All Mailcrypt commands are (by default) activated by three-character key sequences which begin with C-c /. The most common operations are:
Encrypting a Message | C-c / e encrypts a message using the recipient's (or recipients') public key(s). See Encrypting. |
Decrypting a Message | C-c / d decrypts a message using your secret key. See Decrypting. |
Signing a Message | C-c / s clearsigns a message using your secret key. See Signing. |
Verifying a Signature | C-c / v verifies the signature on a clearsigned message using the sender's public key. See Verifying. |
These functions and others are documented in detail in the following chapters.
Any time you are composing or reading mail or news, you can get a
summary of the available commands by typing C-h m. If you are
running Emacs under X, an even easier way to see the available commands
is to access the Mailcrypt
pull-down menu.