To use Mailcrypt's remailing facilities, you need to configure them first. Begin with the following steps:
finger > ~/.remailers
This will create a Levien-format list of remailers in the file
' in your home directory. Mailcrypt will parse this the
first time you access a remailer function.
' file and find the ones you want to use.
for a list of remailer public keys. Note
that Mailcrypt requires that you have the public keys of all the
remailers you want to use, and therefore that the remailers support PGP
Now test the remailer functions. First compose an outgoing Email
message (using C-x m, for example) addressed to yourself. Type
C-c / r. Choose a remailer; use TAB
to get completion
on its name. The buffer will be rewritten for anonymous mailing through
that remailer.