Mailcrypt can remember your passphrase so that you need not type it
repeatedly. It will also "forget" your passphrase if it has not been
used in a while, thus trading some security for some convenience. You
can tune this tradeoff with the variable mc-passwd-timeout
, which
is a duration in seconds from the last time the passphrase was used
until Mailcrypt will forget it. The default value is 60 seconds.
So, for example, to make Mailcrypt remember your passphrase for 10
minutes after each use, you would use the following line in your
' file:
(setq mc-passwd-timeout 600)
A value of nil
or 0 will disable passphrase caching completely.
This provides some increase in security, but be aware that you are
already playing a dangerous game by typing your passphrase at a Lisp
Mailcrypt understands multiple secret keys with distinct passphrases.
To manually force Mailcrypt to forget your passphrase(s), use the
function mc-deactivate-passwd
. Both mc-read-mode
bind this function to C-c / f by default.
, normally bound to C-h l. So be sure to type
at least 100 characters after typing your passphrase if you plan to
leave your terminal unattended.