |
`G '
Canceled article ( |
`F '
SOUPed article ( |
`Q '
Sparsely reffed article ( |
`M '
Article marked as read by duplicate suppression
( |
All these marks just mean that the article is marked as read, really. They are interpreted differently when doing adaptive scoring, though.
One more special mark, though:
`E '
Marked as expirable ( Marking articles as expirable (or have them marked as such automatically) doesn't make much sense in normal groups---a user doesn't control expiring of news articles, but in mail groups, for instance, articles marked as expirable can be deleted by Gnus at any time. |