Backend Interface
Optional Backend Functions
(nnchoke-retrieve-headers ARTICLES &optional GROUP SERVER FETCH-OLD)
articles is either a range of article numbers or a list of
The result data should either be HEADs or NOV lines, and the result
value should either be
If fetch-old is non- Here's an example HEAD:
So a Here's a BNF definition of such a buffer:
If the return value is
For a closer look at what should be in those fields, see Headers. |
(nnchoke-open-server SERVER &optional DEFINITIONS)
server is here the virtual server name. definitions is a
list of If the server can't be opened, no error should be signaled. The backend may then choose to refuse further attempts at connecting to this server. In fact, it should do so.
If the server is opened already, this function should return a
non- |
(nnchoke-close-server &optional SERVER)
Close connection to server and free all resources connected
to it. Return There should be no data returned. |
Close connection to all servers and free all resources that the backend
have reserved. All buffers that have been created by that backend
should be killed. (Not the There should be no data returned. |
(nnchoke-server-opened &optional SERVER)
If server is the current virtual server, and the connection to the
physical server is alive, then this function should return a
non- There should be no data returned. |
(nnchoke-status-message &optional SERVER)
This function should return the last error message from server. There should be no data returned. |
(nnchoke-request-article ARTICLE &optional GROUP SERVER TO-BUFFER)
The result data from this function should be the article specified by
article. This might either be a
If to-buffer is non-
If it is at all possible, this function should return a cons cell where
the |
(nnchoke-request-group GROUP &optional SERVER FAST)
Get data on group. This function also has the side effect of making group the current group. If FAST, don't bother to return useful data, just make group the current group. Here's an example of some result data and a definition of the same:
The first number is the status, which should be 211. Next is the total number of articles in the group, the lowest article number, the highest article number, and finally the group name. Note that the total number of articles may be less than one might think while just considering the highest and lowest article numbers, but some articles may have been canceled. Gnus just discards the total-number, so whether one should take the bother to generate it properly (if that is a problem) is left as an exercise to the reader.
(nnchoke-close-group GROUP &optional SERVER)
Close group and free any resources connected to it. This will be a no-op on most backends. There should be no data returned. |
(nnchoke-request-list &optional SERVER)
Return a list of all groups available on server. And that means all. Here's an example from a server that only carries two groups:
On each line we have a group name, then the highest article number in that group, the lowest article number, and finally a flag.
The flag says whether the group is read-only (` |
(nnchoke-request-post &optional SERVER)
This function should post the current buffer. It might return whether the posting was successful or not, but that's not required. If, for instance, the posting is done asynchronously, it has generally not been completed by the time this function concludes. In that case, this function should set up some kind of sentinel to beep the user loud and clear if the posting could not be completed. There should be no result data from this function. |